On May 12 2011 00:54 DoomsVille wrote: What I don't get is why everyone makes a fuss over NASL using invites instead of qualifiers (even though they are only doing it for 1 season just to get things going) but no one seems to have a problem with DH doing it.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it at all. This is probably going to be one of the best tournaments ever. If the production value is anywhere near the invitational this should be epic. I just don't understand the hypocrisy. I'm sure people are going to complain when all the invites are finalized, as that ONE player they really like is not in, and that player that they think is bad. Give it time, the whining will come :p
omg Nada at dreamhack, i hope to meet him!!! the most handsome nerd ever!!
Hmm wonder if i have money to go there. I got no job :/
I would go there just to see Nada but i won't have time  
White-Ra fighting! Special Tactics will rule the day this time!
I'm really hoping that MVP and NesTea turned down invitations due to scheduling problems, because otherwise, inviting InCa and FD over those two is, at the very least, showing a lack of judgment. Just my opinion, of course.
Edit: didn't realize that there are three more invite slots. Oops.
Israel2209 Posts
There are 29 more invite slots actually, not three.
Ah ok. I didn't understand what "14-43. Determined by DreamHack selection." meant - but assumed that it implied some sort of a qualifier. I have no clue why the separation exists between 14-43 and 44-46, then.
Israel2209 Posts
The slots 44-46 are European qualifiers ran by DreamHack partners. The full explanation is: Out of the 48 players who will participate in the tournament, 5 have been determined by past results, 3 will qualify from DreamHack events around Europe, 2 will qualify from the BYOC qualifier and the rest will be invited based on an open request system.
On May 12 2011 04:06 Noam wrote: The slots 44-46 are European qualifiers ran by DreamHack partners. The full explanation is: Out of the 48 players who will participate in the tournament, 5 have been determined by past results, 3 will qualify from DreamHack events around Europe, 2 will qualify from the BYOC qualifier and the rest will be invited based on an open request system. This is correct, there will be more amazing invites in the weeks to come
Fruitdealer!!! I hope he does well
oh shit, have to visit this!
Nada @ dreamhack = need for bodyguards!
Wonderful start of the lineup, and it will probably just get better and better.
Amazing invites so far. I really hope they invite Jinro and Haypro even though Haypro hasn´t done so well in Korea and Jinro is in a slump, it´s Dreamhack after all and we need the best Swedish players I think. Demuslim needs an invite aswell, as a player, commentator or both. Demuslim + Apollo = best casting duo I´ve ever heard.
If they have to choose between inviting for example Nestea or Haypro then Nestea deserves it more obviously.
hoping to see nestea and select ruling sweden
I really want to see Stephano over here. He is not very known but he is good.
This is going to be such an amazing tournament, and there's still so many more awesome players to be named!
Come on, dimaga is a must!
Northern Ireland2557 Posts
sick invites European tournaments showin em how its done