On November 16 2010 18:08 dtz wrote: anyone here with any knowledge can explain how can someone qualify for A class? will there be this kind of qualifier or will it just be purely battle.net
They're qualifying for A-class right now. Top 32 from these 3 GSL's makes S-class. Top 33-96 makes A-class. After the real GSL season starts, there will be no open qualifiers, you have to work your way up from battle.net.
But like I said a page ago. There are other GOM tournaments besides the GSL:
There will be 12 tournaments throughout 2011, and there will be 4 types of tournaments.
1. GSL (Ran in January, March, April, July and September) - Main League. 32 Code S players tournament and 64 Code A players tournament. 2. World Championship (Ran in June and October) - 4 representative from each region in a 16 man tournament. 3. Ladder Tournament (Ran in February, May, August and November) - Tournament to decide best of Battle.Net ladder. Top 200 from each region are invited to participate in a preliminary for a 16 man double elimination tournament. 4. Blizzard Cup (Ran in December) - Top 8 (of GSL ranking I'm guessing?) will be invited to decide the best player of the year in a Bo5 Playoff format tournament.
On November 16 2010 17:49 qoiN wrote: huk not qualying is almsot sad as 911 fuck ...
What made you think that was a smart thing to type out, and who put a gun to your head and made you click "Post"?
Agreed. Not even remotely funny.
Thats the stupidest post ive ever seen. He should be banned that shit is offensive.
Hearing someone talking in hyperbolas is the ultimate maxed out super duper offensive thing to me.
If this retarded comment does not annoy then you have poor standards. Its one thing to be sad about a player failing to qualify for a tournament and another to compare it to a tragic event where people died. This type of nonsense I consider more annoying than balance talk.
Please explain, was the 911 f*ck something offensive or what have i missed?
Youre from the US? Its not hard to imagine why comparing the events of 9/11 to Huk losing would be a stupid thing to say.
On November 16 2010 18:10 Tekin wrote: The Gracken returns for GSL Season 3!
Idra looks kinda stoned in that pic XD I hope he goes top4 at least this season. I look up to him quite a bit as a zerg player. I'd love to see him do really well.
Remember that Jinro also failed to qualify for GSL. And then he proceeded to win MLG Dallas and qualify for GLS 3. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Huk, you can make it!
On November 16 2010 17:23 Hot_Bid wrote: I swear Aya if you eliminate Huk in either of these next two games you will cease to exist on TL. Your TLPD page will be gone and nobody will know your name. I don't care if you win GSL3. It never happened. It. Never. Happened.
I actually thought his name was "censored" at first. But I guess you just censored Aya because he beat a liquid player?
On November 16 2010 18:10 zivac wrote: If tester doesent make it today i will fking cry, as toss seems doomed for this tournament
if he doesnt' make it, I'm calling out to all Protoss gamers to help form a well mannered letter/e-mail to Blizzard to have a closer look at the Protoss race. This letter/e-mail should be around 15 pages long.