On January 10 2012 19:38 Nocteo wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 19:37 CortoMontez wrote: How exactly can you know what a terran is doing... they are unscoutable! I heard observers do quite a good job scouting. So blind robo every game? There is a reason that so many people have thought that observers should be build from the cyber instead of robo.
I like the player clips they use, so the winner strikes one pose and the loser turns his back. Pretty badass production quality .
Now I only want to watch SuperNova get smashed by Leonock followed by him dropping down to Code A. If you have to rely on allins to win a Bo3 you don't deserve a Code S spot.
On January 10 2012 19:38 Seraphone wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 19:37 MuseMike wrote:On January 10 2012 19:36 Azzur wrote: Lol, why don't MC just go 1-gate FE into 3-gate robo
Such a safe and solid build against everything... You can't 3 gate robo every game. Why not?
because if you do the same damn thing every game you get owned hardcore? if you push out every time at 15 min you will be countered all the damn time. If you 2 rax open pressure every game TvP people will just start 4 gating you and taking the insta win
This has nothing to do with Terran being gay, but everything to do with bad decision making by MC.
lol these highlight videos.
Do they actually make the players do a dissapointment pose to record or are they just playing their body turn backwards? =P
Supernova just made this day of GSL so much worse : <, don't blame him for all-ining though ofc.
Russian Federation89 Posts
On January 10 2012 19:37 deadmau wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 19:35 urdak wrote: supernova goes for an all-in 3 times in a row... kk You mean twice?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the second game was a 2 base all-in. Do you think he was gearing up for the lategame with that army comp?
I don't understand why MC doesn't build robo. We all know SupverNoVa is the king of banshees. He gets banshee every game, and MC doesn't know this?
supernova gambled, that happens but MC just did a stupid build that isn;t good agianst anything
On January 10 2012 19:40 Twinmold wrote: Now I only want to watch SuperNova get smashed by Leonock followed by him dropping down to Code A. If you have to rely on allins to win a Bo3 you don't deserve a Code S spot.
You do what it takes to win...
Hoping to see MC crush Fin. I love it when hyped players get steam rolled.
On January 10 2012 19:36 Azzur wrote: Lol, why don't MC just go 1-gate FE into 3-gate robo
Such a safe and solid build against everything...
Instead MC goes for something gimmicky (as usual) and is foiled by supernova What league are you in? 4 gate pressure into fast 3rd is very solid against no gas FE. It was Supernova who played a gimmicky cheese that only works because 1 base all-ins are so bad that no Protoss does them anymore.
On January 10 2012 19:37 Asha` wrote:gg nice hole to have in your build. I'll put it down to MC being jetlagged. Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 19:37 FuRong wrote: Leenock probably feeling a bit relieved now, doesn't have to play MC, and instead gets to face a Terran not as good as the one he just beat. Hehe, Nova has pretty solid TvZ though right? He played a very nice series when he beat DRG for instance.
true but i think i agree with the other guy, considering game 1 of fin vs leenock i dont think supernova stands a chance -- fin played extremely well and still bested convincingly.
I can forgive GOM a little bit on the prize pool reduction with production quality this good.
I thought we were over the whine over 1-1-1 phase?
On January 10 2012 19:41 CrappyHippo wrote: I don't understand why MC doesn't build robo. We all know SupverNoVa is the king of banshees. He gets banshee every game, and MC doesn't know this? Supernova is the inca of terran?
On January 10 2012 19:40 Twinmold wrote: Now I only want to watch SuperNova get smashed by Leonock followed by him dropping down to Code A. If you have to rely on allins to win a Bo3 you don't deserve a Code S spot.
Yea I hope the same thing actually.
United States23455 Posts
Why are people calling Supernova a cheeser?
He usually has one of the safest, mech-style plays of any of the Terrans.
On January 10 2012 19:40 TheDwf wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 19:38 WigglingSquid wrote: Terran early game was always perplexing me about cloaking and detection, and this is a good example of my reasons. It makes for very boring BO losses against every race which needs tech to detect... every one but Terran. You know there are BO losses to Cloak Banshees even in TvT, right? Yes, of course, but scans allow for some entertainment and players can afford not to just think "oh well, I can type gg right now because I can not even try to take down that banshee to limit damage".