On October 08 2013 10:46 krndandaman wrote: my fucking god
duo top/jungle, top riven says hes a smurf. both go combined 1/10 and then blame the rest of the team for doing "nothing" and for bot for "losing lane" when being even on kills and behind 10 cs.
I don't even know why I responded. It's like someone telling you 1+1 = 400. It's so stupid it's hard to ignore and correct them because the answer is so simple.
i mean, just look at the score. you and your fucking friend is 1/10 combined, while the rest of the team is 3/3 and you have the audacity to blame the team? and even go to all-chat and blame the team while the rest of the opponent team is laughing at you?
at least they got the 8 reports but fuck my IQ dropped at least 10 points from this game.
edit: I look at his matchlist and his last 3 games including mine are 1/5, 1/11, 1/12 why am I surprised.
lol I guess he stepped it up this game and thought it was his team's fault because he died 6-7 less deaths!
wtf next game infinity edge -> ruunans hurricane draven
I always wonder how many people who say they are a smurf are lying. I'm terrible at this game (Gold 3) but was playing with a friend in low bronze, I was using a different account. I didn't dare say I was 'smurfing' once because I figured my whole team would get mad.
The smurf is a lie. They just say that to get lane pick, and some dumbasses fall for it, thinking they're gonna get carried. What's even worse is self-entitled duo queuers.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WgeSVqa.png)
I'm not even saying anything anymore.
spoiler:rage+ Show Spoiler + A quick search of his previous records shows this: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FxO0COE.png) He was simply slurring all sorts of profanities while feeding the enemy team, giving them a higher kda. And you ask, why bother raging when he is going to be banned soon? UNFORTUNATELY, GARENA (Singapore/Malaysia server) DOES NOT HAVE A FUCKING TRIBUNAL AND NOBODY GETS BANNED, HE WAS JUST LAUGHING AT US REPORTING HIM BECAUSE IT NEVER WORKS HERES THE NEXT FUCKER WHO RUINED MY DAY: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XPRaiid.png) JUNGLE SORAKA WHO LITERALLY WALK TO LANE AND SUICIDE. AND YOU TELL ME THERES NO ELO HELL, I PROVE YOU WRONG. AND THEY WONT AFFECT YOUR RANKING, OH DEAR YOU ARE SO BADLY WRONG, THEY ARE AT PLAT5/GOLD5, WHICH MEANS IF YOU WANT TO ADVANCE TO GOLD5/PLAT5 FROM SILVER1/GOLD1, GUESS WHO THE FUCK YOU NEED TO PLAY WITH FIRST? Edit: ^ I took 4 months to promote from silver 1 to gold 5 simply because I have to deal with many people like this. Guess what. Now I am in gold 1 and who do I meet?
So hard to teach people in plat. We have an early game team vs vayne and nasus. Our cait goes IE PD instead of BT shyv, our sona doesn't ward because we NEED shurelya. and then boast about how they beat vayne soraka in lane and everyone else sucks. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? 0 ward control for objectives + not using your teamcomp the way it was intended is just dumb as shit. And how the hell does my jax manage to lose lane vs a nasus and get doubled in CS by 20 min when it was a 1v1 the whole time. I blocked shaco's invade and outsmited him, then killed him at his red when he rushed there and killed him again right after when me and khazix outplayed orianna and him in a 2v2. UGH. Game2hard.
Not even mad, but just had a string of really bad games yesterday, when duo queing. Game 1, top laner in chat in champ select goes "i'm diamond 1 smurf, going top", picks garen, gives 2 kills to enemy jax in first 4 minutes. goes "lag", and then proceeds to afk/dc. So rest of game was 4v5, obviously lost. Game 2, had J4 go mid against enemy Kassidan, roams top before level 6, so lets Kassidan get free farm/levels. Kassidan becomes ungankable. My friend on top lane playing Fizz, gets dumpstered on by Pantheon, panth turns into a beast, can't do anything about it. Game 3, Gragas mid, is afk til like 12-14min mark. So Orianna gets free roam, and we have no jungle pressure since jungler just holding mid. Was winning early game pretty hard in 4v5, but nothing we can really do against a team who have fully farmed carries. Game 4, Friend first picked Jax, was trading kills evenly on top lane against renekton, and was keeping in farm. Then our jungler and midlane go toplane, feed double kills to Renekton due to bad tower dive. Renekton destroys us. Bot lane was super hard, since Corki was really bad, he was using his Q to farm like 1 creep. Not to mention is this a lane against Vayne, so Corki should be dumpstering, but Corki can't play out 2v2 fights correctly, proceeds to keep getting dumpstered on. Do the best to baby him, but team was losing too badly to do anything.
Oh well, I think I'm 1 more loss from dropping back to gold V, w.e, losing streaks, and winning streaks come and go.
On October 08 2013 21:22 HaruRH wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WgeSVqa.png) I'm not even saying anything anymore. spoiler:rage + Show Spoiler + A quick search of his previous records shows this: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FxO0COE.png) He was simply slurring all sorts of profanities while feeding the enemy team, giving them a higher kda. And you ask, why bother raging when he is going to be banned soon? UNFORTUNATELY, GARENA (Singapore/Malaysia server) DOES NOT HAVE A FUCKING TRIBUNAL AND NOBODY GETS BANNED, HE WAS JUST LAUGHING AT US REPORTING HIM BECAUSE IT NEVER WORKS HERES THE NEXT FUCKER WHO RUINED MY DAY: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XPRaiid.png) JUNGLE SORAKA WHO LITERALLY WALK TO LANE AND SUICIDE. AND YOU TELL ME THERES NO ELO HELL, I PROVE YOU WRONG. AND THEY WONT AFFECT YOUR RANKING, OH DEAR YOU ARE SO BADLY WRONG, THEY ARE AT PLAT5/GOLD5, WHICH MEANS IF YOU WANT TO ADVANCE TO GOLD5/PLAT5 FROM SILVER1/GOLD1, GUESS WHO THE FUCK YOU NEED TO PLAY WITH FIRST? Edit: ^ I took 4 months to promote from silver 1 to gold 5 simply because I have to deal with many people like this. Guess what. Now I am in gold 1 and who do I meet?
Holy Donger. There's actually a site that counts how many wards someone purchased in a game? How's that site called? Does it only work for Garena?
Currently on a 14 game ranked losing streak.. Dropped from promo to gold 3 to low gold 5...
My last 2 games, Mid as annie: go 3-0 in lane, but bot gets double killed 3 times before i hit 6, is a combined 1-15 by the 15 minute mark and our amumu is afk (After a healthy dose of flaming anything that moves). I end up 6/7/2 and the overall scoreboard is something like 9-32...
adc as cait, me and thresh crush their vayne (tripling her cs, tower taken and killed her twice.) I go and take both other outer towers pre 10 minutes. Our (proudly) self proclaimed first time ez who is mid vs kassa has died three times 1v1 pre 6, and and lee flames him then refuses to group because "we can't win a teamfight with kassa fed" for 15 minutes. By this point vayne has caught up, kassa is fed to hell, we somehow get a baron, then lee backs rather then defending a tower because he's 80% hp, sits in base flaming while lose inhibitors.
Out of the last 14 games there have been maybe 5 where I didn't win lane (at least) relatively hard, and maybe 3 where I felt I didn't deserve to win based on my performance. (Also one game where i went 7-1-5 as ez, we took their nexus towers at ~30 minutes or so, having only lost our t1 mid, then our annie and pantheon decide to prove they can "1shot anyone" and go wondering around the map while the enemy team eventually catches up, we get two barons but then someone gets caught immediately after both times, and we lose at around the 55 minute mark...)]
Am i just really unlucky or is low-ish gold just full of trolls who've got gold 5 and don't care anymore ~~~
fuck this game.
On October 09 2013 04:22 IceteaGuy wrote:Show nested quote +On October 08 2013 21:22 HaruRH wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WgeSVqa.png) I'm not even saying anything anymore. spoiler:rage + Show Spoiler + A quick search of his previous records shows this: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FxO0COE.png) He was simply slurring all sorts of profanities while feeding the enemy team, giving them a higher kda. And you ask, why bother raging when he is going to be banned soon? UNFORTUNATELY, GARENA (Singapore/Malaysia server) DOES NOT HAVE A FUCKING TRIBUNAL AND NOBODY GETS BANNED, HE WAS JUST LAUGHING AT US REPORTING HIM BECAUSE IT NEVER WORKS HERES THE NEXT FUCKER WHO RUINED MY DAY: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XPRaiid.png) JUNGLE SORAKA WHO LITERALLY WALK TO LANE AND SUICIDE. AND YOU TELL ME THERES NO ELO HELL, I PROVE YOU WRONG. AND THEY WONT AFFECT YOUR RANKING, OH DEAR YOU ARE SO BADLY WRONG, THEY ARE AT PLAT5/GOLD5, WHICH MEANS IF YOU WANT TO ADVANCE TO GOLD5/PLAT5 FROM SILVER1/GOLD1, GUESS WHO THE FUCK YOU NEED TO PLAY WITH FIRST? Edit: ^ I took 4 months to promote from silver 1 to gold 5 simply because I have to deal with many people like this. Guess what. Now I am in gold 1 and who do I meet? Holy Donger. There's actually a site that counts how many wards someone purchased in a game? How's that site called? Does it only work for Garena?
quickfind. Works for all servers.
On October 09 2013 08:27 HaruRH wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2013 04:22 IceteaGuy wrote:On October 08 2013 21:22 HaruRH wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WgeSVqa.png) I'm not even saying anything anymore. spoiler:rage + Show Spoiler + A quick search of his previous records shows this: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FxO0COE.png) He was simply slurring all sorts of profanities while feeding the enemy team, giving them a higher kda. And you ask, why bother raging when he is going to be banned soon? UNFORTUNATELY, GARENA (Singapore/Malaysia server) DOES NOT HAVE A FUCKING TRIBUNAL AND NOBODY GETS BANNED, HE WAS JUST LAUGHING AT US REPORTING HIM BECAUSE IT NEVER WORKS HERES THE NEXT FUCKER WHO RUINED MY DAY: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XPRaiid.png) JUNGLE SORAKA WHO LITERALLY WALK TO LANE AND SUICIDE. AND YOU TELL ME THERES NO ELO HELL, I PROVE YOU WRONG. AND THEY WONT AFFECT YOUR RANKING, OH DEAR YOU ARE SO BADLY WRONG, THEY ARE AT PLAT5/GOLD5, WHICH MEANS IF YOU WANT TO ADVANCE TO GOLD5/PLAT5 FROM SILVER1/GOLD1, GUESS WHO THE FUCK YOU NEED TO PLAY WITH FIRST? Edit: ^ I took 4 months to promote from silver 1 to gold 5 simply because I have to deal with many people like this. Guess what. Now I am in gold 1 and who do I meet? Holy Donger. There's actually a site that counts how many wards someone purchased in a game? How's that site called? Does it only work for Garena? quickfind. Works for all servers.
Thank you <3 That site really shows tons of information. Could be a little cleaner though. Too much scrolling involved for my taste.
On topic: I suck at top lane. Hard. Meh.
I think I need to take a break from LoL, as much as I'd like to get to gold for Victorious Elise skin. I just seem to be stuck with team mates that don't know what to do, like lack of communication, lack of warding, lack of focusing targets in teamfights, and no one knowing how to CS. I try and carry as hard as I can, but either my "carry' champs are too weak or my team mates in solo Q are just that bad. I feel like if I'd get even one more person in queue with me and we were on TS/Skype together I'd get out of Silver easily.
What the fuck is it with assholes giving out orders and making comments? People fucking dishing out orders in champ select like they're fucking team captain of SKT "Go here, do this, pick that" - sit the fuck down, pick your own role and shut the fuck up.
In game people feed like fuck, make retarded plays and you stay quiet the whole damn time, something questionable happens on your front? "Uh, capped?" - What the fuck is the need to say something like that you jumped up piece of shit? go suck a dick.
Fucking stuck up assholes need these sticks surgically removed from their asscracks before i start ramming them through their fucking brains.
Had this adc pick Vayne into Cait. I was like. 'Uh that matchup is bad for you'. He's like 'nah I got this'. Knowing I was gunna be playing support in this shitlane, I had to choose janna as a way to deal with thresh cait lane. As expected we got shoved on pretty hard. Vayne misses cs under turret, as expected. He slowly gets out laned and out cs' d. Then we get favorable 2v2 fight, he manages to botch it so hard. Then he blames lag. And I'm like, 'next time don't pick vayne into Cait, it's a hard matchup. Too much range from cait' then he's all 'nah it's this lag'. Fucking idiot. W.e, not really his fault we loss. Our ori went 0-6, and our trynd was getting shutdown as well.
On October 09 2013 16:35 Capped wrote: What the fuck is it with assholes giving out orders and making comments? People fucking dishing out orders in champ select like they're fucking team captain of SKT "Go here, do this, pick that" - sit the fuck down, pick your own role and shut the fuck up.
In game people feed like fuck, make retarded plays and you stay quiet the whole damn time, something questionable happens on your front? "Uh, capped?" - What the fuck is the need to say something like that you jumped up piece of shit? go suck a dick. These are the worst.
And I have a huge pet peeve about being in plat and people still going "champion x is open, take x!" in champ select like any champion is a free win in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to fucking play it -_-
On October 09 2013 17:25 Osmoses wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2013 16:35 Capped wrote: What the fuck is it with assholes giving out orders and making comments? People fucking dishing out orders in champ select like they're fucking team captain of SKT "Go here, do this, pick that" - sit the fuck down, pick your own role and shut the fuck up.
In game people feed like fuck, make retarded plays and you stay quiet the whole damn time, something questionable happens on your front? "Uh, capped?" - What the fuck is the need to say something like that you jumped up piece of shit? go suck a dick. These are the worst. And I have a huge pet peeve about being in plat and people still going "champion x is open, take x!" in champ select like any champion is a free win in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to fucking play it -_-
That can be purely informative, though, depending on tone. A lot of people just always assume that the standards are banned no matter what. There have been situations where i would have picked thresh before hyperassassinbanning, for example, but didn't even notice he was open because i just assume he is banned without even looking at bans half the time.
New York City13113 Posts
From champ select yesterday (name hidden to protect the guilty):
xxxx: ban amumu xxxx: ban amumu xxxx: WTF xxxx: WTF xxxx: WTF xxxx: WTF xxxx: WTF xxxx: WTF xxxx: GG xxxx: they got amumu xxxx: GG xxxx: fucking dumbass
On the plus side, we ended up winning that game. But don't people realize when they are being a cliche?
Promo series always too fun.
Avéka: mid AkMomo: hey pls mid Avéka: pick me ahri (at this point our first pick bans ahri) Avéka: ok Avéka: i'lll troll so (at this point our first pick locks jungle Teemo) BLIVERBANNED247: Meh if we are bound to lose anyways I might as well be the one playing the funny champ.
yay, no g2 for me.
edit: Ok, we won. Apparently jungle teemo ganks are too much for gold players to handle. :I
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/NYOIA78.png)
Aram, please ; ;
Oh look, we aced them!
Time to farm some wraiths!