I swear to god I have never played with a good Jayce.
Also I decide to go support and be nice because everyone already called a role even though I was second pick, then I go Taric and this Cait starts dorans, can't CS for shit and gets pulled by blitz every time.
Well looks like I'm two wins off 1500 again instead of one -_- .
Why would a noc ults into the dragon pit 1v5, AFTER THE DRAGON WAS SLAIN, TWICE?!?! Why would the same noc ults into the enemy team 1v5 when they HAD THE BARON BUFF?!?!
Win, lose, win, lose
Some people just dont understand that its not worth chasing and killing the 200hp Taric, ignoring their Ranged or AP carries that are melting our team -__________________-
Of course you go after the 200hp Taric. His aura is TRULY OUTRAGEOUS.
Getting a kill is more important than winning the fight, don't you know?
Supporting this Ezreal on soraka, we're like 12-1 in kills on bot lane he goes i have to brb for 3 mins can you manage(naturally the 0-4 vayne is already ages behind with her having 2 dorans and he having an iedge) so im like sure nothings gonna go wrong
he goes afk for 10 mins. we lose like 3 towers and a few kills, he comes back we ace them take baron take a tower he goes SORRY GOTTA BRB AGAIN
then never comes back and we lose -_-.
real terror
People are fucking ridiculous. We start blue, they start red with voli lee. I'm playing irelia top and seeing nunu heading top after blue, I'm like okay, it's safe to go for melee creeps. Nope, he's going to go counter doubles while lee somehow doesn't get seen by him and goes for me. I die and lane is over, and nunu countered double golems. Epic bait by own team.
Also Zyra. Gonna watch and laugh as she loses like 50 range, .1-.2AP and increased mana costs on everything. INTO THE GODDAMN GROUND!
I don't know why you'd risk anything with voli/lee if lee starts red as Irelia. Even if nunu was there you guys would get double killed anyway. Just sounds like an awful decision.
And dying to volibear doesn't mean the lane is lost. That's an overstatement.
On August 02 2012 04:28 Requizen wrote: Getting a kill is more important than winning the fight, don't you know?
Those KDAs man.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/oF3pp.jpg) You know I pick teleport to try to help out my lanes.
Of the guys here, vayne, blitz, zilean, and kassadin are all fairly new. Kassadin wins his first game. I don't know how but malzahar doesn't manage to keep kassadin in lane so he goes bot, often gets spotted by malz or noct's ward, and still gets kills on our bot lane. I do fine top. I'm winning in cs though it's still hard to maintain bush control/I don't bother to.
Since both our newbs are in bot lane, bot lane naturally feeds 2-15 and kassadin gets a mejais. And of course since jax is on the winning team he can come back in kills and cs. Great.
I could have teleported to bot. I had my lane pushed many times. I did die once too in lane. Ward wasn't far enough and I used flash at the wrong time. But I kept checking the map and since there were no wards in bot lane ever, I couldn't even help them to come back.
Also is it all right if I leave the names in or do I have to blur them out?
You should leave it there for the sake of me chuckling at the names.
I hate this game sometimes.
When I soloQ
I get a troll/terrible player in one lane that feeds one guy and that snowballs the game.
When I duoQ
My duo partner has a shit game, does stupid things and throws harder than you could possibly imagine (Okay guys, you 4 push mid, I'll push down top solo), (You two can get middle without me right? I'll go try and solo baron, I have enough lifesteal I think!). regardless of whatever I tell him. Stupidest decision maker ever at 1600+ ELO. I'm regretting carrying him up here since I don't really have anyone else near me to duo with til I hit mid 1700s
How does ELO matching even work?
My team: 1st pick 1840 2nd pick(me) 1830 3rd pick 1750 4th pick 1660 5th pick 1640
Their team: 1850 1830 1810 1800 1790
We're purple(supposedly the team with higher average elo) and their blue
Man I just got dumped on T_T .
Played a game of Noct jungle, big level 1 fight where we go 2 for 1, I then made a bad decision trying to take our blue when they were still around, they kill me and take my blue and give it to their mid naut (wtf?) who then starts roaming at level 5. I start dying in my jungle because they ward EVERYTHING, and our Ryze is mid and refusing to come help because he wants to 'farm' (The wave wasn't even on his tower and he bought one ward for the whole game so I had to ward both sides of mid to check on when Naut comes in). I can admit I made a dumb mistake at the start but if your lane is running into our jungle at least fucking try to come help.
It felt like I was playing people way better than me because damn they snowballed the jungle advantage so badly, our WW won top but every other lane got shit on so bad. I bought an oracle after I finished wriggles (Which took a while when I was four levels behind their jungle) but by then the game was pretty much over.
Why the fuck do I get queued with these people. 5 fucking games in a row I've lost now. Taric goes to ward wraiths, I protect him, he gets seen and we book it, blowing his flash and my anivia wall. 5s after he's clear he goes back in to try to ward, gets caught and fucking dies, no ward in sight. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE. Top lane Jax crushes Rumble, but decides to go camp bottom, and by camp, I mean afk in the bottom fucking lane's bush after taking top tower. They proceed to dive and get tripled.
So fucking annoyed at these retards right now, maybe it's the weekend?
So I'm going to go cooldown by going on my smurf. If I lose this one, I'm going to just play something else until the weekend is over.
Okay I'm done. No more LoL for the weekend. Fucking 2 afk's in a smurf game when all I wanted to do was play karthus.
heh, i was not part of this conversation, but it still made me sad. We were winning and the other teams morde says "Cant win with this fucking Skarner, no wriggle on skarner is so fucking stupid"
He had Shurelia, Hog, frozen and wits at that point. Yeah, it was the builds fault. :I
My wifi costing me yet more ELO sigh
On August 03 2012 13:52 MooMooMugi wrote: How does ELO matching even work?
My team: 1st pick 1840 2nd pick(me) 1830 3rd pick 1750 4th pick 1660 5th pick 1640
Their team: 1850 1830 1810 1800 1790
We're purple(supposedly the team with higher average elo) and their blue
I think they fucked up how it works. A couple weeks ago, I lost 3 games in a row when I was purple and lost 14 elo each. Then, I won 3 games in a row from blue side and only gained 11 elo each. They clearly conspiring against us
Gosh 1100-1200 elo ...
People get fed, think they're rambo and just dash in ... 10-1 graves ---> 11-10 graves ... rly ... or bot lane was teemo ez vs draven blitz, draven gets zoned and throws surrenders all the way + olaf top saying the same, but we have blitz + ali, (me ali) vs double carry we go randuin-frozen heart and we turn the game, draven gets fed cause we have mass control and they dont ... then ... we ping nashor (it was a free nash) and draven stops to get red et moves in the bush and gets instagibbed ... we lose ... way to throw
gosh i hate it >_<
Blind pick.
The mode where people complain about not having a support bot lane and not getting mid and instead play Gragas top where they fail hard but get carried. Still blame their team. FUCK THEM.
Oh, and when you tell them in postgame chat that they probably got carried their whole 500 fucking normal games without having played a single ranked game, they start shouting at you "OMG SCREENSHOT RIOT WILL LOVE YOU LIAR ENJOY UR BAN MUAHAHAHHELHE AWOE IHAWÖLIWH !!!!!!!!!11111111111". I hope he died while writing. zzzzz.
Man vayne down 80 cs in lane to my graves, 0-1 im 3-1.
next thing i know kennen is 1-7 top to wukong so he does no damage, next team fight shitty vayne is somehow 4-2, next fight 7-2.
when awful players get a win. soooo terror.