The HotS Zerg Help Me Thread - Page 120
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United States188 Posts
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Spain60 Posts
On September 26 2013 23:05 DilemaH wrote: I love this question: you say your timings and your enemy timings so I know exactly your problem. I think you're losing to a +1/+1 2 base ~10:00, not standard 3cc +1/+1 pressure at around 11:30ish. You're doing everything right, well maybe not because youre still losing ![]() But if you see 3cc dont overdrone. A smart terran will dive your third if you overdrone, so you need a few speedlings to pressure the hellions off creep. If he loses the hellions before 12:00Ish, deny his third. So there, get some drones, and get quite a few lings, enough to scare him off your creep. 4 queen vs reaper is a bit greedy. If you scout reaper, consider going for that fast speed and pull off drones from gas at speed. If you skip speed vs someone who opens reapers, the 6 reaper + 2 hellion force is scary because of the lack of speed. If they skip reapers just go for that 4 queen opener with even a faster than 6:00 3rd base. Ive answered this a lot. Defend your third with roach+spore+some banes, at around 130-150ish supply, get around 7 infestors (more or less) and make the rest hydras. Engage in chokepoints and go for a 200/200 push against him, most likely with your 2/2. He cant engage you in chokes because he will get less SA (surface area) and his units will clump up, perfect for your infestors. Have your roaches tank for the hydras as the hydras kill shit. Split your hydras if you have enough room to deny baneling hits. 3 things should happen: 1. You kill his army. Go finish the game, but beware because he can remax quickly, so still walk in chokes (if possible). 2. You kill his ground army. Go kill as many bases as you can with the remaiig roaches, burrow infestors back home and remax your army. 3. You lose the engagements because of lack of good fungals and he connects with banelings. You will usualy lose the game. Thanks DilemaH. I saw the standard 3CC timings on WCS VODs but actually, on ladder I find more usually the 10:00 +1/+1 2 base attack, like you say, just before I can have mutas. Definetly I try to hold this attack with roach/bane/ling or go to deny/delay his third if he goes to 3CC. | ||
Australia2706 Posts
On September 25 2013 17:13 TAMinator wrote: is there a replay of someone holding 10p bane when going hatch gas pool? or is that not possible to hold theoreticaly? Anybody? | ||
United Kingdom10443 Posts
Yeh I don't think you can hold that shit unless the 10p player messes up horribly and detonates all the banes on your hatchery. | ||
Germany1338 Posts
i dont know exactly who did it and if it was hatch gas pool or just hatch pool but i remember some very high level korean ZvZ where somebody stopped it. i think it was leenock? basically you need to create choke points for your queens or put them between mineral patches and split your drones into packs of 1 or at max 2 and i think he then started to transfer packs of 4 or so drones to his natural. if i find it i edit vod later on. but theoretically yes its possible ![]() | ||
Deleted User 261926
960 Posts
On September 28 2013 04:59 Decendos wrote: i dont know exactly who did it and if it was hatch gas pool or just hatch pool but i remember some very high level korean ZvZ where somebody stopped it. i think it was leenock? basically you need to create choke points for your queens or put them between mineral patches and split your drones into packs of 1 or at max 2 and i think he then started to transfer packs of 4 or so drones to his natural. if i find it i edit vod later on. but theoretically yes its possible ![]() I remember leenock vs DRG(not sure about DRG) and life vs DRG in ironsquid 2 finals (g7). | ||
17 Posts
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Germany675 Posts
![]() I know this isnt the best place to post this but if I can't find someone to appreciate it here, where else? | ||
United States160 Posts
I'm not sure if I got my timings right but the pressure should be coming at like 7 min? I think I've read that there's 2 ways to respond: 1. Play out the normal 3 Hatch build but take double gas at 5:20 instead of 6 min and a Roach Warren when the gases finish OR 2. Take gas early like 17/18, get ling speed and pull drones off gas. Then you take your 3rd at like 7:20-ish. I'm actually not sure about the 2nd scenario but I remember reading something like that. Also, if P goes Gate Expand -> 3 Gate 1 Stargate, should I expect pressure from them? I've watched some games by Naniwa and it seems if he opens this, he doesn't really do any attack and plays it out like a FFE...but I could be wrong. | ||
United States173 Posts
On September 30 2013 00:37 learning88 wrote: What is the correct response to a Gate Expand -> 4 Gate Zealot pressure against your 3rd? I'm not sure if I got my timings right but the pressure should be coming at like 7 min? I think I've read that there's 2 ways to respond: 1. Play out the normal 3 Hatch build but take double gas at 5:20 instead of 6 min and a Roach Warren when the gases finish OR 2. Take gas early like 17/18, get ling speed and pull drones off gas. Then you take your 3rd at like 7:20-ish. I'm actually not sure about the 2nd scenario but I remember reading something like that. Also, if P goes Gate Expand -> 3 Gate 1 Stargate, should I expect pressure from them? I've watched some games by Naniwa and it seems if he opens this, he doesn't really do any attack and plays it out like a FFE...but I could be wrong. 3. Take 17 gas, pull drones off and take your third 5 minutes ish | ||
Japan76 Posts
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Germany1338 Posts
On October 02 2013 14:20 Tritone wrote: I have a lot of trouble when Protoss pylon blocks my natural and/or third. Even when I go for a 15 pool before hatchery, I usually end up way delayed. Any advice? dont panic, let the drone you send down attack the pylon, as soon as pool finishes build 4 lings and 1 queen + attack pylon with 4 lings. once pylon is killed, take your natural, instantly build your 2nd queen and walk to natural with your first queen after injecting. 24 supply overlord, 24 supply 3rd base. from there on play a standard game. a protoss that pylon blocks will have 100 minerals less = delayed nexus or gate. | ||
2813 Posts
On October 02 2013 16:29 Decendos wrote: dont panic, let the drone you send down attack the pylon, as soon as pool finishes build 4 lings and 1 queen + attack pylon with 4 lings. once pylon is killed, take your natural, instantly build your 2nd queen and walk to natural with your first queen after injecting. 24 supply overlord, 24 supply 3rd base. from there on play a standard game. a protoss that pylon blocks will have 100 minerals less = delayed nexus or gate. I've always wondered why it makes a disadvantage for the protoss (or so I heard) when going for double pylons' block (especially when he could always cancel the 2nd pylon at the last time while delaying the most he could with the probe first). The way I see the game is that it doesn't stop the protoss to make more and more probes while it takes up to 2 larvaes on lings instead of drones. From my point of view, I fail to understand why the zerg isn't late with all this stuff going on. Have there been any research as to why it is not recommended for the protoss to block both expands ? I'm asking this because, even though I've been master since the beginning of WoL, I've always failed to understand this ZvP's matchup. It didn't matter if I was losing or winning, I just couldn't understand wtf is going on everytime I'm putting up a fight against a timing push or a deathball /end rant. Peace. ![]() | ||
Germany1338 Posts
On October 02 2013 17:48 RaiZ wrote: I've always wondered why it makes a disadvantage for the protoss (or so I heard) when going for double pylons' block (especially when he could always cancel the 2nd pylon at the last time while delaying the most he could with the probe first). The way I see the game is that it doesn't stop the protoss to make more and more probes while it takes up to 2 larvaes on lings instead of drones. From my point of view, I fail to understand why the zerg isn't late with all this stuff going on. Have there been any research as to why it is not recommended for the protoss to block both expands ? I'm asking this because, even though I've been master since the beginning of WoL, I've always failed to understand this ZvP's matchup. It didn't matter if I was losing or winning, I just couldn't understand wtf is going on everytime I'm putting up a fight against a timing push or a deathball /end rant. Peace. ![]() well while you are right on probe constant probe construction his nexus will be delayed and therefore his future probe production. its just better for P to not do a pylon block and just delay the expansion with a probe dance. if he does a pylon block you will definetly not be behind if you deal with it in a good way. i go 14 pool though to get the lings out slightly faster but 14 or 15 pool seems to be a personal preference even on pro level we see both. also if you go 2 queen before 3rd base you will be able to clean up the 3rd base pylon with your lings without delaying your 3rd much or at all. | ||
United States37 Posts
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United States17423 Posts
On October 03 2013 01:18 iPhoneAppz wrote: In watching Scarlett's WCS games last night, I saw that she went pool first 3 out of 4 times vs. her Protoss opponents. Also, she didn't probe scout first. Is hatch first too greedy against the current Protoss meta? Was she being overly cautious? Should I be going pool first? She was being cautious. If you know your opponent is going to go Gate expand hatch first is best opening, thing is you won't know unless you drone scout so she was just being safe and didn't want to chance a cannon rush. | ||
Canada1448 Posts
I've been using hyun's fast hive for viper build in the OP. It's essentially a roach/hydra comp with 3-4 vipers mixed in to pull the colis. Trying to follow the timings as precisely as possible. Anyway, I've been running into problems vs storm builds. Protoss is sitting on 3 bases with mass voidray/storm and I can't kill them. What's the best follow up? Broodlords? Mutas? What about upgrades? Thanks in advance ;d | ||
Canada402 Posts
On October 03 2013 15:15 TRaFFiC wrote: Hey all. I've been using hyun's fast hive for viper build in the OP. It's essentially a roach/hydra comp with 3-4 vipers mixed in to pull the colis. Trying to follow the timings as precisely as possible. Anyway, I've been running into problems vs storm builds. Protoss is sitting on 3 bases with mass voidray/storm and I can't kill them. What's the best follow up? Broodlords? Mutas? What about upgrades? Thanks in advance ;d The -Hyun- style hydroach viper is very close to an all in, just because of how little bases you can have to make it work effectively (3) and how fast you tech. If you do this, they should just have colossus, while being ready to secure their 3rd. If they scout you and see the fast hive, they'll probably know what's up and go for Templar. I don't know what to do in this position, maybe broodlords if they didn't open Stargate but idk. There really isn't much of a followup if you do this style. If you go 4 base later viper you can macro your way out. Check out blade5555's second overview of HoTS Zerg specifically the section with late game Protoss. | ||
Canada1448 Posts
On October 03 2013 20:47 DilemaH wrote: The -Hyun- style hydroach viper is very close to an all in, just because of how little bases you can have to make it work effectively (3) and how fast you tech. If you do this, they should just have colossus, while being ready to secure their 3rd. If they scout you and see the fast hive, they'll probably know what's up and go for Templar. I don't know what to do in this position, maybe broodlords if they didn't open Stargate but idk. There really isn't much of a followup if you do this style. If you go 4 base later viper you can macro your way out. Check out blade5555's second overview of HoTS Zerg specifically the section with late game Protoss. Ah, thx for pointing it out. Great thread. I will eat it up like candy. ![]() | ||
United States196 Posts
And I've been having some issues against muta openings, as I find they tend to pin me onto two bases for much longer then I am comfortable with. So I was wondering if this build is just weak against mutas or if I am missing something in my execution. If it is possible, I would love some general advice at securing a third against mutas, but I can post a replay or two at request, if it is needed. ^_^ Also, another ZvZ question, if the opponent switches into Swarm Hosts, am I also forced to make my own swarm hosts to combat his, or is there a way i can go about combating them? | ||
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