On December 03 2012 13:14 IshinShishi wrote: burrowed infestor harass is so risky and does so little damage, I feel like they need to give something stronger to zerg that can kill tons of workers properly without too many risks like cloaked banshees and dts.
remorph the infestors then
Obvious solution is to make Infestors flying units, and give them cloak.
I mean if Protoss and Terran get a cloaked unit, why not Zerg right?
I think they have to make the burrowed infestors harder to see compared to banshees and dts and make their harass do more damage and require less micro/apm, could be wrong though, just feels like zerg has few options to harass.
what are you talking about... that barely matches up to the awesomeness of units like reaper and vikings. We got to let infestors regen hitpoints while burrowed, share +3 armor with ultralisks, be able to cast darkswarm, and regen mana by consuming lings. Then and only then can you say that the unit is balanced from its current under powered role. I mean, geez, can't you see Zergs have to get 20-30 infestors cause they're so weak and only make the barest dent in the match-up unless you build them by the dozen?
On December 03 2012 13:09 Goldfish wrote: Ok guys, fun game we can play.
What BW unit can save Polt this moment?
Marine medivac and 2 tanks
? what does that have to do with the overmind o.o
Overmind controls Zergs, so if Polt has the Overmind, he controls Zergs.
He would be better off with the Psi Emitter. It is cheaper I think than to control the Overmind.
well considering if you have an overmind, the zergs don't actually have any units that deal damage in void based energies, AND the overmind counts as a building, so you essentially never die :O
Yeah. The UED did it. The only way they were stopped was by the combined forces of Kerrigan, Zeratul, Raynor, and Mengsk (and all their army too).
They nearly conquered the universe and prevented SC2 from happening.
On December 03 2012 13:14 IshinShishi wrote: burrowed infestor harass is so risky and does so little damage, I feel like they need to give something stronger to zerg that can kill tons of workers properly without too many risks like cloaked banshees and dts.
remorph the infestors then
Obvious solution is to make Infestors flying units, and give them cloak.
I mean if Protoss and Terran get a cloaked unit, why not Zerg right?
I think they have to make the burrowed infestors harder to see compared to banshees and dts and make their harass do more damage and require less micro/apm, could be wrong though, just feels like zerg has few options to harass.
I disagree, Infestors are already hard to see, how many times you have seen a burrowed Infestor passby undetected into the main base VS picking off observers/dts ? Infestor harass is fine and I think it's efficient if used well, like cloaked banshee and dts.
On December 03 2012 13:09 Goldfish wrote: Ok guys, fun game we can play.
What BW unit can save Polt this moment?
Marine medivac and 2 tanks
? what does that have to do with the overmind o.o
Overmind controls Zergs, so if Polt has the Overmind, he controls Zergs.
He would be better off with the Psi Emitter. It is cheaper I think than to control the Overmind.
well considering if you have an overmind, the zergs don't actually have any units that deal damage in void based energies, AND the overmind counts as a building, so you essentially never die :O
Yeah, but when you are behind, I think it is easier to just go with Psi Emitter, since it is cheaper to construct. With the Overmind, you have to find it first, and then get your medic in there to take control. Again, if you are behind, you might not have the resources to go across the galaxy to fight more Zerg to win the game.