On March 01 2011 18:52 Ribbon wrote: I got a premium ticket. Getting HD Stream. Supporting E-sports. Just kind of generally being a boss.
4gate vs 4gate....surprise? I got a premium ticket. Supposed to get HD stream. "Supporting" E-sports. Trying to be a boss.
Stream doesn't work... surprise?
Tester defeats Genius' army, moves up, Genius GGs.
United States7483 Posts
It's pretty clear there is no restream folks, stop asking >_<
It'd be awesome if there was, but nobody has mentioned there being one.
Tester attacks back rocks and gets much better concave and Genius losses and calls GG
pm restream pls, gom player doesn't work for me either
Russian Federation1401 Posts
If anyone could PM a restream, I'd appreciate it!
Any restream PM would be greatly loved.
free beer for anyone who pm's me a restream please!
Fucking dumb, Genius is trying to macro vs both and they just go all in.
Something needs to be done about PVP, it's not interesting from a viewer or player point :/
restream pm plz...the gom thing isnt working
A stream PM would be appreciated.
Also, thank you to those who are PMing restreams. I hope GOM can get these recent issues working out, especially since they did not exist for most of the past seasons.
gg. Thermal Lance cost Genius the game.
Genius went for Thermal Lance, Tester went for more units... attacks through the back rocks....
Battle at ramp, forcefields from genius cleared by tester's colossus, then tester clears up most of genius's units and takes out Genius's colossus.
Genius GGs
would appreciate a restream pm as well =)
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