On January 31 2016 12:01 ticklishmusic wrote: well i won a game, there was some girl streamer on my team so the world knows i won a game
unfortunately she was gold... why am i getting gold people on my team The only response to that is always "because that's your level".
On another note, I'm fucking tilting. I duoed with Nafta yesterday and played like shit so I deserve it. I was well on my way to D2 but I guess my MMR dropped after my 5 losses streak and now I'm just at +20 -15 instead of +30 - 10. FML.
On January 31 2016 16:03 mr_tolkien wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2016 12:01 ticklishmusic wrote: well i won a game, there was some girl streamer on my team so the world knows i won a game
unfortunately she was gold... why am i getting gold people on my team The only response to that is always "because that's your level". On another note, I'm fucking tilting. I duoed with Nafta yesterday and played like shit so I deserve it. I was well on my way to D2 but I guess my MMR dropped after my 5 losses streak and now I'm just at +20 -15 instead of +30 - 10. FML.
I'm amazed, somehow I've declined from D2 last season to P2 placements (4-6) and now I'm P4. I guess that's close enough to gold but why is the other team still have shinier borders each game consistently...
On January 08 2016 17:46 M2 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2016 12:35 Senorcuidado wrote: I really think that if riot revealed the details of their matchmaking algorithm people would quit en masse. There's no explanation for why I win 10 in a row with competent teammates and then get 10 games in a row with people going 2/12 and 4/14. By competent I don't mean they carry. I mean they go about even while I carry. It's obvious that after a streak of that, matchmaking adjusts to force teammates who will feed. It's the pattern I've observed throughout three years at least. Long win streaks followed by long loss streaks where my scores are consistent but teammates range from doing okay to feeding like crazy. It makes sense that opponents will get better and better, but why should teammates get worse and worse? Yeah I noticed the same thing on several accounts I can observe closely (2 mine and few close friends), so it can't be just lucky/unlucky. There is a pattern, the game obviously can recognize lesser/better players among same elo group. The most obvious conclusion is that the system (Rito) tries to keep people at around 50% win rate by whatever means it can. Why is that, I don't know, maybe Riot are afraid that many people may quit the game if they are put in teams where no one can carry them for too long and demote too much, maybe they are afraid that there will be too many lucky win streaks, maybe both, maybe something else, no idea really, but most likely its business model/profits issue
I concur. It is SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING - matchmaking only really works in two ways; you get 10 wins in a row or you get 10 losses in a row, there is no middle ground. It is hard to carry when your team feed on all lines.
Same thing happened to me ofc. It's the start of a new season. Soft resets etc has always made this a clusterfuck.
got fb for our poppy, and she proceeds to feed enemy gp 8 kills
i dont know, i really dont
maybe its time to make a new account and start from scratch
a second post because it happened again:
garen top v fiora: first blood, second kill, waaaay ahead. i die when i dive her so it's 5-1 and like 80 to 40 cs. she goes elsewhere, i splitpush down an inhib by 20 minutes.
enemy yi goes legendary, can't do shit we lose.
im done, im going to play dota or smite.
On February 01 2016 13:29 ticklishmusic wrote: a second post because it happened again:
garen top v fiora: first blood, second kill, waaaay ahead. i die when i dive her so it's 5-1 and like 80 to 40 cs. she goes elsewhere, i splitpush down an inhib by 20 minutes.
enemy yi goes legendary, can't do shit we lose.
im done, im going to play dota or smite.
i FEEL you bro. Yi is such a stupid champion. there is no middle line: either he goes afk farm for 25 minutes, dying all over and feeling 100% useless or he gets fed as fuck, full devourer/guinsoo/botrk and 1vs5 everyone in 3 seconds. Ridicolous
I started out 5/1 against that Gnar with no help from my jungler
Too bad my team fed to high heaven
I'm making a new account, perhaps without my old ranks it will be ok
our vayne bard lane gives up a double to graves at level 2 in a fight that they started problem was our vayne started cull 10 mins later graves is 4/0 or vayne never left bot for the whole 20 min didn't get tower but did give a lot of free gold away
lol i have 2 friends who have absolutely the worst synergy possible
these guys have totally incompatible playstyles
whenver I duo with them individually it's fine, but whenever we trio I don't recall a game we've won in the last month even while smurfing
I think we're 0-10 together? luckily we call it quits early every time but rofl every time we try again the two just have horrible synergy and make each other play worse.
sucks cause I'd rather 3 man and we all know each other well
one's a wuss whos the epitome of passive and plays only fotm champs / utility champs and has a hard time recognizing kill potential going both ways one's a fucking aggro jungle main who is essentially the diamond version of rush+china and is all about the damages and fuck vision or playing safe. always invade, never not invade. always fight, never not fight. always contest dragon, never not contest dragon
as you can probably guess, it does not end up well when both are required to coordinate on a play
Assassin Rengar is dead, I agree that it needed some fixing, but Rito overdid it, they nerfed all three aspects of assassin rengar - Engage ( ! indicator range) , Burst (Q damage) and Gank potential (E rooting), so instead of nerfing him they straight killed, at least Bruiser-Tank rengar still works as before, but its not the same feeiling :-((
enemy team has malphite thresh and rammus great time for our top lane to bust out his Quinn top
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Vaynespotting + Jax channeling mobafire. In a way, it's beautiful.
Whenever I queue up ADC as my primary role (mid/top second, I don't really want those roles though), God rolls a dice between 30s and 40 minutes. And the teams are often stupidly inbalanced, I don't want to wait 25 minutes for a 20 minute game (half of my last 10 games are like that lol).
Assassin Rengar is dead
Good, now I can use that ban for Kindred.
sometimes playing on a smurf makes me sad
I play on it to play champs I am not comfortable enough to play on my main, so there are definitely alot of 'those' games where you lose not because you made big misplays, but because you're not good/familiar enough on the champion to exploit mistakes harder and carry harder.
so yeah super frustrating when you get a string of losses where you end up like 2/0 30cs on your opponent while your team is like 3/15 and you face a 15-1 corki that one shots you with an auto+R.
not just because I'm losing, but because I'm not really learning much from these lopsided games.
honestly might just be better off sacrificing some LP on my main. I'll learn a lot more about matchups playing vs those who will stomp me. rather than just going even to slightly ahead in lane vs inferior players and then getting steamrolled by a snowballed lane elsewhere.\
but then again that would be ironic since I'd essentially become the problem I'm complaining about to other players
Queue up Bot/Support 15 games, 12 support, 3 ad. Not sure i like this new system.
I get jungle about 1/10 times I queue up as Jungle/Supp. Need a 3rd role just for the times I'm sick of supporting.
At least we're getting soloq back in just two months