On March 01 2013 07:23 Haasts wrote: Sorry to people in my last few ranked games for the client crash in one, and having to go AFK for a surprise landlord visit/inspection in another. Only during promotion series, never when I'm mucking around in normals with friends, bleh.
Got Requizen in my game. Wanted to troll.
Someone dodged. Q__Q
Hahaha. Oh man I would've loved to see that. If that happens again record it somehow?
Ever have that breaking point moment when you afk to go to the bathroom and come back to see you have a duo jungle of anivia and Graves? Needless to say I expect a ban because I instantly disconnected. Give zero fucks if people are going to troll that hard.
Edit: I always feel like when I play support, that I have to work so much harder in lane than the adc. And then they still go 2/7 in lane and some how we win the game. So not only do they think they're good but theat they were doing things correctly.
3-4 game win streak to get my promotion series to silver 1, only to lose 3 straight games due to raging allies, horrible plays and opponent dominance
First game. Teemo mysteriously ends up in the enemy jungle and feeds first blood to TF. Not too bad but it sucks. Later. Gank bottom. Enemy malphite & TF port in. malph ult+E-> wild cards->insta triple for TF. TF picks up the last kill. Quadra. Needless to say we lost.
Second game. 7/2/6 on Kayle. still lose. Fun times.
The hell, all the toxic players came out of the woodworks from no where today as I doing promotoion series.
Been a long time since I played with such vitriol, just like everygame.
First game this Diana decided we lost the game at level 1 after we went four for one and her lane opponent got a kill. Proceeds to flame and get rest of team pissed off. Whatever, I gank her lane hardcore, get her fed, she still pissed for some stupid reason and just AFKed to our loss after 35 minutes.
Second game, two troll picks so our bot lane is Trundle-Poppy against Cait Zyra. Surprise surprise, they lost that hard, Eventually just ragequit. Cool. Magically we pulled out a win.
Third game AP tryndamere on enemy team. I get told to play AD carry, probably my worst role. Game fine, but AP tryndamere stupid and cheesy.
Fourth game, I'm panth, get counterpicked by Malphite. Tell team it a rough matchup, and they say meh. Tell them I need ganks, they say they'll gank np. Malphite gets three kills level 1, comes to lane with Glacial Shroud. To top in off, Xin Ganks me like five times before 10 minute mark. Whole team shits on me for being awful player, despite them all winning lanes. And we lose.Never recieved single gank.
Laning phase ends with me being a 8/0/1 Tristana with IE/PD. Their to Akali is pretty big as well, but our rammus tells the team "we need defend this tristana 10000 times hard". I guess he meant the right thing. First teamfight gives me a kill and 3 assists, we trade 4 for 3, because Akali could not directly jump on me in the start, had to walk around half the jungle to finally kill me, however, that put her out of the whole fight. Next fight, their voli again just runs up to me, gets cced by my Lulu premade, we get him down but this time Akali finds me pretty early, again with full health and i need to jump and flash out. They get inhib turet cause our team was not able to kill one. Next tf starts with our Kat getting caught, we lose the inhib, no peel, no protection. Next teamfight closes it out, we lose, i am 11/3/X, and my jungle rammus and top shen (who fed akali in the first place) call me out for not doing anything in teamfights. We literally lost in 5 minutes after laning phase ended. Wow.
I lost more than 10 matches in a row. In every single one of them (I am not exaggarating), there was at least 1 person (but generally 2 or more) who died at least 3 times in the first 5 minutes.
zzzzzzzzz got demoted to plat 3 after losing a whole bunch of games in a row. Zed throws game by getting caught x2 into not doing shit.
Then our draven builds fucking SotD double BT LW. All's good unless he can't kill somebody, in which case he's fucking worthless as fuck.
On March 01 2013 02:27 zeeQue wrote:Show nested quote +On February 28 2013 22:44 King_Snake wrote: Whelp I tried to play poppy top in ranked. The last three picks began yelling, "POPPY SO NUB GO BACK TO NORMALS" "YOU FAKING TROLL." They then proceed to all lock in junglers with smite revive, and tell me. "DODE OR WE FEED U NAB POPPY SHIT CHAMP GO BACK TO NORMALS TO TROLL." I mean seriously this is ranked at most two of them knew eachother what the fuck is with the third guy jumping on the bandwagon? I will never get people like this, I had a poppy support as ADC, now whilst not the best everyone on my team raged hard, me, as the ADC even said it's fine I don't mind, we proceed to win bot lane stupidly hard and not a single word is spoken from them... I think people need to let stuff through honestly, I've gotten to the stage where I feel confident enough at this level to just faceroll my bot lanes, losing only 3 in the last 10... Also when teams fight 4v5 under THEIR turret then bitch at me for pushing bot tower out O_O... We still won but holy shit, even the Anivia told you to back off Well I also happen to main adc and I haven't played ranked in a month or so, that was old rage I never got around to posting. But I started playing again today and am currently 8-1 I got ezreal and lee sin yesterday and haven't lost a single game with either of them despite no experience with them. Bronze is really easy. I have been hard carrying all of my games by just not dying.
SIHTWLEREUHTSKJHNKSJHFDGOS VMA;SLQHWAKM VILWGI UEMASLIU,ICLIAIURIUAWEIUEWRIWIUEWR HILWAER LBK Go from 81 points in Silver 2 to being demoted. Every game at least 2 retards on my team. I want to throw something, but I can't afford to break any of my stuff
Biggest fucking throw ever because our top and mid were both on their periods and literally stood still typing to each other in the middle of teamfights.
Will someone please tell me what they did to ap trynd, cos the ones I've played against so far, they do the same shit and I just got rolled by it....
On March 03 2013 01:41 zeeQue wrote: Will someone please tell me what they did to ap trynd, cos the ones I've played against so far, they do the same shit and I just got rolled by it....
Ability Power ratio adjusted to 0.3 + 0.012 per Fury consumed (total 1.5 at maximum Fury) from 1.5"
So he doesnt heal as much for free, he still has insane spin damage.
Can anyone please explain to me why I lose 70-80% of my games when I'm first pick because I always get matched with a duo 4th and 5th pick who DEMAND bot lane and still lose their lane horribly anyway? These games usually end in a 15-20min loss because all lanes feed and just AFK at the fountain and I can't pick anything but ADC, Support, or Jungle because I'm first pick or I would get countered so bad.
Then when I'm 4th or 5th pick in a team, I generally get better quality games with a team that can actually function half-decently together? Not to say I get carried but the teamwork is so much better.
I play a game, and we start getting owned really hard, so at 20 min some guy starts a surrender vote, and it fails 3 to 2 (me voting against). The same guy spams surrender votes every 3 minutes, and it fails 3 to 2 three times in a row. By some miracle we start winning, and we start shutting down their team. We are still behind, but way less than a few minutes ago. We kill heimer, and gangplank, and finally start pushing their lanes, when the fifth surrender vote comes, and WTF those retards choose to surrender. What the hell, we start winning == surrender O_O O_O O_O . After the game the other team is like why did you surrender, and I totally flame my allies, and probably ended up being reported...
Fuck this. Carry the first 99% of the game. Barely stay in the game because everyone on your team is throwing unbelievably hard, everyone gets caught all day and when I fuck up once. Just once. I chase a little farther than I should've instead of backing off and the entire game's my fault. Not the leona who gets caught out 1v5 40 minutes in, not the 0/5 early game swain who made the midgame unbelievably hard nor the volibear who just left all three lanes to rot for the first 20 minutes while he farmed the jungle.
Bloody 6 game win streak to get to my promo series. 1st game I'm Zed mid but even though I trade kills even when being ganked we still lose vs an all AP composition with heimer, TF, nidalee. No AD carry but our bot lane feeds TF and nidalee and we can't do shit. 2nd game have to go support (my worst role) but I pick taric since he's pretty easy to play. Enemy picks Blitzcrank Draven and our lane gets 4 man ganked until Draven is fed off our graves (who used his ult on dragon before a teamfight), even though our top and mid just wouldn't take the towers down or come help. Graves goes afk while the rest of the team dives in solo constantly even though we would have had a chance in a 5v5 teamfight.
And then I go and win the next two in a row to get my promo series again, hopefully this time I can get jungle and carry the game hard enough.
On March 03 2013 08:55 MooMooMugi wrote: Can anyone please explain to me why I lose 70-80% of my games when I'm first pick because I always get matched with a duo 4th and 5th pick who DEMAND bot lane and still lose their lane horribly anyway? These games usually end in a 15-20min loss because all lanes feed and just AFK at the fountain and I can't pick anything but ADC, Support, or Jungle because I'm first pick or I would get countered so bad.
Then when I'm 4th or 5th pick in a team, I generally get better quality games with a team that can actually function half-decently together? Not to say I get carried but the teamwork is so much better.
If you are close to each other in elo and duoqueue, you are almost always 4th and 5th pick. This usually ends up with at least one of you being support, no matter what roles you usually play. A lot of people also like to play botlane together if they duo, even if they usually do something else and are not really good in botlane. Also, their MMR is inflated because of duoing, so they usually face enemies who are slightly better then themselves (In my opinion this is an incredibly stupid system). Of course, if you yourself are fourth or fifth pick, those guys are not on your team.
If you are firstpick, it is expected that you carry your team, you are rated higher then the rest of them after all. Also, you totally can pick top or mid, just pick something save that is not easily countered and you are fine. Counterpicks are really overrated. Just don't pick something that get really raped by a common champion.