On July 10 2011 04:44 On_Slaught wrote: Anybody have that old gif of the minimap timelapse in the July BW game where he swarms across the map? I think he was white vs red.
Is this it? Just google'd 'Julyzerg rock gif'
Everybody who didn't follow BW should stare at this for a few min and be amazed.
That's what I'm doing right now. Anyone knows who he played?
I would love to watch what was actually going on with the units during that gif,
On July 10 2011 04:47 Frozzen wrote: lol I started playing a game of civ5 1hr before NASL should have started just finished and it seems it's the usual bs. Ah well maybe I should play some terraria, steam sales ftw
On July 10 2011 04:47 Jnai wrote: Loaded up the stream just in time to see Day9 take the mic. All you guys who had to watch lots of intros, just come 1.5 hrs late! =)
except you missed the first match. Jokes on you buddy.
My favorite part of all the bitching is the fact that its been known what the format of the finals will look like. You are getting the games no matter what, it doesn't matter how many intro matches you watch. Complaints of being on schedule, sound issues, stream issues are all legitimate, but they seem to be fine on that today. You know what time the matches are supposed to be, go do something else between them.
On July 10 2011 04:44 On_Slaught wrote: Anybody have that old gif of the minimap timelapse in the July BW game where he swarms across the map? I think he was white vs red.
Is this it? Just google'd 'Julyzerg rock gif'
Everybody who didn't follow BW should stare at this for a few min and be amazed.
That's what I'm doing right now. Anyone knows who he played?
I would love to watch what was actually going on with the units during that gif,
If I recall correctly, they were just hydras chewing through a gateway army