The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 497
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
Oh and people don't do what you expect them to. I think this is the bigger problem. Smurf adventures are painful. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
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Sweden5302 Posts
On October 05 2013 18:09 krndandaman wrote: it wouldn't really get abused because 1) takes a while to make a smurf to level 30 2) even if you did it would get banned soon enough for leaving + duo friend banned which is huge risk to duo friend really don't understand riot's logic I believe they thought it would promote toxicity, pressuring bad teammates to go afk. | ||
United States213 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Bulgaria18893 Posts
On October 05 2013 18:48 Amui wrote: I kinda understand where silver players get their frustration from. Sometimes, you just can't win even if you're stomping your lane because the other 2 lanes+jungle die like 2-3 times each before 10 minutes. Oh and people don't do what you expect them to. I think this is the bigger problem. Smurf adventures are painful. This happens in every elo.Been smurfing last few days and I am really surprised by how passive everyone is in gold/plat.Everyone so scared for some reason. | ||
United States2864 Posts
just lost another game cause we had a jungle nasus who didn't gank till he was level 6 even though all 3 lanes were easy kills cause he wants to rush dragon, proceeds to rush dragon, enemy jungle who already got 4 kills for his team comes and kills him and steals the dragon so we lose. | ||
297 Posts
I was 2-1 in my promo for Platinum, and we were winning until my team decided to baserace, which ended in them leveling our nexus while we hadn't even finished off their nexus turrets. Then we lost another one. I'm getting a little sick of Kayle to be honest. She does well against assassins, but the problem is that nobody is playing assassins at my Elo. Just a bunch of Orianna and Lux players, both of whom slaughter Kayle in lane. Then there's Ahri...I'm damn sick of playing Kayle vs. Ahri, there's just too much pressure on me to dodge skillshots if I ever want to trade successfully. One misstep and I could be dead. It just seems like I'm putting so much effort into playing Kayle for such a minimal reward. And I don't feel like I'm getting any better with her. I think I'll probably abandon her for now. Shame, cause I have all her skins and have been a Kayle fanboy since I started playing LoL, but perhaps she's not the champ for me. As a side note, if you pick Olaf alongside a low-CC team, seriously **** you, you're completely useless and unhelpful. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Germany201 Posts
guess im just stupid to think you should have FUN playing a GAME, lvl23 and everyone acts like theyre hitler from challenger | ||
New York City13113 Posts
* 4 wins (with no disconnects on the other side) * 4 losses where someone on my team disconnects * 1 loss where I get first blood in my lane, but then a half-health no-items-other-than-machete jungle Rengar comes to my lane when I'm at base and gives my opponent double buff. I still end the game 3-3-8 but having my own jungler snowball the lane against me is depressing. My favorite game out of those nine was where our Katarina mid is AFK at start. So Vi takes our blue buff, but then skips red buff and heads directly to lane at half health where Lissandra kills her easily (and the enemy Amumu takes our red buff). Then Katarina comes back, and together with Vi tries to gank blue-buffed Lissandra only to give her a double kill. And I still would have won the game for us as a split-push Singed if Vi didn't ult into their team 1v5 40 minutes in. | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
![]() edit: 10th game 8-4-14 malzahar was enough for the win :-))) | ||
United States10671 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Oh wait, just worst. | ||
United States10671 Posts
On October 08 2013 02:11 Requizen wrote: Just like you're the best and worst poster ever. + Show Spoiler + Oh wait, just worst. Pls. I'm best poster. Get on my level. Now to keep thread relevant. I suck qq | ||
France2198 Posts
At the end, our Tresh support dealt more dmg than him. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Sometimes man... I playing GP top against Zac who came to lane with 40 armor rune page and cloth armor. Zac never warded. Straddled my tower all game. Easiest kill in the world if Xin comes at any time during first ten minutes of laning. So easy. But instead he just never ganked despite my communication that he was sooo gankable. Mad elane so dumb and herbivore bs. In fact Xin didn't really do anything... just like farmed. But thats okay he outfarmed his enemy jungle Lee that killed our bot lane 10 times. So obviously, me and Zac both huge because was just farm fest top which fine, but like my team just raged at me. "WOW THIS ZAC HAS SO MANY CREEPS" even though we came out of lane with about 180 creeps at 20 each and I was able to stop them from doing drag with my ult twice only getting one assist. So so dumb. I dont mind them being mad at losing, but just raging hard at me? seriously? Who the fuck has kill potential on a good Zac top? What the fuck I supposed to do there? lol. Not to mention I had to buy wards unlike Zac because I not awful and Lee Sin actually showed map presence and their mid Kass roamed top all day. Meanwhile our ahri just like didn't farm, didn't push, didn't do anything. I dont even know what she did, Kass tried to gank me four times before the 15 minute mark, failed all four and Ahri was just down like 50 creeps with no jungle intervention. Meanwhile our bottom lane retarded and just not ward like at all, so lee just walked in and killed them over and over and over like a good jungler does when he realizes enemy lane is not warding and herpiderp overextending. Thats okay, despite having best score and farm in team, despite being only threat in teamfights, that game was my fault. By unanimous decision, even though I was onyl one with gold anywhere close enemy teams gold numbers. | ||
United States2300 Posts
Troll 2 games as top GP, 2-0, 16-4-16 in the second game. I don't understand this game sometimes. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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