On July 21 2012 07:15 hifriend wrote: he just beat the best PvZ:er in the world and some people are calling him bad lolz
Best PvZer, wat?
Yeah Hero has not looked good in PvZ lately tbh.
Last two matches I know of was a win over DRG and very shortly after a loss to Stephano. What else has happened 'lately' that made him look bad in PvZ? Well except his little probe explosion today =D Hero is a sick PvZ
he's sick good at PvZ, but he's definitely not the world's best. MC and Squirtle are definitely better atm Maybe even Seed if you give him enough prep time
Not that it matters since people always try to downplay when a foreign player beats a Korean in some matchup.. but Squirtle better than Hero in PvZ doesn't fly for me. I doubt Squirtle could even take a game of DRG in a bo5 and looking at Hero's latest match again him.. 5-2 I don't know.
Almost nobody looks consistently good in PvZ lately
MC keeps getting knocked out of tournaments by Zergs though. :O
Let's be honest.
Nobody is good vs Zerg right now.
Clueless and a balance whiner, damn thats a bad combo to have.
It's not balance whine.
And feel free to tell me a player who doing really well vs Zerg at the moment.
Just gonna keep saying it: SEED
He has beaten Symbol, Violet, and Curious this season. Most impressively he 4-0'd Curious. Curious is one of the absolute top zergs in the world and on the day that Seed 4-0'd him he beat Hero.
He's also lost 2-0 to both Whale and True in the last month.
TSL qualies. Lost to Leenock in the HSC qualifier before that etc too.
MC keeps getting knocked out of tournaments by Zergs though. :O
Let's be honest.
Nobody is good vs Zerg right now.
Clueless and a balance whiner, damn thats a bad combo to have.
It's not balance whine.
And feel free to tell me a player who doing really well vs Zerg at the moment.
Just gonna keep saying it: SEED
He has beaten Symbol, Violet, and Curious this season. Most impressively he 4-0'd Curious. Curious is one of the absolute top zergs in the world and on the day that Seed 4-0'd him he beat Hero.
He's also lost 2-0 to both Whale and True in the last month.
TSL qualies. Lost to Leenock in the HSC qualifier before that etc too.
TSL qualifiers are in TLPD and don't show him losing to Whale or True.
On July 21 2012 07:27 Reaps wrote: Seed is not doing bad.
Also didnt mc just get to the GSL finals by beating DRG, oh yeah he did.
In before "Because DRG played bad"
He beat DRG but lost to Stephano and Nerchio.
Seed beat a few low Code S and Code A Zergs but he hasn't played DRG, Nestea or Stephano and he only beat Symbol 3-2.
Seed is just the new TOP, Inca, Losira, Rain etc... Nothing in his play suggests to me he has long term staying power. He's just had a good run in one tournament.
On July 21 2012 07:22 polyphonyEX wrote: [quote] SKMC!
MC keeps getting knocked out of tournaments by Zergs though. :O
Let's be honest.
Nobody is good vs Zerg right now.
Clueless and a balance whiner, damn thats a bad combo to have.
It's not balance whine.
And feel free to tell me a player who doing really well vs Zerg at the moment.
Just gonna keep saying it: SEED
He has beaten Symbol, Violet, and Curious this season. Most impressively he 4-0'd Curious. Curious is one of the absolute top zergs in the world and on the day that Seed 4-0'd him he beat Hero.
He's also lost 2-0 to both Whale and True in the last month.
TSL qualies. Lost to Leenock in the HSC qualifier before that etc too.
TSL qualifiers are in TLPD and don't show him losing to Whale or True.
On July 21 2012 07:15 legaton wrote: Cytoplasm is plainly bad, he got one lucky shot on the banelings, and destroyed the entire economy of Hero. Too bad SC2 is so unforgiving, in BW, it was easier to overwhelm an inferior player with micro alone. Well, guess Hero shouldn't stack his probes on gases anymore.
Oh get outta here, Hero moved out for no reason, had no vision of the path to his third and then for whatever reason forcefielded himself out of his own 3rd and moved all his probes on one geyser when there were banelings incoming. That was just plain bad. The fact that he held on for that long was impressive alone, but he definitely should have lost that game and any arguments how in "bw he probably would have won" are just pathetic, lol.
For no reason? He moved out to take a 4th and get vision of the zergs army. He couldn't get vision the entire time because he continuously had his obs sniped wherever the overseer mutas went which meant the only way he could see his army was with his own. He then placed the FFs because he had ling bling about to smash into his entire army... What else could he do at that point? He HAS to place those FFs or his entire army just dies. In hindsight he probably should have sent 1 stalker out to scout first but in the heat of the moment it's obviously a lot harder to put into practice. You insinuate like he played terribly when he played well but the Zerg just played well too and made a one great strategic move.
He's gonna take a 4th when there's a massive ling bane muta army just outside his 3rd? Yeah that seems like a very wise thing to do. Also, overseers have nothing whatsoever to do with vision in that path, he should have a zealot/pylon/probe/whatever out there in case that cyto is coming around through that area. That is something you should expect from a player of Hero's level.
He's got to position himself ready to take that 4th if he wants to take a Zerg on in the macro game. That's why the pylon was already set up at the 4th already and he continued to try and take it. Protoss only have 1 big push on 3 base so you need that 4th which can make taking more expansions easier. The pylon showed that the zerg had left the area of the 4th so he obviously assumed the attack was over, normally he would have an obs over the other pathway but it was sniped by the muta overseer.
If you're going to say a player played really badly and definitely deserves to lose because in the heat of the moment he didn't sent one unit out to a specific spot on the map then well... I don't know what to say.
On July 21 2012 07:14 revel8 wrote: Hero got crushed in that game! That baneling attack was so devastating, killing a nexus plus almost 50 probes! Well played by Cyto.
Crushed? Did we watch the same game? He had one nice little manoeuvre while HerO wasn't paying attention then took like 10 minutes to kill him in a situation where he should have been able to insta kill him.
Cyto played decently. But to say he crushed HerO in that game is just not right.
I'll say it again. Hero got crushed. Cyto had one successful attack that did so much damage Hero was massively behind. Hero counter-attack did nothing and it was game over. Cyto just kept on attacking in a war of attrition on Hero's 4th and despite Hero's valiant defence he gradually kept losing ground and Cyto's caution allowed Hero to cling on for an extra 5 minutes despite us all knowing the game was lost.
Cyto's successful baneling attack was the crucial moment in the entire game. After that Hero looked like he was stalling before gg. Hero's bad scouting and then reaction to the unscouted attack caused the catastrophic probe loss. Hero made some positional and scouting mistakes and paid a massive price for it. Cyto deserved that win, it was surprisingly comfortable after that probe massacre.