they should make a que for just solo but instead went the complete opposite way how is it fair that I lose the same lp as the four stack who all fed and clearly have no business playing ranked next game I don't get stuck with a shitty 4 stack but hey back to whoever has the worst player loses meta jax dies 9 times in 22 mins 7 deaths were to their jungle graves blames me for not counter ganking when for 3/4 of his first deaths we got 1 kill or 2 bot. but sinces hes jax he has to be the guy that carries and instead of running from the graves kept leaping into trying to kill him spoiler alert never happened. god forbi someone who is behind acutally plays like they are
why tahm kench can 100-0 me under my turret lvl 8 when I am 2 kills ahead of him (ok it was 80-0 and he had ignite but still...)? also why does he had 80% of my damage in a losing game with 15k building full tank, while I was 15/4/10 full damage rengar with 19k and most damage in the game?
its a new season, things are going great. im 4-0 in placements as fill and have been getting pretty good teammates. in one of them I laned with maplestreet and we utterly shat on everyone. felt pretty good. pretty much everyone was d1-challenger last season.
then dynamic queue goes down and I queue up in soloq. my team is all d3 shitters and we get fucking rekt from their top quinn destroying our fiora then rushing swiftness to tower dive every single lane with their jungler. tfw you get dove to your t2 turret when your t1 tower is still full health.
16/0/4 quinn great experience.
hilarious thing is that the d3 players werent even the problem. our fucking fiora was masters 350 LP last season while their quinn was d4
singlehandedly losing a game as the highest ranked player woohoo
yea bring back dynamic queue where at least I'll be queued with shitters who can communicate with their jungler to figure out something or listen to a friend who tells them to stop feeding instead of this fiora whining about jungle as she gets solo'd repeatedly near quinn's turret
edit: fuck soloqueue dont get why everyone wants it so bad
the past 2 games of soloqueue were the worst ranked games i've played since dynamic queue came out. people who play different roles and idiots who don't know how to play safe/handle splitpushing
legit shat on enemy singed to the point he was raging in allchat but rest of our team just rolls over and dies to a jungle shyvana + their vayne
edit2: WOOHOO
obviously i'm a shit player boosted because dynamic queue is all about who has the most friends :^)
am i doing it right?
seriously every fucking soloqueue game we have crybabies crying about bans, roles, or some other shit.
rengar got fed, no one knows how to deal with him, mid ahri cries all game about rengar not being banned and fiora (yea the same masters shitter) with the argument that rengar ban wasn't requested which is fair, but either way this entire game is a shitfest.
meanwhile i'm the adc getting 1 shot by a 18 kill rengar with lulu whimsy + ult
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Epik shaco split pushes while I'm stuck 1v2ing when we're down to exposed nexus. Top notch XDs
guys i did it
i found koreans who are fucking awful at league
they carry the burden of their entire race upon them
sad as fuuuck
late night 5 man stack normals matchmaking is HORRIBLE
3 games in a row my team of season5 rank d1,p3,p1,s4,s1 is put against d4,d5,d5,d5,p3
like what the fuck. even if I was playing my absolute best champion I cannot carry hard enough to compensate for a diamond and plat shitting on my silvers.
not to mention I got countered all games + camped so staying even was a struggle in itself, let alone carry.
like I commend my noob friends for actually managing to not make enough mistakes to have to ff20 every game but it was so inevitable that we would lose and everyone in that game knew it. not too fun.
oh and I finally lost a leblanc game in normals, my go to stomp for FWOTD champ. I must've been at least 30-0 on it till today.
Holy shit I forgot how frustrating these lower-ranked games were. So many kills setup that my carries are afraid to take, and I just had a game where we could've finished at least 3 times but nope adcarry too scared to hit turret in 5v1 situation, better spam ping baron. And then when I notice I can go for the win my team just fights 4v5 and get cleaned so we lose the game.
I fucking hate long games.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Plat IV -> 5-0 placements into 6-4 -> Gold III.
Playing in Gold level can be pretty fucking frustrating, I almost forgot how hard it is sometimes to struggle, especially when you main support role and you promised yourself to play Gragas only in this season. Support Gragas is fun, he deals lotta damage and he scales pretty OKAY into mid-late game if you ask me but damn, I think I'll need to find someone to play 2-3 man ranked and then solo my way up from plat V +
On January 25 2016 15:24 AlterKot wrote: Holy shit I forgot how frustrating these lower-ranked games were. So many kills setup that my carries are afraid to take, and I just had a game where we could've finished at least 3 times but nope adcarry too scared to hit turret in 5v1 situation, better spam ping baron. And then when I notice I can go for the win my team just fights 4v5 and get cleaned so we lose the game.
I fucking hate long games.
I've found at Gold and below there are basically 2 groups of players. There are those who can go off on Vayne but have piss poor decision making which results in solo deaths and losing a lot, and then those with good decision making and ass mechanics. I had a Gold2 AD in one of my games when I was Plat3, I felt like we were doing pretty well-- got a kill or two lane and came out ahead (or so I thought), then when we started grouping he rotated well and kept alive... then I realized his damage was really shitty because his CS was low.
I checked my games. IDK why, but my teams look like this: me diamond, rest of my team is gold. Enemy team is some combination of 3 plats and then a diamond and a gold. This has gone on through all my placements with dynamic queue. That is some bullshit. Like yeah I'm pretty good at this game, but I play support and jungle which are positions you can't really carry from...
I have just played against one of the most cancer comps in soloq
malphite kindred yasuo twitch janna
basically their comp revolves around fucking the backline (aka me) in the ass, and even if that fails, they have a kindred janna protecting twitch.
even when I dodged the malphite yasuo combo the twitch was just unstoppable with a kindred ulti and janna ulting out enemies.
i felt so helpless.
if only our team picked more lane dominant champs so we could just win lane win game + they have bad waveclear but we had like shen yi talon morgana lol
so its me with my diamond border and my teammates have gold/plat but i swear it feels like theyre all bronze, how can people this bad not be in bronze
i guess the difference is bronze people outright feed and fall apart whereas gold people occasionally have an okay teamfight and give you hope so they can crush it to tiny pieces
ive lost 4 games today and the closest i got to winning had a teemo top go 0/6 with 40 cs. our mid was okay and bottom was way ahead but it wasn't enough cuz fiora split, got more cs, killed teemo a couple times then 1v5'd.
Playing the best Singed of my life. AFK city, noob city, Silver 4 after placements....
In champ select...
gamecheckerflo: i will troll
I'm in the depths now.
Eve support, just googled it to see if it's a thing. All I can find is Eve Online support pages.
On January 27 2016 11:01 ticklishmusic wrote: so its me with my diamond border and my teammates have gold/plat but i swear it feels like theyre all bronze, how can people this bad not be in bronze
i guess the difference is bronze people outright feed and fall apart whereas gold people occasionally have an okay teamfight and give you hope so they can crush it to tiny pieces
ive lost 4 games today and the closest i got to winning had a teemo top go 0/6 with 40 cs. our mid was okay and bottom was way ahead but it wasn't enough cuz fiora split, got more cs, killed teemo a couple times then 1v5'd. My experience with placements has been plat borders are equally capable of outright feeding. It seems more common than before, going 0/5+ at like 10m. They also pay no attention to the map and can't notice something pinged in front of them. I dunno I haven't really played since S3 but Plat didn't used to be this boosted I think.
I had someone be level 7 with 40cs at 16 minutes.
first placement game and i get this. this is why i get fucking banned.
Cait so useful (we lost obviously).
Game 2, what a fucking surprise, another loss. Game is 100% pure unadulterated luck.
so i manage to win a couple gamed by clawing my way back from huge deficits
last game of the night, we do well early which is a pleasant surprise. of course, then we throw late. enemy team gets baron, i say wait it out then we make an easy push mid and win but ofc we gotta fight and lose
This entire season is a reason to QQ ~_~ Get placed 5 divisions where I was at the end of last season and am now 16-30 playing mostly supports. Its like I am not good enough to carry from the support position in Silver 5 but in Gold 5 I was doing fine and climbing. Guess I can't trust others to bloody do the damage in fights.
You can lead an idiot carry to safety but you can't make them do their fucking job and do damage.
why can't my team surrender at 15 mins