I'm way better off than a lot of the people here but I felt the need to post. I'm a terrible player in bronze I (I get raped in lanes and all game vs gold league etc, no excuses, still learning) but I manage to retain a positive attitude and mostly get 4-6 kills per death in my own league so people listen to my calls and I close out almost every game when people don't disconnect or afk which evidently tends to happen a whole lot in bronze. So with a win-lose ratio of 17-10 I managed to gather 100 points and go on the bo5 for silver.
First game we actually do well. I hold onto top as Jax vs a solid Vlad as our bot gets a double kill and our Orianna manages to take down the jungler in mid. Awesome, looks like I lucked out with my first game. Then I fail horribly and die to Vlad as I retard-dive him while he just ults, lols and pools away leaving me waiting for the inevitable death. Top tower fell shortly after. Meanwhile in bot, enemy Caitlyn has gathered 2 kills and our Nidalee mid mistakenly thinks she can kill her, but missed a spear and got punished with a death. Hey, no biggie, After that a teamfight breaks out and I grab a few kills, dying eventually. We have a lead of both gold and kills and I'm 4-2 with 130+ cs looking to smash some skulls in the lategame. Then, our leona gets caught and enemy Caitlyn kills her for about 150 gold.
Miss Fortune: nice feed caitlyn, nid Nidalee: I don't have to listen to this A player has disconnected
That quite literally happened, Nidalee disconnected a second after that one sentence. And from there on out it was an easy game to close out for the opposing team as no one played well in our team including me.
In the champion select of my second game a polish player with a ridiculously complicated name instantly tells me to go fuck myself and informs me of my amazing retardation as I pick Caitlyn. I switch to Lux and let him play ADC, he chooses Varus. He then tells us all he carries all game every game but has lost his previous 9 games. Me and my duo partner look him up and have a laugh because he told the truth (except the carrying part). I manage to do great mid, laning as Lux against Zyra. I stay ahead in cs and also kill lee sin twice over as he tries to gank. All of my efforts, however, are overshadowed by the fact that the enemy Ezreal has managed to double Varus' farm and get 6+ kills. Varus kept getting caught and made many miserably bad plays whole game long which not even his heroic Sona could save. As our nexus is falling, I say "Well Varus looks like you didn't manage to carry this game" and he answers "With this support? hahahahaah" and a few seconds after, "hahahahahhahahahaah." Post-game he also blurted out "nice team retards."
Now I have to win 3 in a row with these kind of players, no pressure.
On May 29 2013 09:25 KasPra wrote: I'm way better off than a lot of the people here but I felt the need to post. I'm a terrible player in bronze I (I get raped in lanes and all game vs gold league etc, no excuses, still learning) but I manage to retain a positive attitude and mostly get 4-6 kills per death in my own league so people listen to my calls and I close out almost every game when people don't disconnect or afk which evidently tends to happen a whole lot in bronze. So with a win-lose ratio of 17-10 I managed to gather 100 points and go on the bo5 for silver.
First game we actually do well. I hold onto top as Jax vs a solid Vlad as our bot gets a double kill and our Orianna manages to take down the jungler in mid. Awesome, looks like I lucked out with my first game. Then I fail horribly and die to Vlad as I retard-dive him while he just ults, lols and pools away leaving me waiting for the inevitable death. Top tower fell shortly after. Meanwhile in bot, enemy Caitlyn has gathered 2 kills and our Nidalee mid mistakenly thinks she can kill her, but missed a spear and got punished with a death. Hey, no biggie, After that a teamfight breaks out and I grab a few kills, dying eventually. We have a lead of both gold and kills and I'm 4-2 with 130+ cs looking to smash some skulls in the lategame. Then, our leona gets caught and enemy Caitlyn kills her for about 150 gold.
Miss Fortune: nice feed caitlyn, nid Nidalee: I don't have to listen to this A player has disconnected
That quite literally happened, Nidalee disconnected a second after that one sentence. And from there on out it was an easy game to close out for the opposing team as no one played well in our team including me.
In the champion select of my second game a polish player with a ridiculously complicated name instantly tells me to go fuck myself and informs me of my amazing retardation as I pick Caitlyn. I switch to Lux and let him play ADC, he chooses Varus. He then tells us all he carries all game every game but has lost his previous 9 games. Me and my duo partner look him up and have a laugh because he told the truth (except the carrying part). I manage to do great mid, laning as Lux against Zyra. I stay ahead in cs and also kill lee sin twice over as he tries to gank. All of my efforts, however, are overshadowed by the fact that the enemy Ezreal has managed to double Varus' farm and get 6+ kills. Varus kept getting caught and made many miserably bad plays whole game long which not even his heroic Sona could save. As our nexus is falling, I say "Well Varus looks like you didn't manage to carry this game" and he answers "With this support? hahahahaah" and a few seconds after, "hahahahahhahahahaah." Post-game he also blurted out "nice team retards."
Now I have to win 3 in a row with these kind of players, no pressure.
Good lord I feel your pain. What was one ace away from an easy 3-0 series to get into silver on Saturday turned into a 2-3, 0-3, and finally a barely squeaked out 3-2 on Monday evening to eat up the entire three day weekend just to get to freakin silver. Somehow every game I ended up with that "special" ADC to try to support, who had no clue how the tempo of bot lane works. My Thresh play can get the most passive of ADCs fed in most cases, but the ones who see the hook and go full retard were out in force.
Thus confirming what I already knew -- never, ever, EVER play solo queue on weekends.
Also, is anyone below platinum able to play Vayne at all? Even with a full peel comp I see so many Vaynes trying to be all Doublelift, except they get caught out twice as often with 1/3 of the CS. Every time I see a Vayne, I can pretty much be sure that the other team will win.
10-1-8 as jungle lee 15 mins in game, every lane still lost, rus vlad power, loses against 0-2 5 minutes teemo.
I just got raped by a diamond shaco at gold 3. WTF match making? The guy has over 450 shaco games played. I don't even know, I need figure out a way of having that replay analyzed because I have no idea how to counter his play. It wasn't just him. His team was everywhere. My jungle was never mine T_T.
It hurts to lose that badly on my favorite champ (lee sin) I thought I had something consistent going with a 5.0 kda in over 40 games but holy fuck I just got humbled.
Why do some people take SO LONG to pick bans? The entire process should take like 20 seconds, not 2 minutes. Holy shit.
I think fully half of my Lux loses are because someone on my team ragequits. -_-
There's nothing worse than a 40 minute 4v5 where at the end your team is STILL up in kills. -_____-;
Screw players who think this game is only about them. I'm Sona and I give my Vayne the easiest lane of her life, destroying the enemy Trist-Leona. What does she do? Stays under the turret with low hp 2v1, turret destroyed, she's caught immediately, raped, then she blames our 0-0-4 Vi for not ganking. Like what the hell, and this is Gold 1 and far from over. Vayne says shes gonna troll because she won't give a victory to that Vi. Get it? SHE won't give it to her, it's not like I made her what she was. So she ends up AFK-farming (like 90% of the Vayne palyers, because when they lock that champ in, they think they are some kind of VIP members of the team). Long story short, that Vi was Legendary, like 14-1 or something, but when we tried to Baron-bait, our platinum 40-minutes-no-deathcap-i-will-carry-you Akali rushed into 1v5, while our 5-12 Vayne is 1v1-ing Baron because she's too ******* dumb to realize when to stop it. In my book, the only excuse for being mentally retarded like that is if you play good. Be a whiny sissy, I don't care, as long as you know what to do.
Well, I won the other 2 promo matches (picking Sejuani is like 80% win, and in the second game our Lux and Maokai decimated everyone, while the rest of us had literally nothing to do), but that game is still on my nerves.
I hate this ranking system.
Game 1, no jungler double top that dies. Game 2, flamers and 0/11 thresh support. Game 3, 130 cs at 35 minutes on 3 players.
How are you supposed to carry yourself out of Silver.. It seems impossible.
i pick blitz into ali, yeah i know its a counter.
my team qq's and even when i hook the ez, they refuse to just. fucking. shoot.
i get reported for the pick despite landing tons of great hooks. its just that because ali counters blitz that it doesnt matter even when i hook a squishy.
Dat feeling when your team can easily dragon, but no one comes, wasting a crapload of your time and nearly getting you killed. Gotta love jungling.
Clarity/Clairvoyance Tryndamere. What the actual fuck
On May 30 2013 08:29 ticklishmusic wrote: i pick blitz into ali, yeah i know its a counter.
my team qq's and even when i hook the ez, they refuse to just. fucking. shoot.
i get reported for the pick despite landing tons of great hooks. its just that because ali counters blitz that it doesnt matter even when i hook a squishy. I'm just curious, why didn't you choose someone else like Janna or Lulu against Alistar? A lot safer pick and essentially shuts down Alistar's aggression if you play it right. Blitz, once you grab becomes useless since Alistar usually follows up well on the grab and in most cases can be the saving grace for the person you just hooked, especially if you hooked Ez.
On May 30 2013 11:50 krndandaman wrote: i'm posting on here wayyy too much recently (3 posts on this page already..) but wow.
we all know combatex right? well, guess who I ran into in ranked today with his duoqueue buddy?
I knew something was familiar about his name and his attitude. Kept bashing whole team while he wasn't doing so hot either then when I called him out for it he starts bashing me too. I get annoyed so I ask him 1v1 nientonsoh style and trash talk him back and he obviously dodges by saying league is not a 1v1 game and that he'd rather 1v1 starcraft then. I'm much better at starcraft than league actually so I tell him sure until I realize he's talking about sc2 which I don't play at all. I ask him 1v1 again at the end of game as he and his buddy just spams LOL BAD and leaves/dodges.
sigh. the sad thing is in starcraft, his attitude stuck out like sore thumb. here, I almost couldn't tell him apart from the rest of the bad attitudes. If you don't mind me asking, what was his league name and his rating, I'm just curious how he's doing in a different game other than SC2.
its 6:23AM right now, hours ago i told myself "as soon as you lose 1 game, you go sleep". i've been winning since then, think i'm close to a clean match history. im so tired QQ
On May 30 2013 13:24 [DUF]MethodMan wrote: its 6:23AM right now, hours ago i told myself "as soon as you lose 1 game, you go sleep". i've been winning since then, think i'm close to a clean match history. im so tired QQ gtfo LoCicero thread that way --------------->
Man, fuck all the Ezreal that use blue stuff. Fuck. Them. All.
They try the build while they don't know how to use it. Since I'm trying jungle with Nasus, how am I supposed to carry these retards back.