Guess an all-plat team can have 4 shit players as well. Wonderful.
First game today I'm starting 2-0-2, team scores are 8-19. End up going 17-1 and carrying the shit out of all the idiots.
Second game of the day, I'm starting 3-0-1. Team scores are like 7-24 and no one in the team is positive for the entirity of the game. End 12-3. Clearly didn't carry hard enough.
Plat has the most immature players in the game I swear LOL they think they are the hottest shit that ever came out of an oven
8-2, team 5-9 1-5 1-6 6-5 and constant flame from both teams about how useless Fiora is.
how you really gonna have a sivir/thresh lane vs soraka/jinx and have 23 deaths between you
like i'm going back to base to buy in mid lane and all of a sudden "SORAKA HAS SLAIN SIVIR" for like the fifth time
Playing solo q
Get riven top. Be matched against gold3 jax. Completely dominate him 4-0 before I die to a gank from him and xin after I kill first tower. Our lee thinks he is pro, dies once a minute. Every time he says "omg" and asking where the help was. I am 5-1-1 and hes like 0-8-2 and like 3 levels behind their team as a jungle. Instead of farming and trying to catch up, he invades their jungle. Obviously he dies. Rest of the team is like 2-2 or something (didnt pay much attention to them really since they mostly held their lanes).
Team fighting arrives, we have taric but he doesnt seem to be doing a whole lot. I had never gone vs malzahar before so didn't know I needed QSS. Every time we engage, I am ulted from malzahar then stunned from jax. I get like 1 Q on the engage then maybe a stun then die being unable to do anything. Finish the game 12-9-5 and our anivia says I did nothing, especially in team fights. That I "chased kills" and had no teamwork. So I am present for 17 of our 28 team kills, most champion damage and just as many assists as him but I had no teamwork.
Thankfully, he said this post-game and the entire enemy team said they reported him for being toxic.
Oh, Lee finishes 1-11-10 or something.
Lategame Jax is the most ridiculous Champ in the game. Never die, always kill.
3 4v5's in a row. I give up.
my biggest problem in league is that I'm too open to suggestion. I wish I could just turn off pings and chat entirely so I could prevent myself from ever listening to people's idiotic calls.
On December 04 2013 09:06 Drium wrote: my biggest problem in league is that I'm too open to suggestion. I wish I could just turn off pings and chat entirely so I could prevent myself from ever listening to people's idiotic calls. Man this happens to me all the time. I can't tell you how many times I've died to the jungler saying something along the lines of "Hey you should bait them" and "Don't worry I got your back".
I know it isn't always their fault, but honestly I just need to go by my own judgement and just ignore those junglers.
But then you have to put up with them calling you bad all game.
Played kassadin the other day, and our jungle yi told me I shouldve gone in and tanked for him (this was pre-6) when I was at half health.
That is pretty simple to deal with. Mute them. I'd generally suggest you do that as soon as someone says something stupid, it makes the game a lot better.
If you're not going to buy a sightstone, then don't support. Holy shit.
i was playing ADC and my zyra support told me she was in promos, turns out the opposing mid laner was diamond 1 streaming a smurf account. they took AP tristana mid, shit on the ahri there, then shit on the rest of us one-by-one for thirty minutes
the moral of this story being: never mention you're in a promotion series, shit always just curses the team
Fucking seriously? Why do i get matched with retards like this? Nobody on my team did ANYTHING. I basically did as much damage as all 4 of them COMBINED. Now I'm 5-3 in placements and can't get gold anymore because of these fucking mongoloids. I hope all of them get cancer and die.
I swear the throws in gold are WAYYYYYYYY harder than in silver or bronze. At least in those leagues a team is consistently shit (other team as well) and you can literally put all 4 teammates on your back and gazelle stomp the shit out of the other team. Literally at just before 20 min. 4 members get caught by shyv/leona, funnel in 1 by 1, and feed the TF I left with almost no farm because he had to constantly roam. Turn that into another single-file line funnel that is the fucking meat grinder of shyv/TF/jinx and TF gets a quadra. Game is unsalvageable at this point because support annie loses 1/3 health every time she gets hit by wild cards (insta-gibbed before every fight of course)
Guaranteed 20 min. ff turns into one of the worst throws I've been a part of.
*EDIT - Oh, and shitty ass bronze friend wants to go double ADC bot during a normals (fuck it why not), feeds a vayne I zoned the shit out of (as jayce) 2 kills COMPLETELY RANDOMLY IN THEIR JUNGLE (I finish 2/3/2 or some shit), we get stomped on in a team fight because our comp is trash, and then he talks shit by asking me how I got to Gold I. I didn't even say anything back right away because it caught me so off guard. Jesus christ.
Wow man.
How do some junglers not realize how awful they are? I'm sorry Master Yi, but half pushing the top lane when I am not playing a waveclear champ against an Eve jungle doesn't help me win the lane.
Neither does "camping" and taxing a solid 15 creeps before the 5 minute mark. Especially when you put the enemy creep wave right under turret range. Especially when I am a Melee champion like WW against a Jax with a stun.
Whatever, I get zoned for free have no CS because either the jungler took it, or because it is under tower range where my creeps aren't and he gets to free farm at tower. Fine, I just down 20 creeps at ten minute mark. I get back to lane, as jax is leaving, I take golems, Yi rushes in Q's the wave... didn't actually get any of the creeps but makes it so I cannot last hit them, they die to my minions. I come in lane, miss whole wave. Whatever.... Jax all ins me when he gets back to lane after a touch of poking. I die with ult up and Q on cooldown because I only have 93 mana instead of the 100 I need... Mmm, I wonder if I got to last hit those 6 creeps if I would have lived and killed the 5 HP Jax because of the extra 30 mana I would have had.
I guess if i just didn't take golems it'd be fine... but Yi was backing after taking red so I figured it was fine, he wouldn't have grabbed em anyway.
I hadn't said a word, then this Master Yi has the nerve to tell me that I am bad and I fed Jax.
No, you know what Master Yi? Fuck you.
Try not ganking when the opposing laner is shoving the lane and there are four waves at the tower... that actually dfoesn't help a laner. Even if you get the kill, dude misses like 20 creeps. Then the 3-10-0 Master Yi blames the loss on me because I made an unconventional pick. despite the fact that I TOLD him I only a good jungler. Despite the fact that I was 4-2-11 on Tankwick... which he says I built AP bnecause I started Dorans Ring? WUT. APPARENTLY SUNFIRE-IBG-SV-WITS END ARE AP ITEMS>