On November 20 2013 02:34 M2 wrote: I am gold 5 and according to lolking with 1533 elo, a friend of mine is silver 1 99 points - according to lolking he has 1585 elo, 3 games in a row we played duo where he is 1st pick and I am last, we won all of them and he received 0 points for each one of them.....
Lolking doesn't show elo, it shows Lolking Score (LKS).
On November 20 2013 09:33 BlasiuS wrote:Show nested quote +On November 20 2013 02:34 M2 wrote: I am gold 5 and according to lolking with 1533 elo, a friend of mine is silver 1 99 points - according to lolking he has 1585 elo, 3 games in a row we played duo where he is 1st pick and I am last, we won all of them and he received 0 points for each one of them..... Lolking doesn't show elo, it shows Lolking Score (LKS). Which is an extrapolation of LP, based upon initial ranked format switching.
great way to start the night when your top lane shyvanna feed 3 kills in the first 5 minutes then dc's which then pisses annie off and she dc's. Nice to start my night with a 10 minute push down mid.
had a support teemo 2 games in a row that I got last pick and had to adc then I was support fiddle for a graves that tried to all in ashe zyra at lvl 1 after getting snared then rage trolled by running mid and feeding...not my night
we ace the enemy team at mid inhib trading 3 for 5 with our ADC/mid still alive
ADC clears out minions and begins to dps nexus turrets
ADC dies to nexus turrets
mid dies to respawning enemy team
we lose the ensuing 3v5 in our base and GG
I start the game 8/1/5 as Eve. We get mid and top tower, everything seems fine. Then our Vayne gets caught a couple times and our Nami forgets about warding, so suddenly Nami gets caught in a 30 second chase, Vayne is bot so they try Baron. We call for Vayne to come join us, but he says "Just stall them, I"ll take inhib", while he's not even attacking the T2 turret yet. Stall. Versus Blitz/Ahri/Jax/Ashe. Yeah that seems like a good idea. So naturally Zac jumps in, dies, I get hit by Ashe arrow while dodging Blitz hook, die, and Vayne didn't even take the inhib turret. Then he starts QQ'ing over them having baron. Like really, wtf is your brain made out of.
QQ, I have no will to play League because I am so hyped for Hearthstone.
Ranked. Enemy team: Platinum 5, Gold 3, (Gold 4)*2 , Silver 1 Our team: Gold 3, Gold 5 (myself), Silver 2 and Two unranked Stomp - 30 minutes game, Zed (the gold 3 guy) and I did fairly decent in that circumstances which can be expected to some extend, the other guys had less than 50 cs each and blitz landed only one hook for the whole game ( he was one of the unranked) I couldn't careless about one loss, but my question is whats the idea behind such matchmaking? I mean Riot expects the unranked guys to be some kind of prodigies because they just started to play rank? And they gotta put them to play with gold/platinum levels? but they are also put them in the team with significantly lower ranks? Because?
On November 21 2013 17:34 krndandaman wrote: wtf happened to rank in preseason? hop on to play some ranked after a long break from it, and the quality of the games are shit from both sides.
seems like bronze-silver level of play (im plat 1). win first game easily in 16 minutes.
next game other team botlane is 22 atk rune 30/0 fortitude pot sona with ap rune sivir. LOL yet our graves cries and says "gg' when he sees I took E first on ali. he just spends the whole time typing gg and i give up and its 3 min into game. sona dives and we get double kill. I say , "see graves, just play". He says hes still behind (behind 4 cs, up 2 kills, took tower, and ahead 1 level, yup ur behind) and that its still gg. top rengar feeds renek 0/4 and then spams all chat "GG we lose noob lee". lee is 0/0/4.
we eventually win in 35 min and I finish with 0/3/20 despite missing every ali combo.
preseason rank is terrible
or did all the boosters just leave
oh yeah it was also hilarious having the rengar say he carried us (4/10/3) because of his splitpush. 1) splitpushing is so fucking easy and thats the only thing you could do cause u were useless in fights 2) it was us who carried you by not dying 4v5 with a team comp of graves, alistar, nidalee, lee (like 0 cc besides me). and he was dead serious.
Welcome to plat without boosters this season. I think the 3-4 games on my smurf I played since the reward deadline have all had multiple boosted diamonds on their way down/trolling with stuff like anivia ad and soraka jungle etc because they're terrible and mad at the same time, it's really quite astonishing.
On November 22 2013 16:03 krndandaman wrote:^ yeah, tell me about it. I just won a game as top teemo with 500 ping stable (wtf is up with comcast these days)? granted it was against a garen but hey 500 ping... ranked right now is utter garbage level of skill. if it was like this during season I would've been at the very least d3. +30 LP at plat 1 after 5-0 lol. Show nested quote +On November 22 2013 06:20 M2 wrote: Ranked. Enemy team: Platinum 5, Gold 3, (Gold 4)*2 , Silver 1 Our team: Gold 3, Gold 5 (myself), Silver 2 and Two unranked Stomp - 30 minutes game, Zed (the gold 3 guy) and I did fairly decent in that circumstances which can be expected to some extend, the other guys had less than 50 cs each and blitz landed only one hook for the whole game ( he was one of the unranked) I couldn't careless about one loss, but my question is whats the idea behind such matchmaking? I mean Riot expects the unranked guys to be some kind of prodigies because they just started to play rank? And they gotta put them to play with gold/platinum levels? but they are also put them in the team with significantly lower ranks? Because? thats not that bad. on my level 20 smurf, the teams are like bronze bronze silver gold (me) vs. plat 1 plat 3 plat 5 gold 2 unrankedlvl30 granted I probably have near plat mmr from winning like every single normals but good god. have been losing like 90% of them recently. there are also some golden screenshots on reddit of like 4 d1's+challenger premade vs all silver solo queue. normals matchmaking can be hit or miss to say the least. If the average rank difference between both teams is less than 1 full tier I consider it decent. Unranked is hard to evaluate because many people just play normals. I have a friend with d5 mmr in normals despite playing 0 ranked. So you saying that playing normals somehow can affect your ranked MMR? du faq?:-)))))
I love how a bad jungler or Mid can single handily throw the game. I have never had a more retarded 3 games in my life where my mid laner refused to do anything but afk last hit mid. Not ward or even ping jsut farm. Or get forced to 2v1 bot lane as cait and get 4v1 dove multiple times and no one comes and no objectives are taken in response. I have lost faith in Plat players. They are just as bad as Gold players and just blame the fact you dont understand there need for kills instead of getting a tower on the the fact your gold and i'm plat 4. Good shit, you still got dumpstered mid and his tower is still up while yours is down, he is up 50 cs on you and out roaming you. congrats on being a shitty plat player.
i just ban riven every game when i'm first pick i don't even play top or mid anymore, i just do not trust my team not to feed her anymore
walk out of lane with a 1-stack BT and lw at 12 minutes as varus, first teamfight i get deleted off the map by riven because she has a seven-stack BT and a hydra and is doing something like 300 damage right off the bat. she had those stacks literally just from laning versus the jax (who coincidentally rushed a warmogs during all this)
i mean in a perfect world riven, nidalee et all would get deleted from the game but that day will never come
I hate this fucking patch. Being rewarded as a support for watching your teammates cs all game instead of actively making plays is so bullshit.
Why the fuck would you want to make all the champions in the game get the same amount of gold. Promotes even more of the fucking selfish play I hate and reduces the differentiation between roles.
Every season this fucking game just gets worse and worse.
On November 23 2013 01:03 suicideyear wrote: i just ban riven every game when i'm first pick i don't even play top or mid anymore, i just do not trust my team not to feed her anymore
walk out of lane with a 1-stack BT and lw at 12 minutes as varus, first teamfight i get deleted off the map by riven because she has a seven-stack BT and a hydra and is doing something like 300 damage right off the bat. she had those stacks literally just from laning versus the jax (who coincidentally rushed a warmogs during all this)
i mean in a perfect world riven, nidalee et all would get deleted from the game but that day will never come
Do you mean sword of the occult?
no literally a bloodthirster and hydra and that was it
i have no idea how she was doing that much damage but i was varus so i guess it just has to do with being varus and dying to a strong breeze
On November 23 2013 15:29 suicideyear wrote: no literally a bloodthirster and hydra and that was it
i have no idea how she was doing that much damage but i was varus so i guess it just has to do with being varus and dying to a strong breeze
You realise that bloodthirster stacks from minion kills as well?