The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 479
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United States10531 Posts
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United States2300 Posts
Every game i start like 2-0-3, 3-0-1, or something similar, and then we just lose because I am literally the only person placing wards (the Leonas and Sonas with ruby sightstone don't even keep 1 ward on the map, how is that possible you don't even have to buy them). Never mind that I just got a double kill in your lane on a tower dive after which you took tower -- when you keep farming past their outer turret and get fucked by 2 four man ganks in a row, that means the jungler isn't doing his job. Fuck off, solo queue is impossible for me. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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United States23745 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
On August 28 2013 11:38 onlywonderboy wrote: qq shitty internet keeps lagging every time I try to play. Gonna call Time Warner tomorrow. It was fine for like a week and now it's shit. The rest of my housemates moved in but it's running terrible even when I'm home alone. COMCAST CUSTOMERS I FEEL YOUR PAIN. Do they leave torrents running while they're gone? | ||
United States23745 Posts
On August 28 2013 12:28 GolemMadness wrote: Do they leave torrents running while they're gone? I wondered about that but I checked their rooms, they all had their laptops with them. | ||
United States35092 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
Well at least I finish the night with a win. Hopefully my wrists don't give out before I hit diamond =/. | ||
United States901 Posts
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Germany11337 Posts
On August 28 2013 22:18 FSKi wrote: At what point in terms of league/division will my team mates start properly calling summoner spell/objective timings, and making proper missing calls? It seems like I'm usually the only person trying to communicate proper information and actually rally the team around objectives. I've played a few hundred ranked games from bronze 5 to mid silver, and I've almost never seen anyone else call summoner spell timings and objective timings other than myself. I assume when I get near gold, where the top 20% of the player base begins, that this will happen. But as of now, I can only hope. Never. And quite honestly, if you are in silver, that isn't really relevant either. I am in plat and noone gives a fuck about summoner timings (you might convince your jungler to gank for you if you tell them it is not warded and the enemy has no flash, or something along those lines), but generally pretty much the only interesting timers are dragon and baron. As long as you keep track of that (And i don't mean write when it is, then complain 6 minutes later that noone is there. Tell them when it is in 2 min, when it is in 1 min and at 30 secs. That usually gets people there.). I'd suggest fixating less on that and more on your play. Ping stuff if you think your team should do it. Don't fixate on one single aspect that is pretty minor. | ||
United States901 Posts
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Canada90 Posts
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France8572 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
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Denmark2771 Posts
Just had 2-0 in lanephase vs Cho as Aatrox. Cho could litterally not stay in lane for longer than one creep wave (hybrid runes + max E is OP mang), tower go down in short order and I start roaming mid and taking their top jungle. On my first trip to gank mid I check and see a 9-0 enemy Zed staring at me on scoreboard. QQQQQQQQQQQQ aaaaaand, now in a teamfight I pretty much instagib their ADC and Sona after forcing a single target (me) Crescendo, the enemy procede to 3v4 win against my team. Thought they could handle a jungler, mid and severely underfarmed Cho. Janna even landed a sweet ult. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ | ||
5286 Posts
cant even play league in korea on lowest settings with 10 ping qq oh well back 2 work | ||
Germany11337 Posts
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England1046 Posts
Non-QQ bit: I decided to calm down, go to other lanes and roam around, and the team grouped with me and we got some nice ganks and kills and objectives, even though we lost top inhib at 20 minutes since our Wukong was having a really bad time against Aatrox too. We defended nicely, didn't engage until we saw picks and caught them with their pants down at baron, I ulted next to the baron, they kept on it but j4 jumped in and smite stole as my fish jumped up knocking them up. Game comes to teamfights and I go 9-0 winning the game with half the farm of Ryze, earning my promotion. I still don't know how it happened, but I think they threw at baron when we kept showing, they peeled off it for us, I E away J4 flag away and then they went back on it. Twice. Sorry for 1/2 Shikyo 1/2 Locicero | ||
Canada31494 Posts
I know it's only Dominion but we fucking lost a 4v5 Dominion game 0-2 FUCKING 2 MORE SECONDS AND WE WOULD HAVE WON WITH AN AFK TALON FROM MINUTE 0 | ||
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