Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Poll: Who Advances?Classic & Trap (15) 71% Classic & Losira (4) 19% Losira & Trap (1) 5% TRUE & Losira (1) 5% Trap & TRUE (0) 0% TRUE & Classic (0) 0% 21 total votes Your vote: Who Advances? (Vote): Classic & Losira (Vote): Trap & TRUE (Vote): TRUE & Classic (Vote): Losira & Trap (Vote): Classic & Trap (Vote): TRUE & Losira
For the sake of Classic and his disappointing s3 run last year, let's hope he advances. Shouldn't be too much of a problem though looking at the group
United Kingdom10443 Posts
I hope Losira can make it through. Worst case scenario is the two dirty protoss advancing.
It's pretty funny, I woke up in the middle of the night to watch this group, while knowing fully the result of the group in advance Hope I'm wrong, I told myself I'll keep watching as long as the games are good.
finally some live korean SC2
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Proxy stargate, nice Classic, nice xd
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Well this got weird REAL quick lol
Well, that's already interesting :D
on top of what arty said classic saw: TRUE is the opponent
wake up classic
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Classic playing like he isn't warmed up at all or he generally has no clue how to play vs Zerg right now.
didn't tastosis see that was 150 army vs 75? lol
Can't believe Classic won this game. I tuned away when it was 200 supply to 100, and then I come back a couple minutes later and all bases are destroyed and Classic with the better army.
True found the only way to lose from that position lol
On February 07 2019 19:00 fLyiNgDroNe wrote: didn't tastosis see that was 150 army vs 75? lol but immortals are pretty good
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Yeah that was defo unexpected ending. Well Classic what are you going to do game 3.
Funny, I'm thinking on that article about the GSL becoming stagnant. An underdog winning the first game, taking a huge lead and throwing it in the second game? Now seems like we know how the rest will unfold