Ladies and gentlemen, it is page 143 and any patchzerg, balance related commentary and the usual bashing etc from this point on will be met with harsh moderation.
On December 01 2012 07:05 Pandain wrote: Major Balance Issue + Show Spoiler +
Poll: Major Balance Issue
Queen Patch (23)
Anything but Queen Patch (3)
26 total votes
Your vote: Major Balance Issue
(Vote): Queen Patch (Vote): Anything but Queen Patch
Where's the "nothing" option?
as you should expect, nowhere
It's not even a fair poll; it's asking a loaded question placing the reader under the assumption that the game IS unbalanced.
And you're saying its not?...okay.
I'm saying if you're going to make a fair poll, you should at least consider all the options and have "balanced" as one of them.
The game isn't fair, the game isn't balanced...why should the poll be?
That's like saying we're going to fight crime with crime. The point of a poll is to accurately gauge the opinions of the audience, and by eliminating a possible response, it cheapens the value of the poll.
The point is to troll, don't take everything seriously. Zerg OP anyway.
On December 01 2012 06:57 Zealously wrote: Reading the Twitch chat after that game makes me so mad... Whoever calls Life a patchzerg is going to earn a visit from me, seriously ;_;
Ahhaha finally patchzergs are put back to they're place. Good job Snute.
ROFL so the 15-year-old who brought the most innovative and exciting play combined with an indomitable fighting spirit to the GSL last season is a patchzerg? How many other zergs would have overcome Mvp after being down 2-3 and getting their 10pool blocked in the final game? But ok, whatever you say; I'm sure all those things can be explained by the queen patch.
If abusing the same bloord/infestor combo (that even blizzard admited its op and plans to fix it) is the most innovative and exciting play than i rest my case. Life magicaly became super gosu coincidently after the patch and won gsl and mlg right? The fact that hes terribad at zvz and gets humiliated by a mid tier foreigner doesn't support your ideas either.
On December 01 2012 06:57 Zealously wrote: Reading the Twitch chat after that game makes me so mad... Whoever calls Life a patchzerg is going to earn a visit from me, seriously ;_;
Ahhaha finally patchzergs are put back to they're place. Good job Snute.
ROFL so the 15-year-old who brought the most innovative and exciting play combined with an indomitable fighting spirit to the GSL last season is a patchzerg? How many other zergs would have overcome Mvp after being down 2-3 and getting their 10pool blocked in the final game? But ok, whatever you say; I'm sure all those things can be explained by the queen patch.
If abusing the same bloord/infestor combo (that even blizzard admited its op and plans to fix it) is the most innovative and exciting play than i rest my case. Life magicaly became super gosu coincidently after the patch and won gsl and mlg right? The fact that hes terribad at zvz and gets humiliated by a mid tier foreigner doesn't support your ideas either.
His zvz has only fallen recently. Before he got his gsl win he was 70 percent winrate. Life won most of his games on aggressive ling control infestor and muta use not broodlord/infestor.
On December 01 2012 07:20 iEchoic wrote: Can someone link to the HuK game? I'm looking at stream #2 from the right panel and not seeing it, I am blind.
On December 01 2012 06:57 Zealously wrote: Reading the Twitch chat after that game makes me so mad... Whoever calls Life a patchzerg is going to earn a visit from me, seriously ;_;
Ahhaha finally patchzergs are put back to they're place. Good job Snute.
ROFL so the 15-year-old who brought the most innovative and exciting play combined with an indomitable fighting spirit to the GSL last season is a patchzerg? How many other zergs would have overcome Mvp after being down 2-3 and getting their 10pool blocked in the final game? But ok, whatever you say; I'm sure all those things can be explained by the queen patch.
Life magicaly became super gosu coincidently after the patch and won gsl and mlg right?
On December 01 2012 06:57 Zealously wrote: Reading the Twitch chat after that game makes me so mad... Whoever calls Life a patchzerg is going to earn a visit from me, seriously ;_;
Ahhaha finally patchzergs are put back to they're place. Good job Snute.
ROFL so the 15-year-old who brought the most innovative and exciting play combined with an indomitable fighting spirit to the GSL last season is a patchzerg? How many other zergs would have overcome Mvp after being down 2-3 and getting their 10pool blocked in the final game? But ok, whatever you say; I'm sure all those things can be explained by the queen patch.
Life magicaly became super gosu coincidently after the patch and won gsl and mlg right?
What the heck? The patch went live in MAY.
Awesome quote. Had to quote it.
DRG v Scarlett is entertaining zvz to me. I hate zvz but this is nice and aggressive.
Penn Jillette tells a story of being on "Cash Cab" and being asked what countries were in Scandinavia, and since a Finnish friend told him Finland isn't he answered such, and got it wrong and he argued and they looked it up and the ruling held, and that he later learned that it officially was but Finns just didn't consider it that way.
WTF I lived in Finland for a year+ and never knew it was in Scandinavia... Why do people who don't know Pohjois savo from Pohjois karjala gets to decide these things??!
Finland is the scrotum of the hydra dick and spooge that is Scandinavia. A dick without balls is a lonely dick indeed.
On December 01 2012 06:57 Zealously wrote: Reading the Twitch chat after that game makes me so mad... Whoever calls Life a patchzerg is going to earn a visit from me, seriously ;_;
Ahhaha finally patchzergs are put back to they're place. Good job Snute.
ROFL so the 15-year-old who brought the most innovative and exciting play combined with an indomitable fighting spirit to the GSL last season is a patchzerg? How many other zergs would have overcome Mvp after being down 2-3 and getting their 10pool blocked in the final game? But ok, whatever you say; I'm sure all those things can be explained by the queen patch.
Life magicaly became super gosu coincidently after the patch and won gsl and mlg right?