The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 550
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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1166 Posts
Normal game: golds/silvers on both teams, i was mid, enemy plat 3 went cait, my ezreal silver 2 or something enemy cait does OK but doesn't carry; she was paired with a feeding support our ezreal gets fed off of said shitty support + our jungler camping bot, while cait's jungler didn't do much ganking we eventually are about to win and ezreal started trashtalking cait as being worthless despite being plat 3 cait responds with "i don't play this champ or adc" (and lolking said cait was a toplaner in ranked iirc) didn't stop ezreal from proclaiming that he carried his team to victory (since he has the most kills, obviously) while cait could not ezreal also said that since he won lane, cait's player is obviously worse just lol my QQ: i am ziggs vs heimer my jungler goes in for a crappy gank, i try to help, countergank double kill for heimer heimer wanders down to botlane, i ping botlane, they don't move double kill for heimer the next couple of skirmishes go badly for our team heimer is now 7/0 with deathcap + another NLR and two levels up on me i am 1/1 with athenes surprise: heimer is much harder for me to deal with in lane and in teamfights ADC: wtf ziggs, you counter heimer, you are bad | ||
4476 Posts
what do i have to fucking do riot. why wont you give me a FUCKING DECENT TEAM. HOLY FUCK. | ||
France126 Posts
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France987 Posts
On April 08 2014 06:15 krndandaman wrote: I really feel like a dick calling out bronze/silver players trash talking me but I just can't help it. How can your head be so far up your ass that you think you're better than someone who is clearly better than you with like a 2-3 full tier difference? Like I'm not even comparing something trivial like Gold 3 vs Gold 5. It's like comparing a MLB minor league player with a middle school benchwarmer on the elementary school team. It shouldn't bother me much but blatant stupidity just pisses me off to no end. tl;dr I hate normals where people expect those who are "higher ranked" to tryhard all the time/have no idea what they are saying and blame others. My theory is that LoL secretly selects the worse players to be in the higher leagues. I can't expect any platinum leaguer that gets matched with me to feed less than 10 deaths within 15 minutes and I'm an inactive silver lol. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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Taiwan1571 Posts
Its like this damn game is forcing me to play ranked | ||
United States10531 Posts
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France45622 Posts
Why a Silver II at high gold/low plat level? He was duoing with Yasuo, Diamond V, unable to do better than tie with a Plat IV Nidalee despite the advantageous match-up. Guess I'm not getting promoted today with such a headstart. Game #2 has Nasus get wrecked by Renekton, build Glacial, then... SV off of boots1, then... sheen. Renekton item build: brutaliser, tiamat, boots, hydra, cleaver, BFS. Nasus was supposed to be Plat. I guess it explains why I'm not going to be. Go fuck yourself, you dumbass flashing into Elise stuns and trying to keep 1v1ing glass cannon Renekton when you're finishing your MR item first. | ||
Denmark6522 Posts
graves proceeds to only ever go bottom lane for the entire game. The rest of us are running around 4v5'ing, trading kills evenly and secure both dragons, 20 minutes in it's 20-21 to them in kills, but we got two dragons and are ahead on towers. At this point graves afk's for 4 minutes while sitting in fountain typing. While he's afk flaming we catch them doing baron, i get a 5 man leona ult, our yi dives in and quadra's. We lose yi in the process, but graves is coming mid!! YAY, we try and push mid but just as we reach tower he recalls rather then helping to take it and flames some more. 30 minutes in, we're actually ahead in kills, graves is 0-5, is still pushing bot, dies again. We win another 4v5 but they rush baron after and get if before we get there. Graves decides thats our fault and afk's by nexus for the next 5-6 minutes while we desperately try and hold out 4v5. Eventually they break the nexus, they fountain dive graves giving him a double kill, (his only kills of the entire game.) We literally were winning the game 4v5, even with me being dc'ed for the first few minutes. And we would literally have won the game if he had just afk'ed after the 10 minute mark, rather then feeding the jax 5 kills by suiciding into him intentionally. ffs | ||
United States262 Posts
first one, a jungler who was playing without a mouse. second one, a jungler who fed 5 kills in 10 min then quit. third one, a mid laner who fed 2 kills in the first 7 minutes, then ragequits. which leads our top to tilt, feed a few kills, and also ragequite. fourth one, at 15 min, an 0/10 vayne bot... fifth one, a top that gives up first blood at 2 minutes, then goes 0/4 and afks, and a mid who afks at 5 minutes. rito please. please. please. | ||
France45622 Posts
when I say I'm bad against LB and will play defensively, and later signal that for some reason I have delay which, when you play Orianna against a dashing champion, makes it pretty hard to hit your spells, let alone combo QR or QW, it doesn't mean "please come and force fights and feed LB so that she can one-shot me even when missing her chain so it won't change anything if I'm good or bad". Sincerely, that guy you just lost a game for. Edit: thanks Plat II - Silver I duo for finishing dunking my promo series. It was really fulfilling to play with that trash Sivir thinking Sivir+Leona under tower at level 1 against Cait+Thresh is a good situation. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
On April 11 2014 23:13 Micromnky wrote: last 5 ranked games in a row. first one, a jungler who was playing without a mouse. second one, a jungler who fed 5 kills in 10 min then quit. third one, a mid laner who fed 2 kills in the first 7 minutes, then ragequits. which leads our top to tilt, feed a few kills, and also ragequite. fourth one, at 15 min, an 0/10 vayne bot... fifth one, a top that gives up first blood at 2 minutes, then goes 0/4 and afks, and a mid who afks at 5 minutes. rito please. please. please. Playing without a mouse...? So what did he have? | ||
Noobville17919 Posts
On April 09 2014 08:10 krndandaman wrote: Might be true if it's a guy that only plays normals after placements or getting carried in ranked but the only reason my normals MMR is that low is because I barely play any normals and whenever I do it's with my noobie friends (ranging from Bronze 4 to Silver 4) and I do weird shit all the time. For example nidalee jungle, corki jungle, support nasus, etc. I'm Plat 1/2. It blows me away that some players honestly think I'm try-harding when I'm doing some shit like corki jungle. "lol plat 2 so ez" "hey plat thats not how u build corki LOL" "hey plat why dont u carry noob? LOLOL" or the random on my team that blames my jungling when he knows shit about laning/matchups "fucking useless jungler" um excuse me, I gave singed at top 3 fucking kills vs irelia but he has no idea how to play that matchup and goes fucking tear into catalyst into boots into blasting wand and then feeds. and the nidalee that said that stupid shit was the one that rushed tear vs a katarina. like how am I supposed to gank for such fucking weak lanes with minimal to 0 cc? not to mention bot was 0-3 before 3 minute mark. Btw these guys are like bronze 1 to silver 5. Not to bash on all lower ranked players because I was certainly there before myself, but some of them seriously overestimate their own skill. I actually think the biggest difference between lower and higher ranks is the ability to self-reflect and improve on one's own mistakes over focusing on others' mistakes. If i have a nidalee on my team i dont even bother to gank for them and leave them to their own, literally impossible to gank for something with zero cc, esp since the opposing midlaner always has some form of hard cc to shit on us with. super annoying | ||
France2198 Posts
You steal his farm and you don't gank his lane ofc ! And you push the lane as well so he can't get any farm for the next 5min. | ||
United States1945 Posts
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Ireland4123 Posts
mad mad mad mad edit: oh sweet jesus my friend just suggested that I have just gotten drophacked IN SILVER IV | ||
United States262 Posts
On April 12 2014 07:18 GolemMadness wrote: Playing without a mouse...? So what did he have? no clue. he ran around rather lethargically, and looked like a moron movement wise, so im assuming a touchpad laptop mouse | ||
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