The HotS Zerg Help Me Thread - Page 88
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United States334 Posts
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427 Posts
On July 28 2013 05:02 Marioff wrote: How to fight against mech ? Add some replays if u can. dont lose drones early dont get behind dont let him expand everywhere be careful of midgame hellbat based attacks it's all about these things really. mech wins really easily when it gets ahead somehow, but should always lose to zerg if it doesn't. if he manages to kill too many drones in early game or a base though it's smooth sailing 3 base max out, push and win for him, so don't let it happen. your core army should be SH viper, with a hand full of roach hydra corruptor for some mobility and support. value blinding cloud over abducts. spread creep for locusts. spread a couple of lings on the map to have vision and deny weird expansions. get 4-5 BL late game to punish high tank count. when you start having a bank get on a low drone count to have more army. if he is going for skyterran kill him before he gets it out or contain him to 2 bases, no other way to beat that. On July 28 2013 08:19 Carbonyl wrote: Can someone point me in a direction to help against widow mine + bio terrans? I am having a lot of trouble with them right now. I'm high platinum. everyone does on all levels and everyone is complaining about that style. nobody really knows how to play against it right now, might even need some patching. mass ultra + queen for transfuses 4-5 infestors mass bling easily crushes it in an engagement so that's probably what you should aim for in platinum. | ||
United States59 Posts
On July 27 2013 20:03 Gr33n wrote: can you eat your words now that DRG hatch blocked at a TOURNY. i gota be honest low rated players posting "facts" really bother me and just because a pro does something or doesnt is not why anything is good or bad Like I said in the text that you quoted, just because one player does something doesn't say anything for the validity of that strategy. Hence the Catz example, that you have yet to actually respond to, wherein Catz regularly goes 4 Hatcheries before pool. Sure, he does it, but it's not advisable in 99/100 situations. It's more than likely that in this DRG situation, he only did it because of the person he was up against, and entirely relied on his opponent misreading to the strategy itself. Like I also said in this paragraph, and you have also yet to respond to, we also shouldn't generally be recommending strategies that rely on people misreacting to what you're doing. In a 'Help Me' thread, we shouldn't just be telling people what wins, we should be telling them what will make them a better player. And no matter how you put it, utilizing a primary strategy that minimizes your reactive decisions in your play, and requires you to simply hope that your opponent doesn't know what to do is something that will stunt players, and hurt their skills in the long run. We want people to grow, not just win. As for the low ranked Ad Hominem, I'm a top 8 Masters Zerg Player. Kindly keep the personal attacks to a minimum, as it doesn't allow for any form of constructive discussion. | ||
United States59 Posts
On July 27 2013 16:21 A_Scarecrow wrote: My zvt atm is scrappy, In kr im plat and hav 60%winrate. US diamond and 68% used to be 80% for us and went down. i do win more than i lose but its always so tense and messy. i like roach/ling/bling into muta>ultra infester. but wm seem to still hurt. just need to know if there is a way to split bit better against wm i try and sometimes works sometimes its worse. Also is ling roach corruptor still viable for zvp? Widow mines can be rendered almost useless by small groups of lings sent in ahead of your main army, preferably to set off the mines into the Terran army, but as long as they absorb the shots, you should be okay. Leading with the roaches can also achieve this effect, considering Roaches can tank a bit of WM damage fairly well. Another key thing for engagements is to ensure you actually kill the WMs after engagements. There are plenty of players, pros included, who leave widow mines alive after engagements, simply because they don't have detection. Killing these mines is critical, and in most situations, you can get an overseer out in time to kill them off. The better solution is to simply have 3-4 overseers in a Ling/Bling/Muta army, to allow you to harass with the mutas, and contaminate factories in the midgame. And no, not really. There are a few timings where Roach/Ling/Corrupter can work out, but they're honestly just inferior to most Viper compositions. The closest thing to it I've seen was Phog doing this - But honestly, he was pretty ahead in the game, so he could've done almost anything and still won. | ||
67 Posts
On July 27 2013 22:15 learning88 wrote: Well schwza, Lowko made a video like yesterday talking about this build so your in luck ![]() Haha, awesome, thanks. So is this build not viable on a map with a wide ramp at the natural like akilon or newkirk? | ||
United States160 Posts
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United States924 Posts
I got trolled, hard. Wtf do I do against it so I don't get trolled again? | ||
Bahamas113 Posts
you had less drones because you didnt macro properly. zvp is pretty simple. if he goes forge first and doesnt take the 2 gas expect an attack 7-8mins but check forge to be sure. if he is also chronoboosting forge or gateway this increases the likelyhood of an earlier attack try getting burrow or at the very least a few queen/roaches. any attack sub 9mins is usually easy to hold unless its all in which would require him to chronoboost warp gates and is rather obvious in conjunction with no gas taken as well anythinng past 9mins you SHOULD have 3 fully saturated bases (if hes playing greedy he will have taken a 3rd already in which case its more obvious for you to drone up a tad more maybe take a 4th) and now hes taking his 3rd + you should know what tech he is taking due to overseers and overlord sacs. at this point its about knowing you need x unit to fight x tech and making it. after that its about using the unit. the most important thing zvp to know is 1-9mins. at that point he is going all in, timing attack , specific macro types like pheonix expo or immortal or maybe immortal all in? gota scout gota learn how to drone and time gas | ||
Australia12814 Posts
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United States730 Posts
On July 28 2013 18:09 bo1b wrote: Hey I've started playing zerg again and I'm really struggling vs air toss. Is the only way to beat it to spread creep around the map and build spores and eventually asphyxiate him? Lots of creep, into a bunch of queens into 4 base ultra is what i do. The queens are very cost efficient vs voidrays. If hes going hardcore voidray u can get hydra too. Queen, ultra, hydra to deal with the mass voidray+ht. Oh and once you're max try to trade asap, cuz imo a maxed skytoss is stronger than any maxed zerg army. | ||
Australia12814 Posts
On July 28 2013 18:24 TheGreenMachine wrote: Lots of creep, into a bunch of queens into 4 base ultra is what i do. The queens are very cost efficient vs voidrays. If hes going hardcore voidray u can get hydra too. Queen, ultra, hydra to deal with the mass voidray+ht. Oh and once you're max try to trade asap, cuz imo a maxed skytoss is stronger than any maxed zerg army. I was maxing out on pure hydra which was probably a mistake, just didn't really know what I was supposed to do lol. His army composition was basically mass phoenix and voidray with a few hts. He'd just lift up my hydras and they'd melt to storm. | ||
427 Posts
On July 28 2013 18:09 bo1b wrote: Hey I've started playing zerg again and I'm really struggling vs air toss. Is the only way to beat it to spread creep around the map and build spores and eventually asphyxiate him? pretty much. that is if you don't kill him before he gets out enough army. personally i do ling + double upgrade hydra timings with a couple roaches against air toss and get 4 base + hive behind it so i'm not allin. this usually just kinda kills him or gets me really far ahead. but you'll have to watch out for force fields and get a good engagement. viper + hydra works really well against low air count with not too many HT. against high numbers of air units + HT you need mass spore viper infestor SH. or try doing what blade555 does: viper ultra hydra SH. he says it's really good vs air toss especially. On July 28 2013 18:40 bo1b wrote: I was maxing out on pure hydra which was probably a mistake, just didn't really know what I was supposed to do lol. His army composition was basically mass phoenix and voidray with a few hts. He'd just lift up my hydras and they'd melt to storm. hydras are kind of a shit unit outside of timing attacks that abuse an economic advantage imo. it's usually a mistake to make hydras if you don't absolutely need them. just keep in mind they're the same unit as in wings, just faster off creep. | ||
Australia12814 Posts
On July 28 2013 18:48 willstertben wrote: pretty much. that is if you don't kill him before he gets out enough army. personally i do ling + double upgrade hydra timings with a couple roaches against air toss and get 4 base + hive behind it so i'm not allin. this usually just kinda kills him or gets me really far ahead. but you'll have to watch out for force fields and get a good engagement. viper + hydra works really well against low air count with not too many HT. against high numbers of air units + HT you need mass spore viper infestor SH. or try doing what blade555 does: viper ultra hydra SH. he says it's really good vs air toss especially. hydras are kind of a shit unit outside of timing attacks that abuse an economic advantage imo. it's usually a mistake to make hydras if you don't absolutely need them. just keep in mind they're the same unit as in wings, just faster off creep. I thought they were garbage, I just didn't really know what to make lol. It's been a couple of months since I last played zerg so I didn't really know what to do. Just didn't want to make corrupters cause of how shitty they are vs voidrays. | ||
44 Posts
Curenntly my train of thought is Probes<Lings<Zealots<Roaches<Void rays<Hydra<Colossi/HT<??? ???= I usually go for 4 to 5 ultra but voidrays melt them ???= Maybe its because I suck with swarmhosts but toss just a moves on them I think my main problem is protoss has way to many viable units in this matchup. So I can't effectively make a strat and stick with it. ZvZ makes sense even though I hate it. ZvT makes a lot of sense also. ZvP no meta knowledge at all 39% win rate. if anyone wants to help me out hit me up. | ||
Belgium2048 Posts
Thank you ! | ||
Canada402 Posts
On July 28 2013 19:27 Darkexp3rt wrote: 9-15 void rays just straight up wreak face in HOTS. Curenntly my train of thought is Probes<Lings<Zealots<Roaches<Void rays<Hydra<Colossi/HT<??? ???= I usually go for 4 to 5 ultra but voidrays melt them ???= Maybe its because I suck with swarmhosts but toss just a moves on them I think my main problem is protoss has way to many viable units in this matchup. So I can't effectively make a strat and stick with it. ZvZ makes sense even though I hate it. ZvT makes a lot of sense also. ZvP no meta knowledge at all 39% win rate. if anyone wants to help me out hit me up. Vs a Void ray opener, go infestor roach with some hydras. You chain fungal the void rays, win the ground battle with roaches and hydras and hydras clean up the voids. Get quite a few hydras, a bit more tha your roach count. Don't let the toss get his 4th, because if he does it becomes very tricky. Vs a colossus opener I play roach/hydra/viper, then transition into ultra/hydra/viper or the late game swam host style. If the Protoss gets void rays and colossus, it can be tricky to stop, but if he jumps too soon to that composition without any ground beef, really, a muta flood should mess him over, then add in corrupters for his phoenixs. Correct my logic if there is a flaw. | ||
Bahamas113 Posts
On July 28 2013 22:06 SkullZ9 wrote: Hi everyone, I am going back to sc2 after 18 months of no-playing, and I would like to know if the "standard strategies per match-up?" recommended in the first post of this thread are still the standards builds and if those are the best to improve my play ? Thank you ! yeh i took a 2 year break and got masters in 3 days following those strats (played 30 games a day i rather... crazy...) i would not recommend the roach bane all in once you are fighting mid-high masters as its imo pretty easily held with any form of scouting but the muta ling style can be VERY frustrating to learn atm ZvP is an odd change from old zvp with the MSC.. the thing i learned late was, mass queen swarmhost can be aggressive early but your ideal comp is more of a turtle comp and on certain maps very frustrating and if you want to deal with MSC or 7 gates learn to start burrow early so you can hold off potential all ins with very minimal units. learn to turtle with swarm hosts and attack with ling ultra comps on more open maps. ALWAYS consider the map and standard "trade as much as possible" applys | ||
Canada1218 Posts
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France815 Posts
On July 28 2013 23:57 KingofGods wrote: When going roach / hydra what is the ideal ratio for each? Are roaches only good to tank damage in this composition? It depends vs which race you are playing roach hydra. Overall you want more hydras than roaches, but if you're playing vs T you'll want something like 80% hydralisk, whereas if you're playing vs P, you'll want more roaches so your army doesn't melt down to colossi. Same in ZvZ where you want to tank baneling hits with your roaches. | ||
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