On July 11 2016 11:24 Kevin578 wrote: against a pure skytoss army of 50/50 voids and carriers, is it better to go for hydras or corrupter?
Neither. Just quit.
In all seriousness though, I like to go corruptors. But it costs a lot of gas and you really need to pray that your opponent type the hotkey for all the voids to use the beam light. If so, just retreat and attack again. But when you retreat, they get killed a lot because of VR + interceptors chasing them... You're in a awful position if you're at this stage of the game...
Tbh, even with 15k+ games in my account, I don't really have a clue about the best counter to it, so I'll leave it to better zergs. Also they tends to do a lot of static defense. But i'm pretty sure that's not enough.
Can someone please link me the classic, most up to date BO of Roch Ravager ZvT with rough timings?
I was stil going MLB till now, but it looks like I'm just shooting myself in the foot not complying to the new standard, there is just no clear way for me to do it right (or so it seems...)
On July 11 2016 11:24 Kevin578 wrote: against a pure skytoss army of 50/50 voids and carriers, is it better to go for hydras or corrupter?
It's better to scout the double (or more) Stargates early on, rapidly saturate your 3 bases and go for a huge Hydralisk/Baneling/Zergling attack as fast as you possibly can. If they are really going for the Skytoss they will spend huge money on defenses like cannons and the banelings will annihilate it or they will play ultra greedy and have more air units out sooner and then you have to tune the push to be more Hydra/less baneling.
Seriously, kill it as quickly as possible because if they are allowed to get to 160 + supply with Voids and Carriers the game is borderline over.
On July 11 2016 23:56 DjayEl wrote: Can someone please link me the classic, most up to date BO of Roch Ravager ZvT with rough timings?
I was stil going MLB till now, but it looks like I'm just shooting myself in the foot not complying to the new standard, there is just no clear way for me to do it right (or so it seems...)
On July 11 2016 23:56 DjayEl wrote: Can someone please link me the classic, most up to date BO of Roch Ravager ZvT with rough timings?
I was stil going MLB till now, but it looks like I'm just shooting myself in the foot not complying to the new standard, there is just no clear way for me to do it right (or so it seems...)
I wrote this guide for Roach Ravager where I open with 3 Roaches -> Muta -> Roach Ravager allin. I have no other BO for RR sry
Thanks Railgan, I really do love your stuff and appreciate the help you provide on a regular basis to all Zerg players out there, but I was looking for something a bit different I already knew about your guide and think it's awesome, but for some reason all-innish builds never quite worked for me as I'm more of a macro-oriented kind of player (mostly because I suck at anything else!), so I wanted to have a look at something a bit more "standard" (if such a think exists in ZvT right now).
Anyone come across Cyclone/Liberator in ZvT? I couldn't handle it at all, I mined out my half of the map plus a gold base and had to GG because everything was mined out. Infestor/ravager/corruptor seems like an obvious choice but the cyclones made short work of any corruptors trying to come in and I kept being kited into liberators so I couldn't really FG.
On July 12 2016 02:29 BelialSC2 wrote: Anyone come across Cyclone/Liberator in ZvT? I couldn't handle it at all, I mined out my half of the map plus a gold base and had to GG because everything was mined out. Infestor/ravager/corruptor seems like an obvious choice but the cyclones made short work of any corruptors trying to come in and I kept being kited into liberators so I couldn't really FG.
On July 12 2016 02:29 BelialSC2 wrote: Anyone come across Cyclone/Liberator in ZvT? I couldn't handle it at all, I mined out my half of the map plus a gold base and had to GG because everything was mined out. Infestor/ravager/corruptor seems like an obvious choice but the cyclones made short work of any corruptors trying to come in and I kept being kited into liberators so I couldn't really FG.
Sounds like a micro issue to me. Fungal has a higher range than cyclone lock-on so he shouldn't be able to kite you into liberation zones.
If you have enough time you should get broodlords out as they nullify this composition.
On July 11 2016 23:56 DjayEl wrote: Can someone please link me the classic, most up to date BO of Roch Ravager ZvT with rough timings?
I was stil going MLB till now, but it looks like I'm just shooting myself in the foot not complying to the new standard, there is just no clear way for me to do it right (or so it seems...)
I wrote this guide for Roach Ravager where I open with 3 Roaches -> Muta -> Roach Ravager allin. I have no other BO for RR sry
Thanks Railgan, I really do love your stuff and appreciate the help you provide on a regular basis to all Zerg players out there, but I was looking for something a bit different I already knew about your guide and think it's awesome, but for some reason all-innish builds never quite worked for me as I'm more of a macro-oriented kind of player (mostly because I suck at anything else!), so I wanted to have a look at something a bit more "standard" (if such a think exists in ZvT right now).
No better way than to play mass games and polish your build up. We can't really do a specific build order for you, so you have to experience it yourself. Tbh, it's not that hard, your build may be different from the pros, but that what makes this game great. Afterall, when the pros will be doing a slightly different build than yours, you'll quickly understand why they're doing it.
On July 12 2016 03:23 BelialSC2 wrote: Blue flame hellions man ;/
You didn't mention them :D Was it dusk towers?
I feel like just a classic roach ravager timing would beat this, cyclone cost so much supply and gas that if you push through as you reach 200/200 he probably wont have enough to hold, and no corruptors make turrets a non-issue in this case. As for liberators at this point he should'nt have enough either so you can bile them
If you can't kill him before lategame you probably need BL viper corruptor and maybe some ravager biles + fungals if lots of vikings. Blinding clouds definetly helps pushing through a super turtly style
On July 11 2016 23:56 DjayEl wrote: Can someone please link me the classic, most up to date BO of Roch Ravager ZvT with rough timings?
I was stil going MLB till now, but it looks like I'm just shooting myself in the foot not complying to the new standard, there is just no clear way for me to do it right (or so it seems...)
I wrote this guide for Roach Ravager where I open with 3 Roaches -> Muta -> Roach Ravager allin. I have no other BO for RR sry
Thanks Railgan, I really do love your stuff and appreciate the help you provide on a regular basis to all Zerg players out there, but I was looking for something a bit different I already knew about your guide and think it's awesome, but for some reason all-innish builds never quite worked for me as I'm more of a macro-oriented kind of player (mostly because I suck at anything else!), so I wanted to have a look at something a bit more "standard" (if such a think exists in ZvT right now).
When LotV first came out there was this guide by Xutar, including build for ZvT RoachRavager.
On July 15 2016 04:06 heishe wrote: Any big changes in the meta since 6 months ago? Or can I still use the builds from back then now? Just starting again because of new season..
Hmmm, multiple reaper openings in zvt went out of style, you will usually see just one reaper. expect aggresion from terran at about 5:30 ( tank drop, mine drop, double medivac marines, hellbat-banshee ) or a very fast third.
Protoss are going adept -> air harass -> robo tech almost always.
Zerg is same as always, more roach ravager play then muta.
On June 16 2016 02:23 Beelzebub1 wrote: Dude Railgan is the man with the master plan helping us scrubs out <3
Question man, I'm mid masters and I see alot of pro's using Roach based tactics against Terran, I personally hate using Roaches in any sense vs. Terran because I feel like you can't ever really leave your base because they scout the move out and then the double drops start commencing at worst and at best I feel like you need to hit a very sharp timing or the Roaches just turn to shit once the medivac count starts stacking up.
Should I learn to use them or is Ling/Bling/Corruptor into Viper/Ultralisk compositions just as viable? Do you use roaches vs Terran? Should I only use them on small maps close positions?
I still play Roach Ravager (with Hydras / Corruptors as I feel like) very often. However, Ling Baneling Corruptor does just fine. I recently started using that composition together with swarmhosts.
This Video explains the basics
This Video is an application of it
If you are looking for standard ling bane corruptor.
This is a Game against Jason where I play exactly that
Streamers like PiG also use Ling Bane Corruptor into hive and the composition definitly works. I would only advice against Ling Baneling Mutalisk as Liberators are too big of a threat against mass Muta gameplay.
If you are interested into more roach heavy gameplay:
Is a Roach Ravager Hydra Corruptor Game where I explain my decisions n stuff. Might help you.
Been trying your pool-hatch-lair before speed 2base muta build, I would like some clarification on timings please, it seems I can't make three drones for gas a queen 2 lings and an overlord in a good timing. Also how do you scout and respond to a double medivac marine drop? as It seems to hard counter the build.
On June 16 2016 02:23 Beelzebub1 wrote: Dude Railgan is the man with the master plan helping us scrubs out <3
Question man, I'm mid masters and I see alot of pro's using Roach based tactics against Terran, I personally hate using Roaches in any sense vs. Terran because I feel like you can't ever really leave your base because they scout the move out and then the double drops start commencing at worst and at best I feel like you need to hit a very sharp timing or the Roaches just turn to shit once the medivac count starts stacking up.
Should I learn to use them or is Ling/Bling/Corruptor into Viper/Ultralisk compositions just as viable? Do you use roaches vs Terran? Should I only use them on small maps close positions?
I still play Roach Ravager (with Hydras / Corruptors as I feel like) very often. However, Ling Baneling Corruptor does just fine. I recently started using that composition together with swarmhosts.
Streamers like PiG also use Ling Bane Corruptor into hive and the composition definitly works. I would only advice against Ling Baneling Mutalisk as Liberators are too big of a threat against mass Muta gameplay.
If you are interested into more roach heavy gameplay:
Is a Roach Ravager Hydra Corruptor Game where I explain my decisions n stuff. Might help you.
Been trying your pool-hatch-lair before speed 2base muta build, I would like some clarification on timings please, it seems I can't make three drones for gas a queen 2 lings and an overlord in a good timing. Also how do you scout and respond to a double medivac marine drop? as It seems to hard counter the build.
17 Pool 18 Hatch 17 Gas --> 16 drones on Minerals right now
Build 3 Drones --> rally those to the gas you will start with 1/2 drones on gas and it will slowly go up to 3 Build 2 lings --> To the opponents base Build a Queen --> Defense Build an Overlord
with the 20th drone make a 2nd gas rally the next 3 drones there and proceed as planned. __________________________________
Versus 16 Marine drops I just use my Queens for defense and Spam Lings delaying the Mutalisks slightly.
On July 17 2016 20:57 Alchemik wrote: sooo, are there any good ZvP all-ins? after coming back it seems macro ZvP is still annoying, so I'd like to avoid it if possible