Congratulations to the winners, and thanks for coming everyone!
EDIT: EVENT IS NOW SOLD OUT If you haven't already prepaid then you can't get in.
This event will be streamed live from Iccup TV: (most likely starting between 10 and 11 AM EST).
Michigan State University's local LAN group will be hosting a 120-seat LAN that includes tournaments in Starcraft 2, COD4, TF2 6v6, UT2k4 instagib, and more.
DATE: September 25-26, 2010 9AM Saturday - 10 AM Sunday
PLACE: Biomedical Physical Sciences Atrium, MSU Campus with the SLP Console Cafe in the adjacent room 1400
COST: Pre-Paid SLP-Members :: $12 | Pre-Paid Non SLP-Members :: $15 | At the door price (non pre-paid) $20
BRING: Yourself, your computer, your peripherals, your network cable, your power cords
WHATS REQUIRED: Register for event on event site when registration opens.
PLACE: Biomedical Physical Sciences Atrium, MSU Campus with the SLP Console Cafe in the adjacent room 1400
COST: Pre-Paid SLP-Members :: $12 | Pre-Paid Non SLP-Members :: $15 | At the door price (non pre-paid) $20
BRING: Yourself, your computer, your peripherals, your network cable, your power cords
WHATS REQUIRED: Register for event on event site when registration opens.
Minors attending this event must have the event waiver signed by a parent or guardian. You can print and fill out the waiver ahead of time using this link:
You can find pre-registration/location/parking/scheduling/seating map etc... on the event site at Because it is a home football day, it is very important that you follow parking instructions

If you prepay with Paypal make sure to click the link back to the event site when you are done. If you don't prepay you should still register on the site.
Map Pool:
Lost Temple
Steppes of War
Blistering Sands
Scrap Station
Kulas Ravine
Desert Oasis
Format: Double Elimination BO1. Time constraints could force a change, but that is very unlikely.
1st: CoolerMaster CM Storm Scout Case as well as a Silverstone SST-FP52
2nd: Silverstone 2.5” external storage enclosure with 3.5” docking bay
Top 5: ZowieGear Pro mousepads
Time: Doors open at 9:00 AM. Tournament will be starting as soon as possible in anticipation of a large turnout. Competitors should aim to arrive when the doors open.
Iccup TV will be broadcasting LIVE at the event
On September 14 2010 03:03 iCCup.Diamond wrote:
Uh oh, looks like this shit just got epic! iCCup TV will be LIVE at the event with the legend himself, Raelcun casting!!!! I will be there too to celebrate my birthday in the best way possible, playing SC2!!!!
We are going to arrange to have a special viewing area where spectators can come in and watch the live commentary while keeping the live event atmosphere.
Come hang out with me on my birthday yo, meet Raelcun, and watch/play some SC2!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uh oh, looks like this shit just got epic! iCCup TV will be LIVE at the event with the legend himself, Raelcun casting!!!! I will be there too to celebrate my birthday in the best way possible, playing SC2!!!!
We are going to arrange to have a special viewing area where spectators can come in and watch the live commentary while keeping the live event atmosphere.
Come hang out with me on my birthday yo, meet Raelcun, and watch/play some SC2!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SLP details via e-mail
+ Show Spoiler +
Greetings everyone!
We are happy to be sending out the arrival info because that means we are less than TWO WEEKS away from LAN TIME! This lan is truly shaping up to be the most epic lan in SpartyLANParty history, but I digress, read on for more! Please read this in detail as there is a lot of important info that will make your arrival smooth!
Most importantly, up to the minute important info and updates will be posted on the event site at so be sure to check there frequently over the next week and a half. Also be sure to fan SLP on Facebook or follow us on twitter,
First and foremost I want to announce to everyone that Patrick Soulliere, CEO of iCCup TV ( will be celebrating his birthday on Saturday with us at the event and will be bringing in his lead SC2 caster Raelcun to cast the SLP SC2 tournament rounds on the iCCup TV Ustream channel! That means that thousands of people around the WORLD will be watching YOU play, all that much more reason to practice up before the LAN! We are planning on having a live feed of the SC2 casted matches to be playing in the adjacent room for people to spectate!
Prizes for Starcraft 2 will be as follows: 1st place will receive a CoolerMaster CM Storm Scout Case as well as a Silverstone SST-FP52 “The most intelligent thermal controller in the world” to go with it! 2nd place will also win a prize, that prize being a Silverstone 2.5” external storage enclosure with 3.5” docking bay. And even further, the top 5 will receive ZowieGear Pro mousepads! (assuming they arrive in time).
IF YOU ARE PLAYING IN THE STARCRAFT 2 TOURNAMENT YOU SHOULD ARRIVE TO THE LAN WHEN THE DOORS OPEN AT 9AM!!!!! IF YOU ARE NOT THERE AND READY TO PLAY YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE TOURNAMENT LATE!! We will be starting the SC2 tournament as soon as possible, probably having the players meeting at around 10:30AM and starting at 11am with the first round of matches so that we can have as much time as possible. We are planning on this being double elimination unless we have a ridiculous and unfeasible amount of players to make that possible so come ready.
When we have the players meeting at around 10:30 we will go over the rules and other important info and everyone will come through and give us their RealID or bnet nickname (whichever you want to use) and we will create the bracket using right then. That way when you have a match you can easily add the person to your list if necessary to find each other.
We posted on our website a couple of weeks ago a minor change in TF2 rules, that being class limit of 1 for Demo and Medic. The rules will follow CEVO rules nearly exactly. ANTEC has sponsored this tournament and all 6 individuals on the winning team will receive a Antec DF-35 case for first place. They arrived recently and they are SWEET!
As you all are aware I am sure, Saturday of the LAN is also a home MSU football game which complicates things a bit for arrival and parking. However we have worked all of the details out and if you know ahead of time what to do you should not have a problem! For reference please see the arrival map that we have posted on our event site or use this direct link: This image shows all adjacent streets, the unloading area off of South Shaw Lane directly behind the BPS (Biomed-Physical Sciences) Building as well as the parking ramp in between North and South Shaw Lane (you can enter from either side).
When you arrive at the unloading area you will find it staffed with MSU Parking Staff. In the morning we are planning on having a SLP staff person out there to expedite your entry into the unloading area and give you the necessary unloading pass. When you arrive pull in and specify that you are here to unload for the SpartyLANParty event and they will direct you to where you need to go to unload. If asked for your name give the name that you registered for the event as on the event site, they may have a list of registered attendees. This is the process you should follow to get in and out as quickly as possible…
1) When you arrive to unload you should unload your items and bring them in to your seat as quickly as possible (without setting up your stuff)
2) Visit the Check-In desk to check in to the event, pay if you have not already pre-paid and receive your PARKING PERMIT that you will need to park in the parking ramp.
3) Immediately go out and park your vehicle to clear space for others to unload
4) Come back in and set up your equipment
Monster Energy will be visiting our event to hand out free MONSTER! So come thirsty!
If you want to guarantee yourself a seat we highly suggest that you register early at and prepay and then reserve your seat via the website. We are seeing record registration and pre-payment for this event so be sure you secure your seat!
A tentative LAN schedule will be posted the week before the lan on the event site, the times you need to know right now are that the doors open at 9am, and if you plan on playing in the SC2 tournament you should be there asap as we plan on having the players meeting at 10:30 and starting around 11am. Lunch will be around 1pm and dinner will be around 7pm. The TF2 tournament will be in the later afternoon/evening. Raffle will be between 12midnight and 1am and the UT2004 tournament will be after the raffle.
With your paid admission you will get TWO full meals of Little Caesars Pizza on Saturday and free drinks all day/night long!
Every attendee will receive one free raffle entry with paid admission, so everyone has at least one shot! Anyone who wishes, may purchase up to 5 additional raffle tickets at $1 each to improve your chances. We are also including a cash prize from your friends at SLP of $50! The Cash prize will be drawn first so that everyone has a chance at it. In the past we have done a 50/50 drawing, however those that purchased 50/50 tickets were only eligible for that drawing, one shot. This way some of the revenues generated in ticket sales will make up the $50 cash prize, the rest will go to help and support SLP in our continuing efforts to expand and provide reliable LAN infrastructure. So when you purchase additional tickets you are not only helping yourself to have a better chance at winning the sweet prizes below, you are helping SLP.
Remember that SLP is a not for profit gaming group, so no one on our staff or anyone associated with SLP makes a dime off of our events, all revenue (if any) goes toward expenses of the next event. We do our best to offer a fun and affordable LAN event, and we think we are the best value around!
A full listing of raffle and tournament prizes will be listed on the event site the week before the LAN.
We look forward to seeing everyone on the 25th!
/The SLP Admin Team
We are happy to be sending out the arrival info because that means we are less than TWO WEEKS away from LAN TIME! This lan is truly shaping up to be the most epic lan in SpartyLANParty history, but I digress, read on for more! Please read this in detail as there is a lot of important info that will make your arrival smooth!
Most importantly, up to the minute important info and updates will be posted on the event site at so be sure to check there frequently over the next week and a half. Also be sure to fan SLP on Facebook or follow us on twitter,
First and foremost I want to announce to everyone that Patrick Soulliere, CEO of iCCup TV ( will be celebrating his birthday on Saturday with us at the event and will be bringing in his lead SC2 caster Raelcun to cast the SLP SC2 tournament rounds on the iCCup TV Ustream channel! That means that thousands of people around the WORLD will be watching YOU play, all that much more reason to practice up before the LAN! We are planning on having a live feed of the SC2 casted matches to be playing in the adjacent room for people to spectate!
Prizes for Starcraft 2 will be as follows: 1st place will receive a CoolerMaster CM Storm Scout Case as well as a Silverstone SST-FP52 “The most intelligent thermal controller in the world” to go with it! 2nd place will also win a prize, that prize being a Silverstone 2.5” external storage enclosure with 3.5” docking bay. And even further, the top 5 will receive ZowieGear Pro mousepads! (assuming they arrive in time).
IF YOU ARE PLAYING IN THE STARCRAFT 2 TOURNAMENT YOU SHOULD ARRIVE TO THE LAN WHEN THE DOORS OPEN AT 9AM!!!!! IF YOU ARE NOT THERE AND READY TO PLAY YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE TOURNAMENT LATE!! We will be starting the SC2 tournament as soon as possible, probably having the players meeting at around 10:30AM and starting at 11am with the first round of matches so that we can have as much time as possible. We are planning on this being double elimination unless we have a ridiculous and unfeasible amount of players to make that possible so come ready.
When we have the players meeting at around 10:30 we will go over the rules and other important info and everyone will come through and give us their RealID or bnet nickname (whichever you want to use) and we will create the bracket using right then. That way when you have a match you can easily add the person to your list if necessary to find each other.
We posted on our website a couple of weeks ago a minor change in TF2 rules, that being class limit of 1 for Demo and Medic. The rules will follow CEVO rules nearly exactly. ANTEC has sponsored this tournament and all 6 individuals on the winning team will receive a Antec DF-35 case for first place. They arrived recently and they are SWEET!
As you all are aware I am sure, Saturday of the LAN is also a home MSU football game which complicates things a bit for arrival and parking. However we have worked all of the details out and if you know ahead of time what to do you should not have a problem! For reference please see the arrival map that we have posted on our event site or use this direct link: This image shows all adjacent streets, the unloading area off of South Shaw Lane directly behind the BPS (Biomed-Physical Sciences) Building as well as the parking ramp in between North and South Shaw Lane (you can enter from either side).
When you arrive at the unloading area you will find it staffed with MSU Parking Staff. In the morning we are planning on having a SLP staff person out there to expedite your entry into the unloading area and give you the necessary unloading pass. When you arrive pull in and specify that you are here to unload for the SpartyLANParty event and they will direct you to where you need to go to unload. If asked for your name give the name that you registered for the event as on the event site, they may have a list of registered attendees. This is the process you should follow to get in and out as quickly as possible…
1) When you arrive to unload you should unload your items and bring them in to your seat as quickly as possible (without setting up your stuff)
2) Visit the Check-In desk to check in to the event, pay if you have not already pre-paid and receive your PARKING PERMIT that you will need to park in the parking ramp.
3) Immediately go out and park your vehicle to clear space for others to unload
4) Come back in and set up your equipment
Monster Energy will be visiting our event to hand out free MONSTER! So come thirsty!
If you want to guarantee yourself a seat we highly suggest that you register early at and prepay and then reserve your seat via the website. We are seeing record registration and pre-payment for this event so be sure you secure your seat!
A tentative LAN schedule will be posted the week before the lan on the event site, the times you need to know right now are that the doors open at 9am, and if you plan on playing in the SC2 tournament you should be there asap as we plan on having the players meeting at 10:30 and starting around 11am. Lunch will be around 1pm and dinner will be around 7pm. The TF2 tournament will be in the later afternoon/evening. Raffle will be between 12midnight and 1am and the UT2004 tournament will be after the raffle.
With your paid admission you will get TWO full meals of Little Caesars Pizza on Saturday and free drinks all day/night long!
Every attendee will receive one free raffle entry with paid admission, so everyone has at least one shot! Anyone who wishes, may purchase up to 5 additional raffle tickets at $1 each to improve your chances. We are also including a cash prize from your friends at SLP of $50! The Cash prize will be drawn first so that everyone has a chance at it. In the past we have done a 50/50 drawing, however those that purchased 50/50 tickets were only eligible for that drawing, one shot. This way some of the revenues generated in ticket sales will make up the $50 cash prize, the rest will go to help and support SLP in our continuing efforts to expand and provide reliable LAN infrastructure. So when you purchase additional tickets you are not only helping yourself to have a better chance at winning the sweet prizes below, you are helping SLP.
Remember that SLP is a not for profit gaming group, so no one on our staff or anyone associated with SLP makes a dime off of our events, all revenue (if any) goes toward expenses of the next event. We do our best to offer a fun and affordable LAN event, and we think we are the best value around!
A full listing of raffle and tournament prizes will be listed on the event site the week before the LAN.
We look forward to seeing everyone on the 25th!
/The SLP Admin Team
I've been to four of these in the past and they've all gone exceptionally well. I expect a strong SC2 turnout

Additionally, there are "bring a buddy" discounts if you are new and go with someone else who has been to an SLP LAN in the past (try contacting TLiquidians who have gone before). The discount goes to the person who brings someone new, but they might split it with you

If any of you are planning to go and/or have gone in the past let us know! (I know at least Zerksys/kek/soul should be lurking here

Just a friendly reminder for the helpful carpoolers