On July 17 2011 04:21 travis wrote: + Show Spoiler + looks like goody is going to go up 1-0 vs mentalist (whoever that is)
Can we agree on not spoilering the results of the replay casted games that were not casted yet? Dont know if the Goody game will be casted, but it might.
It was casted... I believe on Karak's stream.
Deezer 4gating into proxy expansion. Demuslim looks to be quite comfortable. Now going DTs.
On July 17 2011 04:28 travis wrote: It was casted... I believe on Karak's stream.
omg I have 4 streams open and miss the GoOdy game that's on the only stream I have not open now I'm sad
Deezer saying wp. Must be bm.
How did that guy beat Nerchio ? T_T
On July 17 2011 04:28 Numy wrote: Deezer 4gating into proxy expansion.
Demuslim looks to be quite comfortable. Now going DTs.
Proxy expansion? Is he doing the 100 probes rush lol?
On July 17 2011 04:31 mTw|NarutO wrote: How did that guy beat Nerchio ? T_T
I dunno, that was just bad. Maybe Nerchio wasn't playing safe or 2nd game shows better skills.
whoa, tons of Koreans went out in the round of 32... hoping for ret take everything.
On July 17 2011 04:31 mTw|NarutO wrote: How did that guy beat Nerchio ? T_T
i have no idea... nerchio dobble expand vs nexus cancel? dno^^
lol replay of g2 with deezer already going that's pretty quick so i predict deezer must have tried to allin again? edit: looool and there it is cannon rush vs terran LOL
I can already imagine deezer screaming "YOU MAD BRAH" at this computer irl this needs more combatex
i'm a demuslim fan and what i heard of this deezer guy he deservs to get his ass handed but everytime demuslim gets all inned he doesn't get it untill he has units knocking at his door, please stop this...
On July 17 2011 04:31 Numy wrote: I dunno, that was just bad. Maybe Nerchio wasn't playing safe or 2nd game shows better skills.
I herd he had something wrong with his hand.
On July 17 2011 04:32 travis wrote: lol replay of g2 with deezer already going that's pretty quick so i predict deezer must have tried to allin again?
He went no sentry 4gate then went warp prizm dts. Demuslim played safe and just stomped.
p: stats, horang2, free, jangbi z: soulkey, zero, shine, hydra t: leta, hiya, sea
On July 17 2011 04:32 DiaBoLuS wrote: i have no idea... nerchio dobble expand vs nexus cancel? dno^^
He also mentioned wirst problems some posts ago in this tread. Let's not forget about it
lol the old metal cannon lower ground cannon rush.
i am a freaking prophet hiiiiiiiiigh level prediction skillz