On June 05 2012 21:48 Juliette wrote:Show nested quote +On June 05 2012 21:46 Juliette wrote:On June 05 2012 21:43 Juliette wrote:On June 05 2012 21:41 Juliette wrote:On June 05 2012 21:40 Juliette wrote:On June 05 2012 21:37 Juliette wrote:On June 05 2012 21:36 Juliette wrote:4:00 symbol has a benling nest, but a later hatch. Nestea adds 2 spines, and baits a queen with an overlord, killing the queen! 5:00 Nesta adds double gas, and drones up. Nestea does not have map control, but is up in production because of that qwueen. 6:00 Speedlings from Symbol move around and poke Nestea, as he takes a lair. Nestea takes double evo, and a baneling nest. 7:00 Nestea adds another spine, and spreads his creep. Symbol goes spire, Nestea's lair is just starting. 8:00 Nestea finally starts speed, after his 1/1 ! Roach warren for Nestea now, but he is researching +1 melee. 9:00 Nestea starts his infestation pit, and symbol begins a third base. Nestea's overlord moves into the main and does not see the spire, but nestea begins spore crawlers anyway. Pathogen glands on the way. 10:00 Nestea's 2/2 starts, while Symbol has no upgrade except for Muta +1. He's just getting infestation pits. 5 queens for Nestea defends the mutas. 11:00 Nestea's zerglings find the third and kill, while another runby in the main kills some drones. Nestea does not have a third, but has infestors coming. 12:00 Nestea starts a third and a macro hatchery, mutas kill some overlords though, but all of the mutalisk get caught by infestors! 13:00 Nestea gets another cancel on the third hatchery, and begins a hive. A runby is attempted into the main but it does not work. 14:00 Nestea defends his base with a lot of spines, and moves his zerglings in case of a nydus. 15:00 Nestea has 3/3 and adrenal glands coming, Symbol, too, makes a spine wall while double expanding. Nestea starts an ultralisk cavern. 16:00 A lot of zerglings get fungaled, Nestea is down 150-111 supply. Symbol is adding more infestors, and nestea starts baneling speed. 17:00 Nestea teaks his 4th, though Symbol has had his. Symbol just adds more spines and symbol adds a second spire. Nestea begins ultralisk production. 18:00 Nestea begins a nydus network, and makes banes. Symbol scouts the ultras and gets fungals on some infestors. 20:00 Nestea adds ultras, symbol has a greater spire coming. Nestea has a nydus on the way but its spotted and does not get up. 21:00 Nestea gets drops, and pokes at the top fortified position. Nestea destroys all of the spines while broodlords morph, and nestea attacks the natural and third to avoid broodlords. 22:00 Nestea snipes the natural hatch, sends lings at the fifth hatch, and ultras at the main kill a lot of drones but mostly die. 23:00 Zerglings get around and kill off another hatchery. Nestea's spire is almost done while these attacks occur, and zerglings go in to snipe what they can. 24:00 Nestea makes 18 corruptors, takes a fifth and sixth, but has no infestors while Symbol has 11. A nydus at the bottom base 5th of Symbol is finished and the units kill the fifth of Symbol. Corruptors on both sides are pushed back, Nestea is unable to kill the broodlords so far. Nestea spreads his spine while units in the bases of Symbol kill all of the infrastructure
26:00 Roaches for symbol snipe the third, the broodlords with infestor supply hold off everything. Corruptors get fungaled, symbol pushes into the main of Nestea. Units of nestea have killed all but the 4th of Symbol, but Nestea still has corruptors and infestors in his main .
28:00 Nestea waits for the puush, symbol has no more energy left on his infestors! Symbol attacks up the main, Nestea waits for all of the units to come up
29:00 Nestea's corruptors are not enough, infested terrans kill off everything and nestea is down 80 supply. Nestea's hive goes down, and more infestors are sent toward the main
30:00 Nestea GGs
haha i love IM but that was pretty awesome
Oh my fucking god Symbol.
United States97275 Posts
What an incredible day for Symbol. Reverse all kill. Just amazing
symbol... wow... just wow...
This is why you don't go ultras in ZvZ :/ spines, infested terran walls, any movement-inhibiting things just destroy their pathing so much.
United Kingdom14464 Posts
I'm amazed at how well Losira did today, good to see him doing well again Also GJ Symbol!
Gotta admit, Symbol is quite skilled for a Zerg player.
I wonder who the MVP is today
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Zerg days are good days. So many unusually entertaining ZvZs.