On December 19 2012 08:21 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:
On December 19 2012 05:10 zulu_nation8 wrote: savior once posed as hitler for a photo shoot because his nickname was the tyrant. There was a BW map named Katrina that came out a month or two after the hurricane.
Priceless -.- Does he know what he is doing or playing too much BW made his historical knowledge fade away.
Kinda late on this quote I guess, but savior plays LoL on korea server, he was like 2100 ELO last season. One of the members here have him on their friends list, I'll ask later if they'll give me his ID.
2100 elo on the KR server is insane that puts him as one of the best SoloQ players in the world since the elo there is much lower O.o I saw him playing against Reapered earlier today.
On December 29 2012 04:41 smOOthMayDie wrote: Does his ban on competitive gaming relate to LoL?
No it relates to KESPA however and they'll probably ask other teams to respect the ban as well. I don't see why anyone would want the ringleader of a huge match fixing conspiracy that probably broke BW to be anywhere near lol.
On December 29 2012 04:41 smOOthMayDie wrote: Does his ban on competitive gaming relate to LoL?
No it relates to KESPA however and they'll probably ask other teams to respect the ban as well. I don't see why anyone would want the ringleader of a huge match fixing conspiracy that probably broke BW to be anywhere near lol.
Didn't KeSPA pick up LoL as an official game earlier this year? Not too sure which events are "KeSPA sanctioned" though.
On December 29 2012 04:41 smOOthMayDie wrote: Does his ban on competitive gaming relate to LoL?
No it relates to KESPA however and they'll probably ask other teams to respect the ban as well. I don't see why anyone would want the ringleader of a huge match fixing conspiracy that probably broke BW to be anywhere near lol.
Didn't KeSPA pick up LoL as an official game earlier this year? Not too sure which events are "KeSPA sanctioned" though.
It doesn't seem very likely that Riot would hand control of their korean Esports scene over to KeSPA.