Alright, looks like the teams have been selected!! I had a quick look at the teams and it looks like France together with Poland is fielding the strongest overall teams with 3 premier league players, using the number of Premier League players per team as an indicator of current form and strength. USA could reach the same level if Xenocider beats HerO in the challenger.
Teams with 3 current premier league players in the line-up France Poland
Teams with 2 current premier league players in the line-up Denmark Netherlands UK USA*
Teams with 1 current premier league players in the line-up Canada** Finland Germany Mexico Norway Russia Spain
Teams with 0 current premier league players in the line-up Italy Sweden Ukraine
*USA will have 3 PL players if xenocider wins his challenger match **Canada will have 2 PL players if Scarlett wins her challenger match
So yeah, sky high favorites to win this are team France (on their home turf) together team Poland, possibly together with Team USA, threatened by Denmark, Netherlands and UK.
Total outsiders: Proud SC2 nations such as Team Sweden and Team Ukraine
Interesting, but I think this numbers can be deceiving. For instance, Norway has only one player in Premier but he's the best foreigner in the world *. And this is All-kill format.
* okay, one of the best I'm atrociously biased toward Snute.
On May 04 2014 17:56 SpawnMoarOverlords wrote: Interesting, but I think this numbers can be deceiving. For instance, Norway has only one player in Premier but he's the best foreigner in the world *. And this is All-kill format.
* okay, one of the best I'm atrociously biased toward Snute.
Yeah, it is All-kill, but I don't think even Snute will be able to all-kill Norway to a second grand victory on his own, that is a tall order. He will need Targa and Eiki to back him up.
All hail Germany, Russia and UK, the only three nations to field one player from each race. Also props to Italy for being the only team to field two terrans, what insanity!
On May 04 2014 19:38 JustPassingBy wrote: All hail Germany, Russia and UK, the only three nations to field one player from each race. Also props to Italy for being the only team to field two terrans, what insanity!
Just backed €50. I would have backed €120 to get a ticket to attend this event and the after party but unfortunately I'm away on the 26th July and it's not something I can get out of.
I hope it is a success so it comes round again on a date I can attend. I have yet to go to a live StarCraft event and I wish to remedy that ASAP.