Ladies and gentlemen, it is page 143 and any patchzerg, balance related commentary and the usual bashing etc from this point on will be met with harsh moderation.
Is someone else kinda annoyed by the mainstream observer? I mean, ok, if they like they can use all these fancy camera moves during player names, and before, but in the mid of those really heavy micro battles it's just a pain in the ass. During the last game DRG vs Scarlett, it came down two some 1 baneling vs like 3 zergling battles. The observer noticed this small fight to zoom all the way close and spin the cam as hell... Awesome job otherwise, but is that really necessary? Imo it makes it just a hell of a lot harder to understan and/or see what's going on, especially in these small fights (and ESPECIALLY with zooming)
On December 01 2012 07:36 TwiStEr wrote: yeah so IPL is over for me ... no one left to care about ....
leenock, polt, drg, hyun, hero...there are enough koreans with cool styles left. and ofc there's huk, who will 2base allin his way to victory.
Snute all the way.
how could I forget snute, the norwegian master of upsets. but I don't think he'll win against bomber. (if bomber actually wins against san, lp says it's 1-0 bomber now)