Mh. so, i havn't played a lot since i got dota 2 access some months ago. Basicly since the end of season 1, though i played some to get a new lining from season 2 rewards.
I recently started laddering again, and while i'm doing good in most games, my teams aren't. And i fail to carry them for lack of practice... though i suspect some of them don't want to get carried anyway.
I wonder what the lowest league is, i feel like i'm on the way to the league Karma's Stillbirths, Wood V.
On a related note, who had the idea to add "win rates for lanes" to lolking.net? How would they even know what lane i went? It only provides fuel for all the forumwarriors who already ARE in Wood V but won't stop claiming they're actually diamond smurfs.
Third time I get to my promo series. 0-3 yet again. Can't carry 0/7 top lanes, Karthus jungle, or bad adcs who build 2nd item spirit visage.
What. The. Fuck.
Have to lane top vs Kayle. J4 sits in the lane bush from 11:00 to 14:00. AND NOBODY FUCKING COMES TOP TO HELP ME.
Not to mention our master Yi trolled the fuck out of us, didn't buy jack shit for 20 minutes. Had all of a doran's ring for the first 2 teamfights.
No shit I lose top when J4 has been sitting in my lane zoning me from xp for 3 minutes straight.
5 game losing streak demotes me to Gold2. I haven't seen shittier teams in my life in weeks. I'm gonna be demoted twice in a row at this rate if this continues.
I go 4-3 Vlad vs their Ryze top who had simliar score, their jungle came top 4 times before I started to roam. My Yi never came once. I take tower and never lose mine and I'm up in cs, I count that as a lane win imo. He blames me for loss because I was 2nd pick and didn't pick a tankier top for teamfights. He was 1-5 end of the game and was calling me a trash bag and 100% blaming me for loss. It's like people lvl up to 30 just so they can purposefully make people's lives a living hell for attempting to play ranked and get their wotd.
I give up. No wotd for me and only a division demotion and rage.
Okay fuck this game. 78 game loss streak now. Started off great, got up to 3/1. Warded one side, doesn't matter because the moment I'm motioning to go ward the other I get flash RE by Diana->EQ ult by j4. Just the most ridiculous camping I've ever experienced in a ranked game. Literally doesn't matter if I have summoners because they both blow summoners to kill me.
I'm just so mad at this game. I'm playing well, but the teams.......
Nothing like going 4/0/2 bot lane as varus vs EZ/janna, and having renekton finish lane 0/4 and ziggs finish 0/3 and Cho gath disconnecting.
"Win Lane, Lose Game"
On March 09 2013 19:05 krndandaman wrote: I won my game but why do people never ward? I counted how many times i typed in chat "please buy ward" yet no one does. I literally bought packs of 5 every time I backed until I got my full items as a carry. Seriously?
That's the most frustrating thing, lots of times you can tell when a lane is going to lose by their starting items. Boots 3 is a dead give away anymore, especially top. I've sat in fountain until other people have bought wards before. I was play a game a s taric and refused to leave until other people bought wards, they lost a 4v5 fight because someone got caught, you bet your ass 3 people bought wards when they shopped.
My support Sona decided the best way to fight Taric/Caitlyn was to run directly into Taric, repeatedly.
United States15536 Posts
I am incredibly tired with losing ranked games to d/c's.
Fuck tristana.
Fuck everything about her
Nunu bot lane blames me for losing because I was 1-4-8 but bot lane was crushing. I was playing TF and I ganked bot 3 times.
You ungraceful bastards.
Today is not a good day. Whelp, I played drunk too much and got on some serious losing streaks on my main. It's really really really hard to pull myself out of this rut with how shitty people are. Fuck other humans.
The game pretty much stands on a razor's edge. Any mistake I make is magnified a hundred fold because it's up to me to carry these mouth-breathers to victory. Humanity has set it self to vex me with all sorts of maladies such as:
1) "Top or afk" idiots who give up first blood 2) A Tristana who leaps onto Draven/Taric at lvl 3 and blames me for her death because I was apparently too much of "a pussy" to help her out. I was Soraka and had just healed her after her previously failed trade vs a Draven. Wat is a cooldown plz? 3) A fiddle who, after I told him about an enemy ward he was standing on, wastes his ult, and then proceeds to blame us for not initiating when they fell back after seeing him stand on the ward for 20 seconds. 4) "First time XXX" champion mid bullshit. 5) 0/6/2 Shaco, who was more of a liability than anything. He certainly must have been an enemy team spy.
I can't even begin to remember how many shitty picks/bans/decisions went on during the draft portion. I tell you what though: today is shitty Anivia day, that's for sure. Goddamn I hate seeing that bird on my team. It's always a fucking idiot that plays her like Diana.
My only solace is that these are only normal games.... Yes, normals, I'm a tryhard. But fuck it. I get matched with people like chuuper and stonewall008. When you're at high normal draft elo you get some great non-troll matches. Just don't fall or you'll be in this circle of hell that I'm in.
"I'm stoned out of my head and my friends just fucked my girl :/."
Said the Vayne after her 5th lane death.
EDIT: I'm stoned and have personal problems right next to me in the middle of a party. PERFECT TIME TO PLAY SOME RANKED!
-_- What goes through people's heads SERIOUSLY.
On March 09 2013 00:45 snow2.0 wrote: On a related note, who had the idea to add "win rates for lanes" to lolking.net? How would they even know what lane i went? It only provides fuel for all the forumwarriors who already ARE in Wood V but won't stop claiming they're actually diamond smurfs.
Agreed. Also their win rates for lanes are downright wrong. I played a game with Lux, going mid, and building only AP items. On lolking they put that down as "support". I have no clue why they supposed I was playing support Lux.
I swear I have to worst luck, lost 7 games in a row because of it. First game was 4v5, 2nd game top went 0-9. third game mid went 1-8, fourth game another 4v5, 5th game top went 1-7, 6th game bot went 2-16, and finish off 7th game with another 4v5. What do I have to do to get better luck? My scores in the game were 7-1-10, 3-3-9, 4-0-5, 13-4-6, 6-5-14, 7-2-5, and 3-0-2.
On March 10 2013 17:20 GettingIt wrote: I swear I have to worst luck, lost 7 games in a row because of it. First game was 4v5, 2nd game top went 0-9. third game mid went 1-8, fourth game another 4v5, 5th game top went 1-7, 6th game bot went 2-16, and finish off 7th game with another 4v5. What do I have to do to get better luck? My scores in the game were 7-1-10, 3-3-9, 4-0-5, 13-4-6, 6-5-14, 7-2-5, and 3-0-2. Carry harder
2 Division Promotion series
my head hurts.
I won another game. Got into setries for the 3rd time in one day
so happy.