On August 24 2013 22:17 Swiv wrote: scarlett seems to be the mad one in this tweet.....
Agreed. And don remember people calling her a patchzerg.
Oh yeah. On TL every zerg in 2012 got called patchzerg. Scarlet no exception.
Disagree. Scarlett was allways good on TL eyes, as i know. I may be wrong. But i don think so.
You mean when she went 40+ infestors in games she wasn't called a patch zerg? Get real, every zerg from drg to life was a patch zerg according to tl post may 2012
Lol DRG was the anti patch zerg. He started to slump majorly when everyone else started to win left and right. I highly doubt he was called it!
I definitely recall people talking about drg only ever winning because he was a zerg, and beacuse of that patch. I'm a pretty big drg fan so I don't agree with that but it still happened.
On August 24 2013 22:27 Prog455 wrote: However, as someone already mentioned i don't think that Scarlett received as much hate as someone like Sortof or Johnnyrecco. This could of course be due to the fact that her creep spread always was at least on par with, and often superior to, top Korean Zergs.
That was because she had a break-out before we knew what a patch-zerg was. That and she didn't beat many fan-favorites.
I have to say that this is without a doubt the BEST SC2 TOURNAMENT I HAVE EVER SEEN in terms of production, flow, casting, hosting, players ,epic games. Everything is just PERFECT.
A big thanks to everyone who is making this happen!
On August 24 2013 22:30 warz_ wrote: I have to say that this is without a doubt the BEST SC2 TOURNAMENT I HAVE EVER SEEN in terms of production, flow, casting, hosting, players ,epic games. Everything is just PERFECT.
A big thanks to everyone who is making this happen!
indeed. the only thing that isn't perfect is the fact i can't watch live tomorrow =/
On August 24 2013 22:30 warz_ wrote: I have to say that this is without a doubt the BEST SC2 TOURNAMENT I HAVE EVER SEEN in terms of production, flow, casting, hosting, players ,epic games. Everything is just PERFECT.
A big thanks to everyone who is making this happen!
On August 24 2013 22:29 Nauseam wrote: What can you do as P against that army comp from T? HT just get emp:d or sniped, and colossus just die to vikings. Terran OP. Balance whine. :D
Don't mess up your army control and get out of position. You could also say ghosts just get feedbacked and vikings just die to stalkers. Of course it will depend on how the engagement goes.
On August 24 2013 22:17 Swiv wrote: scarlett seems to be the mad one in this tweet.....
Agreed. And don remember people calling her a patchzerg.
Oh yeah. On TL every zerg in 2012 got called patchzerg. Scarlet no exception.
Disagree. Scarlett was allways good on TL eyes, as i know. I may be wrong. But i don think so.
You mean when she went 40+ infestors in games she wasn't called a patch zerg? Get real, every zerg from drg to life was a patch zerg according to tl post may 2012
Lol DRG was the anti patch zerg. He started to slump majorly when everyone else started to win left and right. I highly doubt he was called it!
I definitely recall people talking about drg only ever winning because he was a zerg, and beacuse of that patch. I'm a pretty big drg fan so I don't agree with that but it still happened.
Tbh that was only the braindead people that called every single zerg a patchzerg no matter what. Hell fucking Nestea was called a patchzerg by some people.