Ladies and gentlemen, it is page 143 and any patchzerg, balance related commentary and the usual bashing etc from this point on will be met with harsh moderation.
On December 01 2012 08:18 Terranist wrote: paging David Kim.. paging David Kim..
Lolz Alive with 75 supply in SCVs and 20 supply in a drop fighting Hyun's 0-supply crawlers. Smaller army loses, balance whine begins.
Oh it's whenever zerg wins now of days. No matter how much better the zerg plays if they win it's instant "fucking op race". People are retarded and I am a bit retarded myself to continuing to read the LR threads and then responding to them >>.
I wonder if broodwar had constant balance whine throughout its life time.. cause I'm starting to think it will always exist within this scene no matter the state of the game.
On December 01 2012 08:19 Snowbear wrote: Can someone tell me why alive lost this one? I don't see his mistake
wasted raven energy on HSM'ing like one corruptor. should've opted for PDD instead
He didn't throw away SCVs to free supply. He used 20 supply of his army in a drop fighting 2 supply worth of banes and some 0-supply crawlers. He failed the last split where Hyun hit every last viking with one fungal. Granted, alive played well, but he made a mistake at the key moment and lost.
On December 01 2012 08:19 Snowbear wrote: Can someone tell me why alive lost this one? I don't see his mistake
he picked terran at the start of the game.
You might want to tone down on the balance complaints. It isn't exactly subtle.
Complaining about it in this thread honestly will not change the balance, even if you are right that it is in favor of zerg over terran. (I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with it)
On December 01 2012 08:19 Snowbear wrote: Can someone tell me why alive lost this one? I don't see his mistake
His mid game timing got absolutely crushed and from there it was an uphill battle which he almost did but couldn't quite micro like the God you need to to make TvZ comebacks.
But people probably forgot about that push and instead complain about balance.
On December 01 2012 08:19 Snowbear wrote: Can someone tell me why alive lost this one? I don't see his mistake
he picked terran at the start of the game.
You might want to tone down on the balance complaints. It isn't exactly subtle.
Complaining about it in this thread honestly will not change the balance, even if you are right that it is in favor of zerg over terran. (I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with it)
On December 01 2012 08:18 Terranist wrote: paging David Kim.. paging David Kim..
Lolz Alive with 75 supply in SCVs and 20 supply in a drop fighting Hyun's 0-supply crawlers. Smaller army loses, balance whine begins.
Oh it's whenever zerg wins now of days. No matter how much better the zerg plays if they win it's instant "fucking op race". People are retarded and I am a bit retarded myself to continuing to read the LR threads and then responding to them >>.
I'm saying that Hyun's win is justified -_- read my statement over again. I'm explaining that Alive made mistakes and Hyun won the game.
So, I've seen at least 3 games terrans wins in TvZ in 2 days of games this IPL. But at least it's exciting when they win ! It's like winning the Olympics or something.
Hyuns corruptor split might have looked nice there, but did anyone else see what happened to his infestors while he was doing it? Amoved in with the rest of his army and spent that time waddling round under tank fire. Didnt matter in the end because he had inf to spare but it does bug me when zergs insist on putting them in the same hotkey as the main army.
On December 01 2012 08:19 Snowbear wrote: Can someone tell me why alive lost this one? I don't see his mistake
he picked terran at the start of the game.
You might want to tone down on the balance complaints. It isn't exactly subtle.
Complaining about it in this thread honestly will not change the balance, even if you are right that it is in favor of zerg over terran. (I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with it)