I love playing with a Draven ADC that rushes BOTRK (even worse Draven player than Destiny), then try to throw the game by every way possible : - they have baron, but lets regroup mid and end ! - hey, they're going to engage us, if we stay we lose, let's engage them first ! - hey there's farm on this lane, very far from the base and we don't know where Kassadin is, let's split push ! (I was Zed, that's supposed to be my job) - hey we're in the middle of midlane, they're all here, I have to back (and obviously he died)
And the list goes on.
just played a long, hard fought game where we were up almost the entire time. Our AD carry got fed pretty early through a few teamfights where he/she was getting kills (despite quite clearly being bad, cs was really poor early to mid game). She gets her full item build really early....and it is zerkers, runaans, frozen mallet, thirster, IE.
I spend most of the last 30 minutes of the game begging, on my knees for love love of all that is good and holy in this world PLEASE, just buy a damn last whisper. I didn't even criticize the questionable buys of mallet and runaans. Whatever, i don't care which one you sell you can keep the other crappy item. JUST BUY A FUCKING LAST WHISPER.
To no avail. We lose in an hour and and ten minute game when they had two inhibs down and nexus towers were being beat on by super minions. She had attained that build by 40 minutes so she was easily sitting on 15K gold by the end and held on to the bitter end.
I bought rune pages because of the promo a couple of days ago, now I don't have enough IP to buy Jinx.. fml
So glad I'm grown up and wealthy
I hate every time a new champion gets released. One of 5 things happens in champ select:
Option 1: "OMG u ban Jinx nub gg i troll" *locks Heimerdinger* Option 2: "well, they banned Jinx, who wants to dodge?" *locks Heimerdinger* Option 3: Give our ADC Jinx, they feed. Option 4: Let enemy ADC have Jinx, team rages at me. Option 5: Let enemy ADC have Jinx, they carry hard.
I haven't even played a game since she came out and I already know this is how ranked is going to go for the next few days.
Rocking a game in ARAM pretty good. We've got a nice system of Wukong diving in and smashing up their team, they'd instinctively go on him. Then Veigar drops his horizon and starts nuking, Malzahar dumps his spells into the mix, Yi strikes in and I throw bouncing blades, Shunpo in and ult. And we wreck them getting a bunch of kills.
Its going really well. We've got two towers and the inhibitor...then Malzahar just starts abusing me. I have literally no idea what set him off. Perhaps he thought I'd stolen a kill or something? I don't know, all I know is he spent the rest of the game yelling at me whilst I'm in utter confusion; then calls on the other team to report me for being toxic. And then after the match I get some message about "a player has reported you".
What the hell? I didn't do anything and I get some message about that? And he just freely yells abuse at me? And in an ARAM game too which is just silly fun?
Only been playing any kind of PvP for about three days now. I mean I could understand it in a proper game buts its just ARAM. Really discouraging toxic attitude. :-\
I play a lot of supports and I hate supports who buy items over wards. Gives us good supports a bad name.
i really didnt know that vayne players in gold 1 would pick vayne into jinx who has 700 range then after going 1/6 builds cutlass into stinger what disgusting little imbeciles there are in this game
I fucking hate oceania, so many toxic players. D/Cs are also pretty rampant, thankfully they are just a dice roll and I'm bound to get some go my way in the future.
Just makes me mad when I lose to the same guy three times in a row (Not versing him in lane just on other team) check his profile and he doesn't have a KDA over 3 on his top 20 most played champs. Kinda sad that he is in gold 1.
On October 11 2013 11:40 FinestHour wrote: i really didnt know that vayne players in gold 1 would pick vayne into jinx who has 700 range then after going 1/6 builds cutlass into stinger what disgusting little imbeciles there are in this game The best is when they pick vayne into thresh cait lane. Lol
Does anyone else have bad luck with duo?
The guys I duo aren't that bad, but one of them has fed hard in 3/5 games I've played him, and the other is a decent jungler but struggles in other roles and has really bad rage problems.
I don't know I just have like a 30% winrate in duo :/
edit - Reading this it just tells me I don't have the best duo partners I think
why would you pick vi then build lizard/mercs and get 0 successful ganks off? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Why would you build tear rylais singed after dying twice to renekton????????
Why would you go 2 man vi+alistar against janna graves when Graves has a bf sword and vamp?????????????
And we still almost won. I lost to these people.
Lost 6 in a row bringing me to 6-13 over the past few days. What the fuck is going on? Always get snowballed and lose top, get dud ADC's, get camped mid, get counter jungled as a jungler. Not going to play for a while I think, pointless since I already have gold. SO fucking demoralising though.
I can't stand the attitudes in this game in normals. Like what the fuck.
My girlfriend has been wanting to play League with me for a long time, and for a long time I've been rather skeptical about just hopping into a normal with here and giving it because she is only level 6 and she is rather new to moba and competitive games in general.
So we wanted to duo because I could probably keep things fun. She locks her favorite Champ katrarina, I hard random Vayne. Cool.
Our team proceeds to rage at here for "instalocking a mid" even though we communicated to them that she was bottom with me. From there, enemy laner was Gold 4 Riven who started Red Elixir. So obviously... she got smashed. Our top laner, Jungler, and "Support" (he picked Garen? Apparently Kat supoport no good, but Garen is. OK.).
Our proceeds to rage her out of the game and bring her to tears because Riven Comes back to lane after FB with 2 Dblades and redpot still up and our Jungle Shaco going full Rice Mode. She didn't even feed hard, went 0-3 in 15 minutes despite playing against a vastly better player in a role she not comfortable with against a Champion she never seen before. Meanwhile our Garen is somehow allowed to be 0-4-0 in lane in same perioid and no one gives a flying fuck because in same period of time I 6-0-0 on Vayne.
I pretty pissed.
How stupid does one have to be to admit to intentionally feeding? I mean if run into towers you can still make it look in the chat like it was unintentional but really, if you admit it in chat then you are just so dumb. Almost carried that game, until a wild 20/3 Vayne showed up.