Team Liquid beats Mouz 4-2 Mouz wins over Prime 4-3 EG beats Mouz 4-3 EG beats Team Liquid 4-3 Root takes the series of Mouz 4-3 EG comes back and beats Prime 4-3 Team Liquid wins over Prime 4-3 Root beats Team Liquid 4-1
Finals EG takes 1st place with a 4-0 win over Root
For each individual results of the games and links to the youtube videos, CLICK HERE*
*Edward gave me access to his account to edit the original post. Thanks. -ptbl
Welcome to the 1st Annual Machinima Realm Invitational tournament
Participating Teams: EG, Mouz, Prime, Root, and Team Liquid,
The tournament has a prize pool of $2500. 1st Team Place: $2000 2nd Team Place: $500
The format for each team match-up will be 4 1v1's and 2 2v2 matches. If it is necessary, there will an ace match 7th game, which will be a 1v1. Matches will be played on players' own time, and Crota will cast the replays
About the Caster Crota is the offical caster of the Machinima Realm Invitational. He has cast over 600 videos. He has been casting SC2 games since the beta.
Wow that some teams mouse = pretty much the #1 team in EU prime = #2 or 3 in Korea Root = #1 in Canada ? EG and TL = do i need to mention anything? Interesting that 2v2 is included
Err Prime didn't even send their top 4 players maka,check , foxer and hongun isn't on the line up while junwi and july who isnt even on the team is on.
This tourney must have been organized months ago. July and Junwi haven't been part of Prime for ages. I know Crota mentioned on his stream that he's been trying to set this up for a while, so who knows?
Also Prime lineup looks a bit suspect, are they definitely confirmed to play with those people?
But pretty fantastic tournament I have to say, looking forward to it. I'd expect it to be between TL and Prime to decide the winner, but mouz is quite strong too and Root can be there or thereabout as well.
Crota, congrats! I am very impressed with the lineup of the teams. I remember you announcing on your stream about hosting and casting a team tournament. This has gone beyond my wildest expectations. Great job!