On July 27 2012 20:09 Toxi78 wrote: next time don't even say you're gonna show "fun games" if you play like an idiot. guy doesn't understand that if he wins and gets the money, he gets it because the money and the business comes from the FANS. there is a limit to playing "for the win", when you destroy your own business by showing the worst finals in history (and even if he lost, with these builds in mind there is a 90% chance it would be shit games too). what does he think it's going to bring to sc2 if he wins 4-0 with all ins after gom paid to get a huge arena and hyped the whole thing so much? not much thinking behind that from seed..........
riight, and I presume you;d give the exact same rant if MC did this?
On July 27 2012 20:06 Havik_ wrote: What in the shit is MC doing?? Oh he took my gas, so I'm just going to EXPAND IN PVP. DAFUQ??? I seriously just think MC didn't prepare for this series.
Yea, obviously MC doesn't actually want to win a 3rd GSL. MC actually hates winning.
On July 27 2012 20:09 Toxi78 wrote: next time don't even say you're gonna show "fun games" if you play like an idiot. guy doesn't understand that if he wins and gets the money, he gets it because the money and the business comes from the FANS. there is a limit to playing "for the win", when you destroy your own business by showing the worst finals in history (and even if he lost, with these builds in mind there is a 90% chance it would be shit games too). what does he think it's going to bring to sc2 if he wins 4-0 with all ins after gom paid to get a huge arena and hyped the whole thing so much? not much thinking behind that from seed..........
On July 27 2012 20:05 MrSexington wrote: Quickest GSL finals ever?
Nestea vs Losira was pretty fast too. This one has more break time though...
It's probably gonna be 4-0, I think MC gonna play very safe and seed just gonna out macro MC in the next map.
I fucking loved that finals. 4-0 or not those were some good games as I remember.
I remember that series, even though Nestea beat Losira pretty hard, the games were epic. Nestea brought really epic builds -- at that time he was still a monster, doing everything relatively perfectly. Losira played well enough so that we could see enough of Nestea's genius in each build to make it interesting enough.
Inca vs Nestea was interesting in that it was a little... comical as someone else said.
This one is just a stomp =/
Well MC vs July was too, but that wasn't as bad.
Well it's not over yet! hopefully we'll see some good games though... this is PvP, we've seen many epic PvP games before... where are they!
On July 27 2012 20:07 Vapaach wrote: I don't understand MC's decision making there. How are you supposed to hold anything with zealot stalker only?
MC is just playing inexplicably awful. Says PvP isn't a coin flip then proceeds to coin flip in every single fucking game. Seed attacks and MC just dies, it's embarrassing.
Because proxy robo four gate and blink stalker all-in are not coinflips as well.
No they are not. They are not even real allins, because the only way to hold them is to do an equally armyfocused build. PvP isn't PvZ. You don't expand X times before you may lose the game. If your opponent doesn't expand, you must play very safe as well. MC didn't, MC died.
On July 27 2012 20:10 Sakray wrote: Seriously Seed is like "I'm too bad at macro so I'll just try to win with build orders and not skill", thats fucking stupid I hate that play
you are like "My favorite player is playing badly so I'll just try to insult the other player and saying he has no skill", youre pretty stupid, i hate you.
On July 27 2012 20:09 Big J wrote: Lol, @ all the whining about PvP here.
PvP is fine, Seed is just 2classes above MC today. You don't get good finals because of MUs, you get good finals because of great players. Remember Squirtle vs MVP? If MVP wins Cloud Kingdom (which was a close game) it's 4-0. If MVP attacks at the right time with BCs or gets that EMP on the Mothership, it's 4-1. Well, Squirtle got outplayed in quite a bunch of games but came back.
MC got outplayed in quite a bunch of games. Let's see if he comes back or if it simply isn't his day.
nope, MC is too greedy, not the worse player overall
On July 27 2012 20:11 FidoDido wrote: Bronzies and mad fanboys are strong in this thread. If the score was the other way around, I bet all these complainers would be grovelling at MC's foot saying how great his micro is.
No shit, TL is full of diehard fanboys who don't understand skill.
On July 27 2012 20:09 littlebigs wrote: first gsl final i've ever stayed up to watch because i actually like pvp but this has just been so boring. Every single game a BO win... i want to see some real play
Maybe it looks boring for the people that don't play the game but personally as a protoss player I find these games very entertaining and I enjoy the level of mind games
mind games are cool and all, but Seed is just mind fucking MC. so one sided and such short games. this is a really disappointing finals so far.
The last two games was MC just doing stupid shit. Blind expanding when your opponent is doing a super aggressive all in is just dumb. MC was clearly overconfident and didn't prepare for this series.