On August 21 2010 09:38 deL wrote: mOOnGLaDe is pulling out of KOTH and Shuffle, 2nd most votes doesn't want to play against Terran sounds like both of them don't want to play vs Terran
The reason there are no votes this week is because I am thinking of implementing a format change, what do you guys think of:
BO7, King of the Hill plays against 7 people who sign up, and has to go 7-0 to get a prize or something. So people would sign up and get chosen at random, placed on a map, and play in order. If someone beats the 'King' they get to play the next week?
Note: The next cast is at 8:15PM on Sunday the 29th of August.
If Kowi doesn't show (unable to contact him this week) it will be pp'd to next weekend!
This should be going ahead as scheduled at 8:15PM Aus time!
Change to the voting system, there's only one poll choice how and the bottom few will be replaced each time.
Poll: KOTH week 5 challenger?[AU] Legionnaire [P] (14) 48% [AU] deth [Z/T] (7) 24% [NZ] Stroggos [P] (4) 14% [AU] Shuffle [Z] (2) 7% [AU] Paz [Z] (1) 3% [AU] sAint [T] (1) 3% [AU] Guc [R] (0) 0% [AU] fpx [Z] (0) 0% [AU] iaguz [T] (0) 0% [AU] SeMu [R] (0) 0% [AU] Mez [P] (0) 0% [AU] Hectic [Z] (0) 0% 29 total votes Your vote: KOTH week 5 challenger? (Vote): [NZ] Stroggos [P] (Vote): [AU] Shuffle [Z] (Vote): [AU] deth [Z/T] (Vote): [AU] Guc [R] (Vote): [AU] fpx [Z] (Vote): [AU] Paz [Z] (Vote): [AU] iaguz [T] (Vote): [AU] SeMu [R] (Vote): [AU] Mez [P] (Vote): [AU] Hectic [Z] (Vote): [AU] Legionnaire [P] (Vote): [AU] sAint [T]
Glade is not afraid of terran, he just doesnt to want to show his playstyle.
USA29055 Posts
interesting result for this last one wow
You'd be surprised how strong Kowi's play is
Kowi is rather impressive. In the last koth match he hadnt even played for a week and not even a pratice game before facing azz. Very nice
Re-thinking some of the ideas for this event.
What do people think of the following points?
- Opening it up to SEA nations - Opening it up to all levels of players (so, high level vs low/medium/high levels instead of high level players each week) - Run it so that a high level player has to win against 7 'applicants' who can sign up to play in order to get the prize - Less/more frequent - Run a lower KOTH with less well known players ('Prince' of the hill?) for the right to challenge the main KOTH - Prefer open to all players, or just decently well known players? - Make it a chance for up-and-coming players to test themselves, or prefer to keep it as an exhibition of high level Aus/NZ players? - Throw in some custom maps (e.g. SC1 map remakes) or other fun things? Some less well-known maps perhaps? - Change the time it's run? - Post-match interviews with the player, or some kind of lead-up event beforehand to slowly increase viewers?
Pre-match stuff would definately help. Interviews with the players could help psyc it up a bit. I like the idea of custom maps to mix it up. It's nice weekly as it's frequent but I think people miss it a bit coz it is so frequent and thus forget/cant watch every week.
Idea of lower level players is good but how low would you be going? and how do you determine which lower level players would come along? Gets a bit difficult as there are a lot that are in low-mid diamond haha.
Less often imo, as you can see finding players every week is a bit hard. Maybe once a month, that way you can hype it up a bit more along with pre-match stuff.
I like the idea of only AUS & NZ. But i guess if its hard just limiting it too AUS & NZ because of player base, its understandable for you to expand it to the whole of SEA server.
New casters
On September 03 2010 15:42 Tenz wrote:New casters  Not really worth upgrading from the worst casters in SEA to the 2nd worst caster in SEA man.
Prince of the Hill sounds hilarious, it would be nice as a stand alone tournament (no prize maybe), and like you said, the best player could face off in KOTH.