On September 19 2012 11:02 Haasts wrote: Edit: Completely on tilt; lost five or so games in a row now. I really, really need to stop third-picking support when our last pick claims to be "on his friend's account" and "high ELO" and "free win" and then proceeds to repeatedly invade the enemy's jungle as Xin and get murdered. FML. Suffered from this thrice on my last 5 games, 2 of which ended in losses. Olaf tries to fight Volibear to death at 3 (after the jungler gave him first blood), dies. Still continue to die repeatdly and says he can't farm. I look at his items, tabi, HoG, avarice blade. Good build. No wards. The other one had a Vlad losing to a WW (which I can understand), dieing thrice before 6 with only a gank (which is harder) and not managing to farm nor even trying to help when I come to gank, instead running when he's over half-HP and WW is 5 (which made me pretty angry in the end). I think I already "covered" that game somewhere here, with a Kennen starting boots+3 -> sorcs -> giant's belt against Lux, and making a habit out of flashing to apply 2 tick of his ult to people because they are barely in its AoE and can walk away casually. Of course Kennen burnt everything in the process and proceeded to dive more than half the time.
The third game we won, but that's because Darius dunked on Renekton, Brand fed himself pretty well (1600 normal wins, he'd just started ranked and was blazing through) and I managed some plays as Leona to give kills to Ezreal or make him survive 3-man dives (and then proceeded to suck in teamfights qq), since Shyvana whom I let pick jungle went alone and proceeded to fight 1v4 in their jungle, trying hard to throw several times in a row.
On September 19 2012 14:10 plasmidghost wrote:Show nested quote +On September 18 2012 15:03 MooMooMugi wrote: Or be like M5 Genja when he used to build Randiuns on Ashe, Frozen Heart on Ezreal I'm not sure about Randuin's on Ashe, but Frozen Heart on Ezreal sems pretty damn good. Armor to defend against their adc, cdr and more mana for his q pokes, and of course the attack speed reduction, at least for mid-game play. Only tradeoffs I se are less damage output, which would leave you more susceptible to ganks and dives. Once again, sorry for all the posts, but I can't copy-paste into one post that well from a tablet. Additional QQ: Why do people say that they're doing the "new meta" when doing absolutely stupid stuff like AP Syndra bot wih support Zilean, while Kat took mid (Kat did fine, not hating on her)? Not to mention that Syndra kept bitching at top lane Warwick and me, jungling Udyr, for having no balls, since we wouldn't engage fights that were hideously in their favor (tower dives when there were 3 of them, 2v5s, etc.), even though Warwick was playing the smartest of us all, always focusing their Caitlyn or Annie, while I was doing my best to help him. Some people honestly need to actually watch other people play before commenting on their play. And don't even get me started on how many times she tried to solo push and died to their whole team, then blamed me and Warwick for not assisting her. Show nested quote +On September 19 2012 14:04 LazyFailKid wrote:On September 19 2012 13:58 plasmidghost wrote:On September 19 2012 06:42 MooMooMugi wrote: Luckerdog or Nooblords are common insults on the game League of Legends I've never actually heard any of those terms in the ~750 games I've played. I only recognise nooblord from that pro as heck guide to master yi video. hackee is a nooblord hackee is a nooblord hackee is a nooblord Stacking zeals best build hackee is a nooblord hackee is a nooblord hackee is a nooblord hackee is a nooblord is pretty much all I got from that video lol Zeals? Don't you mean doubleswords? And don't forget the move really fast boots! I really hope this post works, it's a bitch to get everything to select. Looks like it did. Well, that's something. Or not, since my browser crashed right after posting.
About the QQ. I guess they referred to this. http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1010wp/new_botlane_meta/
Fuck this fucking game and it's stupid fucking playerbase, seriously just want to get back to gold to get the Janna skin, start game feed ashe 4-0, our mid goes 2-0 and top farms even, then mid and jungle start picking a fight and mid decides to start staying out on 100 life because "worth it" then we finally pull it back for amumu to fuck up smite on baron, ok no biggy happens to everyone, spend the next 10 minutes pulling it back again just for him to fuck up another smite and then kassadin to a+click into their base...
Quadrakill as MF, would have been an easy penta if the AP teemo didn't kill their taric with Blinding dart + poison shot -.-
Days without pentakill: 566.
On September 18 2012 22:05 M2 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 18 2012 16:14 ticklishmusic wrote:On September 17 2012 17:17 M2 wrote: Guys let me reveal you a secret (at least for those playing on the european server). There is something very wrong with the Polish and the Russians, I don't know if it is some kind of genetic issue related to LoL that prevents them to comprehend the game or its some kind of cultural phenomenon I really have no idea, but when they play, most of those guys are practically an equivalent of a mix between mentaly challenged zombies and Sims 2 characters. I will not go now into detailed endless examples of what my eyes have seen such as: Allistar AP mid, AD Sona solo top with ignite, attack move master yi into enemy team into 0/15 in 12 minutes, Duo mid Varus+Corki (explanation was that minions are coming faster there and they need farm), team of 4 AP champions fighting for the mid lane, 4 AD carries and etc and etc, and this is just the team selection, during the games you can imagine I suppose, besides there are a lot of examples in this thread already. I am not saying that all of the above is only coming from Russians and Polish and I also played with some very skilled/adequate Polish and Russians (many of them on my friend list already), but make this experiment: when you have doubts that one or few of your team have LoL's brain insufficiency before you start swearing at them aks politely: Are you Russian or Polish? You will be amazed (or not since you have read this post) of how many times the answer will be: Yes/Да In NA, we have this thing called a Brazilian. They tend to like Morde and Riven. You can usually identify them by the incomprehensible internet Portuguese they speak, and the occasional poorly worded insult (these usually come after you miss a skillshot, apparently they don't understand the concept of a no point-and-click champ). Oh, and they tend to be absolutely terrible. Once I had hope with a jungle Jax and a Ashe ADC. I was support Lulu and it went okayish-- Ashe had shit CS, but the duo jungle/ADC lovefest thing happened and we got a lot of kills so I guess it wasn't too bad. Overall we were a little behind midgame, managed to pull ahead a bit later, then Jax decides to solo Baron after we ace them (the other 3 of us are defending inhibs). Baron almost dead, enemy team coming, Jax leaves Baron to fight a 1v5. He dies of course, enemy takes Baron and pushes. We lose the fight, but I go hero mode Lulu (fully stacked Meijas/DFG) and triple kill them for an ace. Then we die to super minions. Fuck you Jax. There are, of course, skilled Brazilian players. However, you usually can't tell they are Brazilian because they communicate and play well. What are you talking about? From what I undesrand your Brazilians can actually identify that you are doing something (missed skill shots) and they also in some way follow things different than their champion, these indicates for at least two brain cells, two:-)) What I am trying to describe is a fuckin zombie playing = no brain, vacuum:-)) and favorite champions are teemo and master yi, when I see those picked in my team I have mini heart attacks:-)))))))))
Just to enhance my point, I saw this today in Dota's forum, It is not strictly LoL issue I suppose :-))
Sigh dropped 80 ELO over the last days. My most recent game was the worst. Was jungling naut and had a gp mid vs their morgana mid and ali jungle. Managed to countergank and get the GP dozens of kills. Top was failing and bot doing well. We get way ahead but lose every teamfight because of graves terrible positioning. He would facecheck bushes and he actually quickdrawed into their entire team in one teamfight. Fuck I hate this game sometimes.
Twisted Treeline is an unbalanced shit map where only people with no low self-esteem tryhard because they can't even win a 5x5 co-op game.
Why is there no "queue as role" for ranked? Today, i have won every single game i played as jungler, and lost every single game i played as nonjungler. I know myself that i am not good at other roles, but my jungle elo would be far above my current elo from what i experienced. Let all those "top or feed" asshole have 3 hours queuing times, and let me always have jungle. Everyone wins.
And why, when i queue with a friend, are we always 4th and 5th pick? This is fucking annoying.
Seriously, that makes me want to stop duo queuing, and i thought the point of this game is to play with friends. But NEVER getting the role i want is seriously fucking annoying.
On September 20 2012 02:33 little fancy wrote: Twisted Treeline is an unbalanced shit map where only people with no low self-esteem tryhard because they can't even win a 5x5 co-op game. I only played it once when the 5v5 queues were all down, and yes, that map is hideous, and seemingly everyone was bitching constantly, more so than in 5v5s.
My friend convinced me to play HoN
Holy fucking shit I am never cheating on League again. Teleport scrolls, build recipies, what the fuck.
On September 20 2012 10:11 57 Corvette wrote: My friend convinced me to play HoN
Holy fucking shit I am never cheating on League again. Teleport scrolls, build recipies, what the fuck.
Exact same thing in DotA 2. I personally prefer it. It's like having summoner spells taking up an item slot on a far shorter cooldown, the recipe item is just a filler to show how much gold is necessary after buying all the items, and the courier is far, far, FAR superior compared to recalling. Lane for days <3
My QQ: Hit 1511 elo, drop -63 in a few hours. Team doesn't provide a buffer for me as the ad carry, blames me when I get zerged by two assassins on their team. Dat logic.
I still get the Janna skin right? I mean, 1500 is gold elo now so... ;_;
On September 20 2012 10:11 57 Corvette wrote: My friend convinced me to play HoN
Holy fucking shit I am never cheating on League again. Teleport scrolls, build recipies, what the fuck.
Things I don't like about dota:
- Courier interface mess
Things I don't like about hon:
- Courier interface mess - Every element of the visual design
So... basically... I like dota but hon is unplayable to me.
Life is all fine and good with me all and off the field. Huehuhuehuhueh
Holy fucking throws. On my slow levelling process towards level 30, i've decided to play more support and practice zoning people. Played about 10 games today, 8 of them contained Spanish Master Yi's. I have no idea why they're always spanish, or play Master Yi, but wow, they usually suck*. The second to last i played bot with a vayne, completely zoned the other bot lane and went on to dominate the game. Vayne add's me and asks for a duo queue, sure. Next game against blitz draven we do okay, nothing special but pick up a few kills going 3/1 in the lane. Teemo in mid does okay, in fact every lane does okay. About 15 mins in, score is 20-12. Teemo, in all his infinite wisdom decides that really instead of joining teamfights, pushing lanes or killing monsters.. the best use of his time is to continually shroom top lane. (????) Scores end up levelling out with teemo going -5 in the last 10-15 mins. Despite chat asking him to stop he keeps going. Vayne ends up running into the open multiple times despite my wards showing blitz on the other side of a wall. Jax/Xin (Duo queuers) keep running off trying to Baron and getting caught, and im here as Sona trying to defend our inhibs. If we'd have managed to group and just push we'd have won easily, instead shrooming lanes and 2 manning baron are more important.
I hope 30/Ranked gets better, though I doubt it.
*sorry to any good Spanish master yi players!
On September 20 2012 11:45 Valenius wrote: Holy fucking throws. On my slow levelling process towards level 30, i've decided to play more support and practice zoning people. Played about 10 games today, 8 of them contained Spanish Master Yi's. I have no idea why they're always spanish, or play Master Yi, but wow, they usually suck*. The second to last i played bot with a vayne, completely zoned the other bot lane and went on to dominate the game. Vayne add's me and asks for a duo queue, sure. Next game against blitz draven we do okay, nothing special but pick up a few kills going 3/1 in the lane. Teemo in mid does okay, in fact every lane does okay. About 15 mins in, score is 20-12. Teemo, in all his infinite wisdom decides that really instead of joining teamfights, pushing lanes or killing monsters.. the best use of his time is to continually shroom top lane. (????) Scores end up levelling out with teemo going -5 in the last 10-15 mins. Despite chat asking him to stop he keeps going. Vayne ends up running into the open multiple times despite my wards showing blitz on the other side of a wall. Jax/Xin (Duo queuers) keep running off trying to Baron and getting caught, and im here as Sona trying to defend our inhibs. If we'd have managed to group and just push we'd have won easily, instead shrooming lanes and 2 manning baron are more important.
I hope 30/Ranked gets better, though I doubt it.
*sorry to any good Spanish master yi players!
Few pages back I complained about Russians and Polish Master yi and Teemos, but the truth is that regardless of the nationality, I noticed that these two champions do wonders for the opposite team in unskilled/retarded hands, I don't think that there are other champions that can do more harm for their team than those. Everytime I have master or teemo in my team I start praying, because if they are good they are ok, just like any other champion, but when they are bad, oh dear Lordy, when they are bad:-))
On September 20 2012 19:43 M2 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 20 2012 11:45 Valenius wrote: Holy fucking throws. On my slow levelling process towards level 30, i've decided to play more support and practice zoning people. Played about 10 games today, 8 of them contained Spanish Master Yi's. I have no idea why they're always spanish, or play Master Yi, but wow, they usually suck*. The second to last i played bot with a vayne, completely zoned the other bot lane and went on to dominate the game. Vayne add's me and asks for a duo queue, sure. Next game against blitz draven we do okay, nothing special but pick up a few kills going 3/1 in the lane. Teemo in mid does okay, in fact every lane does okay. About 15 mins in, score is 20-12. Teemo, in all his infinite wisdom decides that really instead of joining teamfights, pushing lanes or killing monsters.. the best use of his time is to continually shroom top lane. (????) Scores end up levelling out with teemo going -5 in the last 10-15 mins. Despite chat asking him to stop he keeps going. Vayne ends up running into the open multiple times despite my wards showing blitz on the other side of a wall. Jax/Xin (Duo queuers) keep running off trying to Baron and getting caught, and im here as Sona trying to defend our inhibs. If we'd have managed to group and just push we'd have won easily, instead shrooming lanes and 2 manning baron are more important.
I hope 30/Ranked gets better, though I doubt it.
*sorry to any good Spanish master yi players! Few pages back I complained about Russians and Polish Master yi and Teemos, but the truth is that regardless of the nationality, I noticed that these two champions do wonders for the opposite team in unskilled/retarded hands, I don't think that there are other champions that can do more harm for their team than those. Everytime I have master or teemo in my team I start praying, because if they are good they are ok, just like any other champion, but when they are bad, oh dear Lordy, when they are bad:-))
Shaco (and sometimes Kat) are also great examples. In the ennemy team they pentakill, in yours they feed as hell... I'd rather have a useless teemo, at least I can use his shrooms as pseudo-wards...
On September 20 2012 21:49 Razhil wrote:Show nested quote +On September 20 2012 19:43 M2 wrote:On September 20 2012 11:45 Valenius wrote: Holy fucking throws. On my slow levelling process towards level 30, i've decided to play more support and practice zoning people. Played about 10 games today, 8 of them contained Spanish Master Yi's. I have no idea why they're always spanish, or play Master Yi, but wow, they usually suck*. The second to last i played bot with a vayne, completely zoned the other bot lane and went on to dominate the game. Vayne add's me and asks for a duo queue, sure. Next game against blitz draven we do okay, nothing special but pick up a few kills going 3/1 in the lane. Teemo in mid does okay, in fact every lane does okay. About 15 mins in, score is 20-12. Teemo, in all his infinite wisdom decides that really instead of joining teamfights, pushing lanes or killing monsters.. the best use of his time is to continually shroom top lane. (????) Scores end up levelling out with teemo going -5 in the last 10-15 mins. Despite chat asking him to stop he keeps going. Vayne ends up running into the open multiple times despite my wards showing blitz on the other side of a wall. Jax/Xin (Duo queuers) keep running off trying to Baron and getting caught, and im here as Sona trying to defend our inhibs. If we'd have managed to group and just push we'd have won easily, instead shrooming lanes and 2 manning baron are more important.
I hope 30/Ranked gets better, though I doubt it.
*sorry to any good Spanish master yi players! Few pages back I complained about Russians and Polish Master yi and Teemos, but the truth is that regardless of the nationality, I noticed that these two champions do wonders for the opposite team in unskilled/retarded hands, I don't think that there are other champions that can do more harm for their team than those. Everytime I have master or teemo in my team I start praying, because if they are good they are ok, just like any other champion, but when they are bad, oh dear Lordy, when they are bad:-)) Shaco (and sometimes Kat) are also great examples. In the ennemy team they pentakill, in yours they feed as hell... I'd rather have a useless teemo, at least I can use his shrooms as pseudo-wards...
Thats the "grab 22" of LoL. If those champs are involved, there is no way to win.
On September 20 2012 21:51 Morfildur wrote:Show nested quote +On September 20 2012 21:49 Razhil wrote:On September 20 2012 19:43 M2 wrote:On September 20 2012 11:45 Valenius wrote: Holy fucking throws. On my slow levelling process towards level 30, i've decided to play more support and practice zoning people. Played about 10 games today, 8 of them contained Spanish Master Yi's. I have no idea why they're always spanish, or play Master Yi, but wow, they usually suck*. The second to last i played bot with a vayne, completely zoned the other bot lane and went on to dominate the game. Vayne add's me and asks for a duo queue, sure. Next game against blitz draven we do okay, nothing special but pick up a few kills going 3/1 in the lane. Teemo in mid does okay, in fact every lane does okay. About 15 mins in, score is 20-12. Teemo, in all his infinite wisdom decides that really instead of joining teamfights, pushing lanes or killing monsters.. the best use of his time is to continually shroom top lane. (????) Scores end up levelling out with teemo going -5 in the last 10-15 mins. Despite chat asking him to stop he keeps going. Vayne ends up running into the open multiple times despite my wards showing blitz on the other side of a wall. Jax/Xin (Duo queuers) keep running off trying to Baron and getting caught, and im here as Sona trying to defend our inhibs. If we'd have managed to group and just push we'd have won easily, instead shrooming lanes and 2 manning baron are more important.
I hope 30/Ranked gets better, though I doubt it.
*sorry to any good Spanish master yi players! Few pages back I complained about Russians and Polish Master yi and Teemos, but the truth is that regardless of the nationality, I noticed that these two champions do wonders for the opposite team in unskilled/retarded hands, I don't think that there are other champions that can do more harm for their team than those. Everytime I have master or teemo in my team I start praying, because if they are good they are ok, just like any other champion, but when they are bad, oh dear Lordy, when they are bad:-)) Shaco (and sometimes Kat) are also great examples. In the ennemy team they pentakill, in yours they feed as hell... I'd rather have a useless teemo, at least I can use his shrooms as pseudo-wards... Thats the "grab 22" of LoL. If those champs are involved, there is no way to win. "Catch 22", but yeah. Every Shaco I have on my team just gets obliterated 100% of the time, but enemy ones are fucking insane. Kogs are another one at my ELO, on the enemy team they're slippery and have a team protecting them, every Kog on my team facechecks 1v5 and never autoattacks, ever.
On September 20 2012 22:27 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On September 20 2012 21:51 Morfildur wrote:On September 20 2012 21:49 Razhil wrote:On September 20 2012 19:43 M2 wrote:On September 20 2012 11:45 Valenius wrote: Holy fucking throws. On my slow levelling process towards level 30, i've decided to play more support and practice zoning people. Played about 10 games today, 8 of them contained Spanish Master Yi's. I have no idea why they're always spanish, or play Master Yi, but wow, they usually suck*. The second to last i played bot with a vayne, completely zoned the other bot lane and went on to dominate the game. Vayne add's me and asks for a duo queue, sure. Next game against blitz draven we do okay, nothing special but pick up a few kills going 3/1 in the lane. Teemo in mid does okay, in fact every lane does okay. About 15 mins in, score is 20-12. Teemo, in all his infinite wisdom decides that really instead of joining teamfights, pushing lanes or killing monsters.. the best use of his time is to continually shroom top lane. (????) Scores end up levelling out with teemo going -5 in the last 10-15 mins. Despite chat asking him to stop he keeps going. Vayne ends up running into the open multiple times despite my wards showing blitz on the other side of a wall. Jax/Xin (Duo queuers) keep running off trying to Baron and getting caught, and im here as Sona trying to defend our inhibs. If we'd have managed to group and just push we'd have won easily, instead shrooming lanes and 2 manning baron are more important.
I hope 30/Ranked gets better, though I doubt it.
*sorry to any good Spanish master yi players! Few pages back I complained about Russians and Polish Master yi and Teemos, but the truth is that regardless of the nationality, I noticed that these two champions do wonders for the opposite team in unskilled/retarded hands, I don't think that there are other champions that can do more harm for their team than those. Everytime I have master or teemo in my team I start praying, because if they are good they are ok, just like any other champion, but when they are bad, oh dear Lordy, when they are bad:-)) Shaco (and sometimes Kat) are also great examples. In the ennemy team they pentakill, in yours they feed as hell... I'd rather have a useless teemo, at least I can use his shrooms as pseudo-wards... Thats the "grab 22" of LoL. If those champs are involved, there is no way to win. "Catch 22", but yeah. Every Shaco I have on my team just gets obliterated 100% of the time, but enemy ones are fucking insane. Kogs are another one at my ELO, on the enemy team they're slippery and have a team protecting them, every Kog on my team facechecks 1v5 and never autoattacks, ever.
It's only a "Catch" when the blitz is on the enemy team.
On September 20 2012 22:27 Morfildur wrote:Show nested quote +On September 20 2012 22:27 Requizen wrote:On September 20 2012 21:51 Morfildur wrote:On September 20 2012 21:49 Razhil wrote:On September 20 2012 19:43 M2 wrote:On September 20 2012 11:45 Valenius wrote: Holy fucking throws. On my slow levelling process towards level 30, i've decided to play more support and practice zoning people. Played about 10 games today, 8 of them contained Spanish Master Yi's. I have no idea why they're always spanish, or play Master Yi, but wow, they usually suck*. The second to last i played bot with a vayne, completely zoned the other bot lane and went on to dominate the game. Vayne add's me and asks for a duo queue, sure. Next game against blitz draven we do okay, nothing special but pick up a few kills going 3/1 in the lane. Teemo in mid does okay, in fact every lane does okay. About 15 mins in, score is 20-12. Teemo, in all his infinite wisdom decides that really instead of joining teamfights, pushing lanes or killing monsters.. the best use of his time is to continually shroom top lane. (????) Scores end up levelling out with teemo going -5 in the last 10-15 mins. Despite chat asking him to stop he keeps going. Vayne ends up running into the open multiple times despite my wards showing blitz on the other side of a wall. Jax/Xin (Duo queuers) keep running off trying to Baron and getting caught, and im here as Sona trying to defend our inhibs. If we'd have managed to group and just push we'd have won easily, instead shrooming lanes and 2 manning baron are more important.
I hope 30/Ranked gets better, though I doubt it.
*sorry to any good Spanish master yi players! Few pages back I complained about Russians and Polish Master yi and Teemos, but the truth is that regardless of the nationality, I noticed that these two champions do wonders for the opposite team in unskilled/retarded hands, I don't think that there are other champions that can do more harm for their team than those. Everytime I have master or teemo in my team I start praying, because if they are good they are ok, just like any other champion, but when they are bad, oh dear Lordy, when they are bad:-)) Shaco (and sometimes Kat) are also great examples. In the ennemy team they pentakill, in yours they feed as hell... I'd rather have a useless teemo, at least I can use his shrooms as pseudo-wards... Thats the "grab 22" of LoL. If those champs are involved, there is no way to win. "Catch 22", but yeah. Every Shaco I have on my team just gets obliterated 100% of the time, but enemy ones are fucking insane. Kogs are another one at my ELO, on the enemy team they're slippery and have a team protecting them, every Kog on my team facechecks 1v5 and never autoattacks, ever. It's only a "Catch" when the blitz is on the enemy team. 9/10