Standard LR rules apply: No balance whining, no KeSPA vs. GomTV inciting, no excessive derailing ESPECIALLY when games are on. This is not a thread for you to argue with other people.
On October 10 2012 19:55 Cokefreak wrote: I can't believe I'm actually hoping for a TvT finals but it will most likely be much more exciting than ZvT in the current meta game.
Feels so good that MVP won :D Rain is looking awsome, but MVP got the better of him. Dont see MVP loosing the finals, hopefully we can have some close matches there as well.
On October 10 2012 19:48 Havik_ wrote: SO now if Protoss goes Colossus you can just make a bunch of Vikings, pull SCVs and win? Fuck that shit
No, not every time. Did you watch the whole series or just cherry pick when your race lost?
How in the fuck can people STILL complain and whine?....rain threw away 5dts and a warp prism...mvp thinks " there is no way you have enough gas to have sentries and enough collosi for an all in."
On October 10 2012 19:53 Orek wrote: One day, 20 years from now, I probably forget 95% of players who are out there today, but I won't forget Mvp and BitByBit. Both are too legendary to forget.
On October 10 2012 19:58 hyperknight wrote: Who has Artosis chosen for Taeja vs Life? That way we know who's his next victim...
Probably Life, he keeps on talking about Life's talent. No worries though, Life has a lot of years left in his career, he'll probably be in the scene for longer than Artosis.
On October 10 2012 19:56 StickyIcky wrote: Rain will be back, he is a boss.
And just wait till he wrecks havoc on the foreign scene, should he start travelling.
I think MLG has a deal with Kespa so that the Kespa players will exclusively play in MLGs for their foreign tournaments. There was a post about it in the Iron Squid thread. Hopefully he's at the next MLG
On October 10 2012 19:48 StickyIcky wrote: Grubby showing his insight with that prediction. Thumbs up.
Yeah... because 3-0 versus MVP is going to happen ever? Grubby is a godamn noob at SC2. Seen nothing from him in his entire SC2 career. Stupid prediction as well.
Why all the hate? Grubby is a solid SC2 player, not at his WC3 level ofc but one of Europe's finest.
Not hate, just people bringing it up. I respect his WC3 play, but why are people considering him so much a SC2 pro really? If there's proof then I bow.
'Goddamn noob' and 'stupid prediction' sound pretty hateful, Grubby isn't world class but he is a top EU protoss
lol wtf Grubby writes this awesome preview for us and somehow someone is negative about it? It's not his fault that MVP defies logic lol. You're awesome Grubby, most of us appreciate the preview you wrote for us.