On November 03 2012 09:16 Mackus wrote: Hello again TL
Flash seems to be playing with alot of arrogance, Ghosts were so delayed
I don't think it is arrogance. He wanted to be aggressive early with his bio to delay the 3rd. Once storm tech was out, he just retreated and waited for ghosts. Yes, he could have gotten ghost earlier but wouldn't have been able delay the third as long as he did.
LoL stream looks packed damn
I'm on 360p and watching a slideshow. How can you guys see mechanics?
I missed your bs so much
mod note is wrong, HD stream is free. I'm watching it.
As a giant Grubby fan, this wasn't even close...
I can't handle so much awesomeness. I'm so pumped
Hey guys how's it looking like over at own3d? I'm curious but don't want to go back to that wasteland..
Flash is honestly the scariest player I've seen to date.
That was pretty much a flawless game from his side.
On November 03 2012 09:20 Mackus wrote: During the downtime pay a moment's silence to SC2Bright who got drawn against SKT1-Rain in the first round in the OBR, he won't sleep well tonight. Oh well...
flash's macro was sick as fuck, beautiful positioning and took the fight at the correct time, beastly
I didn't think Flash was that good in SC2 yet, but I was so wrong
Blue stream working for any1?
Oh wow its unfair how good flash has become in the past few months...
Is anyone else really annoyed about how biased towards grubby the casters are?
Oh cool TL is back up
Also when will there be sound on the blue stream..?
Are there no premium streams? No Black and White or whatever? Just Red and Blue??