Ladies and gentlemen, it is page 143 and any patchzerg, balance related commentary and the usual bashing etc from this point on will be met with harsh moderation. |
Huk-Ryung 2:1 on the official bracket
People are blind to think HerO had good big army engagements in that last game. How he screwed up that first vortex is beyond me. Then I have no idea what he was thinking in the last Mothership Vortex engagements... he stream-lined units 1 by 1 and got like nothing in the vortexes?!?? That was reallly bad.
Agreed that its sad the state of the game for PvZ comes down to Protoss screwing up in micro - whether its missed forcefields in all-ins, or missed vortexes in late game engagements, but you can't say Hero had good engagements with the mothership there.
On December 01 2012 06:09 Diavlo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 06:05 Cyro wrote:On December 01 2012 06:02 Zenbrez wrote:On December 01 2012 05:59 TheBB wrote: Kinda sad Violet will get hardly any credit for that. For what? Hero not getting any archon's into the vortex? Violet played that properly, but he didn't end up winning because of his decision making, Hero didn't execute it 100% perfectly Thats exactly what the problem is. We have a situation where you have to play "100% perfectly" to win, that makes far superior players lose games on a regular basis. Even winrates and skill requirements were balanced out, the matchup would be competely broken because the only thing bringing it remotely close to equilibrium are several borderline completely broken all in's that hit in the early to midgame transition that are a mirror of the exact same problem Hero didn't have to play 100% perfectly to win. Just not lose the mothership while landing two vortex without archons on infestors which had already thrown their infested terrans. Hero had this game and he blew it, just like it happens in every match-up, it's just more flashy when its ZvP. He used the vortex's because he was fungalled and would have gotten destroyed by the infested terrans otherwise.
On December 01 2012 06:06 TheShadower wrote: Official bracket shows Huk advances 0-0 over Ryung, not sure what happened there.
Huk beats Ryung 2-1
United States97274 Posts
dammit. Polt vs Leenock is shitty. Leenock is my favorite zerg but Polt is the terran hope. idk who I want to win
On December 01 2012 06:07 Lukeeze[zR] wrote: TvZ has to to be 30/70 in this tournament Hehe if taeja loses against sniper, there has been 28 tvz series so far and it's 19-9 to zergs, so it's 32/68, pretty close
On December 01 2012 06:09 Cricketer12 wrote: HuK has very good chance of making it to losers round 8 :D because now he face ryung, then yoda, then winner of taeja sniper(taeja, baad tvp) and then HerO(baad PvP) :D
HerO has solid PvP. Sniper are GSL ro4, and Taeja has much better macro/control/everything than HuK.
On December 01 2012 06:10 Hypertension wrote: Now, even if Taeja wins this match and the next, he has to face Hero. QQ
It's not a foreign tournament without a TaeJa vs HerO
are these people voting retarded? 50% if the guy is 1 game down? thats so bad lol.
The situation after 5x WB and 4x LB (minus Ryung vs Huk):
Most likely winners: Leenock: 41.68% viOLet: 19.00% Symbol: 17.98% Polt: 15.00% Creator: 2.36% HerO: 0.93% DongRaeGu: 0.69% Life: 0.64% TaeJa: 0.58% Squirtle: 0.25% HyuN: 0.24% Bomber: 0.17% Sniper: 0.15% TheStC: 0.11% Ryung: 0.05% Scarlett: 0.05%
details, data source, code
+ Show Spoiler [Life expectancies] + Leenock: 10.67 rounds (top 2) viOLet: 9.96 rounds (top 3) Symbol: 9.90 rounds (top 3) Polt: 9.67 rounds (top 3) Creator: 7.43 rounds (top 8) HerO: 7.19 rounds (top 8) Sleep: 6.69 rounds (top 8) TheStC: 6.61 rounds (top 8) Squirtle: 5.86 rounds (top 12) Life: 5.70 rounds (top 12) DongRaeGu: 5.54 rounds (top 12) HyuN: 5.42 rounds (top 16) TaeJa: 5.41 rounds (top 16) Bomber: 5.16 rounds (top 16) Sniper: 4.98 rounds (top 16) BBoongBBoong: 4.96 rounds (top 16) YoDa: 4.74 rounds (top 16) Scarlett: 4.73 rounds (top 16) Crank: 4.69 rounds (top 16) San: 4.62 rounds (top 16) aLive: 4.45 rounds (top 24) xigua: 4.39 rounds (top 24) Ryung: 4.39 rounds (top 24) Snute: 4.36 rounds (top 24) HuK: 3.46 rounds (top 32) Sea: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Vortix: 3.00 rounds (top 32) MC: 3.00 rounds (top 32) sculp: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Bogus: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Seed: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Stephano: 3.00 rounds (top 32) puCK: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ViBE: 2.00 rounds (top 40) goswser: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Naniwa: 2.00 rounds (top 40) MMA: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Shine: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ToD: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Heart: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Nerchio: 1.00 rounds (top 56) TubbyTheFat: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Byun: 1.00 rounds (top 56) CatZ: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Caliber: 1.00 rounds (top 56) HwangSin: 1.00 rounds (top 56) GanZi: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Golden: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Genius: 1.00 rounds (top 56) drewbie: 1.00 rounds (top 56) ByuL: 1.00 rounds (top 56) MaSsan: 1.00 rounds (top 56) luvsic: 1.00 rounds (top 56) LucifroN: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Sasquatch: 1.00 rounds (top 56) theognis: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Shuttle: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Glon: 0.00 rounds (top 72) sLivko: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Perfect: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Apocalypse: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Eifersuchtig: 0.00 rounds (top 72) TriMaster: 0.00 rounds (top 72) daisuki: 0.00 rounds (top 72) MajOr: 0.00 rounds (top 72) + Show Spoiler [Details] +Detailed placement probabilities
Top 72 Top 56 Top 40 Top 32 Top 24 Top 16 Top 12 Top 8 Top 6 Top 4 Top 3 Top 2 Win HyuN: 30.43% 35.54% 13.24% 11.43% 4.60% 2.38% 1.20% 0.94% 0.24% BBoongBBoong: 44.05% 32.67% 12.16% 7.52% 2.45% 0.77% 0.28% 0.10% 0.01% Sea: 100.00% Nerchio: 100.00% puCK: 100.00% Creator: 39.82% 22.57% 15.09% 9.47% 5.53% 5.16% 2.36% Shuttle: 100.00% DongRaeGu: 37.33% 24.33% 12.77% 12.61% 5.51% 3.31% 1.85% 1.61% 0.69% TubbyTheFat: 100.00% Byun: 100.00% Squirtle: 24.89% 24.22% 18.27% 17.13% 8.40% 3.78% 1.77% 1.28% 0.25% CatZ: 100.00% YoDa: 51.65% 31.93% 10.82% 2.90% 1.78% 0.61% 0.19% 0.10% 0.02% Sniper: 56.04% 16.95% 14.08% 5.15% 4.06% 1.93% 0.97% 0.68% 0.15% Glon: 100.00% TheStC: 60.32% 26.32% 8.03% 3.13% 1.39% 0.70% 0.11% ViBE: 100.00% Vortix: 100.00% Caliber: 100.00% Bomber: 38.82% 30.69% 18.47% 5.75% 3.09% 1.61% 0.84% 0.55% 0.17% sLivko: 100.00% Life: 24.76% 29.52% 24.26% 8.40% 5.43% 3.33% 1.91% 1.75% 0.64% Perfect: 100.00% HwangSin: 100.00% HuK: 69.16% 19.13% 8.87% 2.20% 0.43% 0.17% 0.04% 0.01% 0.00% Leenock: 13.49% 9.73% 14.89% 20.22% 41.68% Apocalypse: 100.00% GanZi: 100.00% goswser: 100.00% Ryung: 30.84% 29.22% 23.61% 9.40% 3.03% 2.25% 0.94% 0.37% 0.28% 0.05% Eifersuchtig: 100.00% Golden: 100.00% Genius: 100.00% Scarlett: 62.67% 18.90% 8.25% 6.27% 2.15% 1.05% 0.40% 0.25% 0.05% drewbie: 100.00% Naniwa: 100.00% TriMaster: 100.00% MC: 100.00% daisuki: 100.00% MMA: 100.00% Shine: 100.00% sculp: 100.00% Symbol: 27.63% 12.10% 20.61% 21.67% 17.98% ByuL: 100.00% Bogus: 100.00% MaSsan: 100.00% luvsic: 100.00% LucifroN: 100.00% viOLet: 26.24% 11.89% 20.71% 22.16% 19.00% ToD: 100.00% Seed: 100.00% Sasquatch: 100.00% Heart: 100.00% MajOr: 100.00% Stephano: 100.00% theognis: 100.00% HerO: 46.34% 19.53% 17.07% 8.41% 4.39% 3.33% 0.93% TaeJa: 43.96% 18.65% 17.16% 6.65% 6.27% 3.30% 1.86% 1.56% 0.58% Polt: 31.19% 17.60% 19.21% 17.00% 15.00% Crank: 55.95% 28.08% 9.27% 4.88% 1.36% 0.32% 0.11% 0.03% 0.00% xigua: 75.11% 15.03% 6.29% 2.72% 0.66% 0.16% 0.03% 0.01% Sleep: 54.01% 30.07% 10.85% 3.34% 1.19% 0.49% 0.05% aLive: 69.57% 21.23% 5.42% 2.78% 0.70% 0.23% 0.05% 0.02% 0.00% Snute: 75.24% 16.26% 6.62% 1.28% 0.42% 0.11% 0.04% 0.02% 0.00% San: 61.18% 23.53% 10.83% 2.57% 1.11% 0.47% 0.19% 0.10% 0.02%
Most likely to be eliminated by...
HyuN: aLive (30.43%) DongRaeGu (24.30%) TheStC (13.24%) BBoongBBoong: Crank (44.05%) Squirtle (27.47%) Sleep (12.16%) Sea: Life (100.00%) Nerchio: Naniwa (100.00%) puCK: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Creator: Life (21.46%) Bomber (12.02%) viOLet (10.09%) Shuttle: Nerchio (100.00%) DongRaeGu: Scarlett (37.33%) HyuN (19.25%) TheStC (12.77%) TubbyTheFat: Shine (100.00%) Byun: MMA (100.00%) Squirtle: xigua (24.89%) Sleep (18.27%) BBoongBBoo (14.53%) CatZ: sculp (100.00%) YoDa: Ryung (39.93%) TaeJa (18.42%) Sniper (13.51%) Sniper: TaeJa (56.04%) HerO (14.08%) YoDa ( 7.84%) Glon: ViBE (100.00%) TheStC: DongRaeGu (25.57%) HyuN (20.78%) Creator (16.54%) ViBE: Vortix (100.00%) Vortix: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Caliber: ToD (100.00%) Bomber: San (38.82%) Life (26.16%) Creator (18.47%) sLivko: Vortix (100.00%) Life: Snute (24.76%) Creator (24.26%) Bomber (20.00%) Perfect: HwangSin (100.00%) HwangSin: Heart (100.00%) HuK: Ryung (69.16%) YoDa (19.13%) TaeJa ( 5.09%) Leenock: viOLet (12.55%) Symbol (11.70%) Polt ( 7.49%) Apocalypse: GanZi (100.00%) GanZi: Stephano (100.00%) goswser: HuK (100.00%) Ryung: HuK (30.84%) YoDa (29.22%) TaeJa (13.88%) Eifersuchtig: Golden (100.00%) Golden: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Genius: Sea (100.00%) Scarlett: DongRaeGu (62.67%) HyuN (14.78%) TheStC ( 8.25%) drewbie: puCK (100.00%) Naniwa: Sea (100.00%) TriMaster: drewbie (100.00%) MC: Sniper (100.00%) daisuki: MMA (100.00%) MMA: Squirtle (100.00%) Shine: sculp (100.00%) sculp: Bomber (100.00%) Symbol: Leenock (20.54%) Creator (14.12%) Polt (11.19%) ByuL: Squirtle (100.00%) Bogus: Squirtle (100.00%) MaSsan: Sniper (100.00%) luvsic: ViBE (100.00%) LucifroN: Vortix (100.00%) viOLet: Leenock (20.96%) Creator (13.90%) Polt (11.07%) ToD: Sniper (100.00%) Seed: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Sasquatch: HuK (100.00%) Heart: Stephano (100.00%) MajOr: Sasquatch (100.00%) Stephano: HyuN (100.00%) theognis: goswser (100.00%) HerO: TaeJa (20.23%) Sniper (12.94%) Polt (10.89%) TaeJa: Sniper (43.96%) HerO (17.16%) Ryung ( 8.62%) Polt: Leenock (13.31%) HerO (12.72%) viOLet (12.67%) Crank: BBoongBBoo (55.95%) Squirtle (23.42%) Sleep ( 9.27%) xigua: Squirtle (75.11%) BBoongBBoo ( 8.76%) Sleep ( 6.29%) Sleep: Squirtle (32.62%) HerO (16.52%) BBoongBBoo (11.13%) aLive: HyuN (69.57%) DongRaeGu (14.03%) Scarlett ( 7.19%) Snute: Life (75.24%) Bomber (10.49%) Creator ( 6.62%) San: Bomber (61.18%) Life (19.55%) Creator (10.83%)
Most likely to be sent to the losers' bracket by...
HyuN: Creator (100.00%) BBoongBBoong: HyuN (100.00%) Sea: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Nerchio: puCK (100.00%) puCK: Creator (100.00%) Creator: Polt (100.00%) Shuttle: Creator (100.00%) DongRaeGu: YoDa (100.00%) TubbyTheFat: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Byun: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Squirtle: YoDa (100.00%) CatZ: Squirtle (100.00%) YoDa: Polt (100.00%) Sniper: TheStC (100.00%) Glon: Sniper (100.00%) TheStC: Leenock (100.00%) ViBE: TheStC (100.00%) Vortix: Caliber (100.00%) Caliber: Bomber (100.00%) Bomber: TheStC (100.00%) sLivko: Bomber (100.00%) Life: Leenock (100.00%) Perfect: Life (100.00%) HwangSin: HuK (100.00%) HuK: Life (100.00%) Leenock: Polt (38.46%) viOLet (16.94%) Symbol (16.40%) Apocalypse: Leenock (100.00%) GanZi: goswser (100.00%) goswser: Leenock (100.00%) Ryung: Scarlett (100.00%) Eifersuchtig: Ryung (100.00%) Golden: Genius (100.00%) Genius: Ryung (100.00%) Scarlett: Sleep (100.00%) drewbie: Scarlett (100.00%) Naniwa: Scarlett (100.00%) TriMaster: Naniwa (100.00%) MC: Symbol (100.00%) daisuki: MC (100.00%) MMA: Shine (100.00%) Shine: MC (100.00%) sculp: Symbol (100.00%) Symbol: viOLet (51.74%) Leenock (24.83%) Polt (11.29%) ByuL: Symbol (100.00%) Bogus: viOLet (100.00%) MaSsan: Bogus (100.00%) luvsic: Bogus (100.00%) LucifroN: viOLet (100.00%) viOLet: Symbol (50.35%) Leenock (25.64%) Polt (11.32%) ToD: viOLet (100.00%) Seed: HerO (100.00%) Sasquatch: Seed (100.00%) Heart: Seed (100.00%) MajOr: Heart (100.00%) Stephano: HerO (100.00%) theognis: Stephano (100.00%) HerO: viOLet (100.00%) TaeJa: Creator (100.00%) Polt: Leenock (65.50%) viOLet (12.40%) Symbol (11.83%) Crank: TheStC (100.00%) xigua: Leenock (100.00%) Sleep: Symbol (100.00%) aLive: Symbol (100.00%) Snute: viOLet (100.00%) San: HerO (100.00%)
On December 01 2012 06:06 Noocta wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 06:06 s3rp wrote:On December 01 2012 06:03 Fusilero wrote:On December 01 2012 06:02 Fionn wrote: IPL5 is now the same as TSL.
Five thousand Zergs and Polt. Lies, there are actually protosses. Soon there won't be don't worry  Creator actually win PvZ these days. Not against HuyN but you can't count that
I don't think Creator can beat Life who he most likely will face. Crank/Squirtle have a shot since there's no great Zerg in the Bracket for them. Hero well will also have his hands full with his LB opponent. It's not unlikely that no Protoss makes it to the final Bracket and only 2 maybe 3 Terrans at best.
Off topic, fill me in for a sec -- what would happen if someone went void ray + phoenix + warp prism HTs in the ultra late game for PvZ to go up against infestor+bl?
On December 01 2012 06:10 Necro)Phagist( wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 06:05 TheBB wrote: I think you're all seriously exaggerating the amount by which Hero was ahead. 5 base to four. Sniped the initial greater spire. Killed 30+ drones. Sniped infestation pit. Multiple decent(Granted not the best) Vortexes. You can't really get much more ahead without flat out killing your opponent.... The fact that Protoss can do all that, and still has to rely on a 100% perfect engagement with 2+ perfect vortex's to win just seems kind of silly to me. I mean besides getting violet to clump up every single BL, what more could Hero actually do? He also got violet down to 25 drones before last engagement. Not that it mattered cause violet won too convincingly
United States5018 Posts
On December 01 2012 06:07 Flummie wrote:Don't worry guys.. next patch eggs -20 hp! It will all be different 
Yeah, such trolling by Blizzard lol. Riot would have just nerfed the fuck of this piece of OP shit Infestor that I cant stand to see anymore, give a random Hydra buff and everybody would have been happy. Like 10 months ago.
On December 01 2012 06:09 Hypemeup wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 06:08 FlyingTurtle wrote:On December 01 2012 06:04 Derrida wrote: To be honest, I thought Hero played close to optimal for a protoss who did not resort to immortal-sentry. Kill the morphing in greater spire, pushing, constant prism harrass, two good vortex... Not sure how he lost. Any insights? Terrible engagements and weak army comp. That vortex on all the broods at Violet's 4th should have won Hero the game, but he threw the rest of his units in and pushed the archons out of the center. Plus, he didn't have enough AoE (not enough archons and storm) in the engagement at his forward expansion. To anyone who says storm sucks against Broodlords, watch Squirtle vs Mvp...if storms can kill 500-hp battlecruisers, they can kill 225-hp broodlords. Feedback was what killed MvPs BCs, storms were just the finishing touch.
Lmfao even a feedback on a full energy BC leaves it with 250 HP (25 more than a broodlord).
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 01 2012 06:11 Noocta wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 06:10 Hypertension wrote: Now, even if Taeja wins this match and the next, he has to face Hero. QQ It's not a foreign tournament without a TaeJa vs HerO Sorry sniper is here to block that for he is sniper, slayer of fun, hurter of esports and probably president of riot.
On December 01 2012 06:09 Masq wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 06:08 FlyingTurtle wrote:On December 01 2012 06:04 Derrida wrote: To be honest, I thought Hero played close to optimal for a protoss who did not resort to immortal-sentry. Kill the morphing in greater spire, pushing, constant prism harrass, two good vortex... Not sure how he lost. Any insights? To anyone who says storm sucks against Broodlords, watch Squirtle vs Mvp...if storms can kill 500-hp battlecruisers, they can kill 225-hp broodlords. Do you have a link? Or where is this game from? I'd assume its feedback and not storm killing the battlecruisers :p
It was 2 GSL finals ago.. Game 5 He stormed the living hell out of the BC to weaken them and then feedbacked his heart out and the stalkers/archons he had finished them off along with the small Mothership dmg. Was the best game of the series.
Also this makes me sad as a Startale fan wanting some merch T_T
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On December 01 2012 06:10 Fionn wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 06:09 Cricketer12 wrote: HuK has very good chance of making it to losers round 8 :D because now he face ryung, then yoda, then winner of taeja sniper(taeja, baad tvp) and then HerO(baad PvP) :D Sniper will eat Huk.
Is HuK a fan favorite anymore ?