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Currently trying to get the supply numbers down for flash's tvz build. So far I have:
10 depot 14 cc 15 rax - 2 marines then reactor 16 gas 19 OC x2 21 fact - switch for reactor on rax, tech lab on rax > stim 23 depot 27 3rd cc OR 2-3 more rax 29 hellion/mines x2 + 2nd gas
from here its kinda on the fly: add more rax + eng bays (7:30) + starport, add 3rd and 4th gases once additional rax are completed, add more facts/ports once 3rd is up and running. Aim to contain the zerg with hellions or defend with mine/banshee/bunkers if roaches. hit stim timing with marine/hellion/banshee while dropping in main with followed up medivacs.
Is this looking good?
On March 20 2013 05:59 xPabt wrote: How are you supposed to open Mech and how viable is it compared to bio?
Edit: vs zerg woops The old Hellions/Banshee(s) WoL build order still works fine. Something greedier can probably be used as a standard now that Roaches pushes are less of a threat.
To deal with Swarm Hosts, use your old friend the Tank; a few are enough to prevent Locusts from nibbling your position, and once you have 15-20 of them you can slowly push back even large amounts (20+) of SHs. If your opponent has neither Mutalisks nor Queens nearby you can force them to unburrow with Banshees.
On March 20 2013 06:28 Maxie wrote: I like to open gasless 1 rax FE in TvP. Is there any timing I should go for for attacking, etc? I'm plat.
I'm having issues in TvZ, with widow mines + bio the mines often end up dealing just as much damage to my own units as the zerg's. Any tips for avoiding this from happening? Maybe I should just go back to marine tank, but is it still viable with additions such as vipers and blinding cloud? The fundamental TvP plan did not change, you push with your first Medivacs, try to delay Protoss' third as long as possible dropping or threatening drops while adapting to his tree path, etc.
Bin gasless 1 rax FE (too vulnerable to Oracle play) and play either the LG-IM build order (gas 15 Marine Marine reactor CC fact port with a rax rax lab lab EB transition) or some kind of Reaper expand, for instance gas 14 Marine Reaper CC lab stim rax rax EB with the usual 3 rax Medivacs follow-up.
Mitigating Mine splash damage comes down to the position of your Mines and your army control. You can play 4M like you would with Tanks, i. e. backing away the main part of your troops from his charging army while leaving the Mines triggering + some bio to kill stray Zerglings in front. If you face lings/banes/mutas you should be pre-spread anyway.
Marines/Tanks is still viable by midgame.
On March 20 2013 08:11 U_G_L_Y wrote: I think that given the current map pool, mech is not viable in TvZ, let alone the other matchups, and it really really pisses me off. I can NOT take a third base. Daybreak used to be the hardest with the correct vetoes, and now it is the easiest one... any tips on now I can not make marines vs Z from master+ player? Indeed, apart from Akilon (which is the easiest) the map pool is horrible for mech. Some old WoL games to examine to see the necessary tweaks: Cure vs Soulkey, Neo Planet S, SPL; Bogus vs True, Planet S, SPL; Ryung vs ByuN, Bel'shir Vestige, Code S RO32 (TvT, but really nice Tank positioning); GuMiho vs Scarlett, Whirlwind, Ritmix RSL III.
Widow Mines at least relieve some pain from the threat of Mutalisks bouncing back from main to third on some maps, and overall help you secure your third.
On March 20 2013 09:27 iAmJeffReY wrote:http://drop.sc/311496 any tips on coming back from behind in a TvZ against a muta player like this? I thought I did about everything I could, mass drops all over, feints and what not. Had no income to upgrade, it was a weird scrappy game since I fucked up and let him into my main and didn't morph hellion into hell bat to defend... I only have 30 games total of HotS, so this is just some random made up build. I have absolutely no knowledge of much...didn't even know mutas got a speed buff in HotS. No wonder the fuckers seemed fast. Game was against a 400 pt master zerg on NA. Build not good. The last Beta patch precisely aimed at removing this kind of Hellbat timing, because investing in an early Armory or Transformation Servos early is too expensive and shrinks your army size, thus defeating the purpose of your timing. Triple OC openings are still better anyway in HotS. I am sure you will love the fact you can do them out of Reaper expands. This expansion is tailored for you.
On March 20 2013 14:14 bvb wrote: How on earth do I go about stopping mass doom drops in TvT? No way. You can have Sensor Towers, Turrets rings and some Mines in your main, but if your opponent wants to commit and land 5+ Medivacs, he will. With mech, having your Vikings correctly positioned is crucial, and leaving 1-2 Tanks in your main is virtually mandatory. In Marines/Tanks mirrors, try to be as active as possible; if you're constantly in his face he won't be able to load 50+ supply of bio like that. Rearrange your base layout so your defence can come unhindered; the only thing worse than a doomdrop is a doomdrop having a natural concave against your reinforcements streaming in a line to defend.
On March 20 2013 14:57 PinheadXXXXXX wrote: Can I defend almost all Protoss 1 base play with Bomber's 1 rax expo? If not, what are the allins and pressures that could easily kill me with this build? No, bin that, too vulnerable to Oracle play. Besides, the delayed second gas already made you weak against Blink Stalkers all-ins in WoL, and this is only worse in HotS because of the MSC and Time Warps. In WoL I did not delay the second gas if I scouted dual gas from the Protoss, but now that most of Protoss expands should feature dual gas anyway, you would not have any way to know if delaying the second gas is safe or not.
On March 20 2013 16:57 Bazy wrote:I wanted to ask about TvZ reaper/hellion build that Flash played in many games during the last MLG (e.g http://tv.majorleaguegaming.com/videos/100008-flash-vs-ret-game-3-round-of-16-mlg-dallas-2013)1. This build is weak against fast speedlings and roaches, what do I do, when I see fast speed or roaches? (want to transition into bio/mine) 2. What are the timings for Zerg gases to consider his build as fast speedling build or fast roaches? 3. Bonus question - do you consider Ghosts to be a good counter for Vipers? They should 3shot them using Snipe, is it an investment that can be worth trying? Thank you for your answers (sorry for my weak english) 1. The build is not weak to tier1 agression. One Bunker + Hellions are enough for Speedlings, and Reapers allow you to scout the Roach Warren, after which you can get Mines and 1-2 Marauder(s) if necessary. 2. Doesn't matter, just scout with the Reapers. Most of the time gas before pool means Speedlings but for the rest (gas after pool), just scout with the Reapers. (Assuming Hatchery first from your opponent of course, if he opens 14/14 you play more prudently.) 3. Ghosts kill Vipers in 4 Snipes (the natural regeneration of Zerg units shoud make it so the Viper survives if your 3 Snipes do not reach their target at once). Ghost play is a possibility considering Ultras/casters (Vipers/Infestors/Queens/Overseers) will probably become dominant against bio play.
On March 20 2013 18:49 Kvassten wrote: I know that most players open widow mines in TvZ, is the Hellion/Banshee opening outdated or is it still viable? Still viable, but since you can now be safe even when skipping the Starport thanks to Mines + Reapers being able to scout whatever Zerg is doing, players forgo the Starport (at least when going bio). The trend at the end of WoL was already to skip the early Starport in favor of earlier thirds; at this time it was a risk against 10+ Roaches pressure, but now it's OK, especially with Reapers being able to see the back of Zerg bases. May change if Zergs develop burrowed Roaches rushes though.
On March 21 2013 04:39 MockHamill wrote: How do you defend against 3gate/stargate with oracles if you are planning to go mech?
I have 2 barracks and 1 factory, I rally my marines and widow mines to the mineral field in order to prevent the oracles from killing my workers. But then they just bust my wall with their entire army and I lose.
Other games I have tried to keep my entire army behind the wall to main main with a bunker which can hold the frontal attack but if the oracles attack the workers instead I lose too many SCV.
Is there any solution to this so that youcan defend both your mineral line and the wall to your main against 3gate/oracle. If so please describe in detail. Wrong question; what matters when dealing with a 1-base all-in is not your midgame plan but your opening and what tools it gives you to adjust. Your opponent doesn't care if you go bio or mech, because he intends to kill you before you get the chance to fully transition. I don't know what your opening exactly is, nor do I see why you build a second Barracks anyway if you intend to go mech, but Marines/Mines then Tanks and possibly Turrets (one in your mineral line) should be enough. 1-2 Bunker(s) in front with SCVs ready nearby to repair, at least one Mine in your mineral line. YoDa vs PartinG, Entombed Valley, IEM is an example of how to defend an Oracle bust with a 2-1-1 opening.
On March 21 2013 05:42 pStar wrote: What is the best way to transition out of 8/8/8?
More raxes at home or what is most effective? Depends on the match-up, your opponent's build order and what happened during the rush. In TvZ, fact CC or CC fact behind your wall. See YoDa vs Ret, Ohana, IEM and Flash vs bly, Akilon Wastes, MLG. For TvT, see Mvp vs YoDa, Akilon Wastes, IEM.
On March 21 2013 06:53 Kasu wrote: This might not yet have an answer, but I'd like to hear some informed opinions:
Siege tanks seem to have all but disappeared from the bio-based TvZs I have seen, with everyone opting for bio/mine instead. With both units filling largely the same role, why is this? Tanks: 45 seconds of production, one at a time (150/125), 2.25 movespeed, 3 seconds transformation time. Mines: 40 seconds of production, two at a time (150/50), 2.81 movespeed, 1 second transformation time with Drilling Claws, possibility to hit Mutalisks.
Tanks have advantages (much longer range, easier to focus), but Mines have a strong synergy with bio because their producibility and lesser gas cost (i. e. possibility to get more Medivacs) allows you to constantly be in Zerg's face, thus having strong chances to build a momentum (once Zerg falls behind you keep smashing him and eventually he crumbles), while Tanks are produced more slowly and don't work well in small-medium supply situations in the open, thus leading to an accumulation dynamics (against dedicated lings/banes/mutas you need like 8+ Tanks to start trading efficiently on creep against large amounts of Banelings). When you have a strong multitask, 4M gives you even better possibilities to capitalize on this.
On March 21 2013 07:56 EZR-Aeron wrote: Currently trying to get the supply numbers down for flash's tvz build. So far I have:
10 depot 14 cc 15 rax - 2 marines then reactor 16 gas 19 OC x2 21 fact - switch for reactor on rax, tech lab on rax > stim 23 depot 27 3rd cc OR 2-3 more rax 29 hellion/mines x2 + 2nd gas
from here its kinda on the fly: add more rax + eng bays (7:30) + starport, add 3rd and 4th gases once additional rax are completed, add more facts/ports once 3rd is up and running. Aim to contain the zerg with hellions or defend with mine/banshee/bunkers if roaches. hit stim timing with marine/hellion/banshee while dropping in main with followed up medivacs.
Is this looking good? Build order is CC rax gas fact reactor CC lab gas stim EB EB rax rax gas gas rax rax port, building everything behind 6 Hellions and 2 Mines (assuming no agression), with the Factory making Reactors once Factory units are done. Bunker as necessary depending if Zerg banks larvae for a 6+ Zerglings poke or not. Supply numbers are mostly irrelevant, you should focus on the order of the things rather than numbers, because you can play similar things out of Reaper expands, and a simple Drone harass or earlier Bunker needed may disrupt supply counts anyway.
Hmm thanks for that widow mine answer TheDwf, gives me some good insight on the playstyle I should try to use with them too! By the sound of it I was badly overestimating how much of a handicap the cooldown is.
I so want that hellbat timing to work. Makes sense why I crush a third and get pinned down by mutas every TvZ I'm playing. Thanks mr sir
TheDwf what's your opinion in a drop based style,of mech, similar to what Baby was doing? It only seems stronger with the new medivacs.
On March 21 2013 09:31 TheDwf wrote:Show nested quote +On March 20 2013 06:28 Maxie wrote: I like to open gasless 1 rax FE in TvP. Is there any timing I should go for for attacking, etc? I'm plat. Bin gasless 1 rax FE (too vulnerable to Oracle play) and play either the LG-IM build order (gas 15 Marine Marine reactor CC fact port with a rax rax lab lab EB transition) or some kind of Reaper expand, for instance gas 14 Marine Reaper CC lab stim rax rax EB with the usual 3 rax Medivacs follow-up. Show nested quote +On March 20 2013 14:57 PinheadXXXXXX wrote: Can I defend almost all Protoss 1 base play with Bomber's 1 rax expo? If not, what are the allins and pressures that could easily kill me with this build? No, bin that, too vulnerable to Oracle play. Besides, the delayed second gas already made you weak against Blink Stalkers all-ins in WoL, and this is only worse in HotS because of the MSC and Time Warps. In WoL I did not delay the second gas if I scouted dual gas from the Protoss, but now that most of Protoss expands should feature dual gas anyway, you would not have any way to know if delaying the second gas is safe or not. Show nested quote +On March 20 2013 18:49 Kvassten wrote: I know that most players open widow mines in TvZ, is the Hellion/Banshee opening outdated or is it still viable? Still viable, but since you can now be safe even when skipping the Starport thanks to Mines + Reapers being able to scout whatever Zerg is doing, players forgo the Starport (at least when going bio). The trend at the end of WoL was already to skip the early Starport in favor of earlier thirds; at this time it was a risk against 10+ Roaches pressure, but now it's OK, especially with Reapers being able to see the back of Zerg bases. May change if Zergs develop burrowed Roaches rushes though. Show nested quote +On March 21 2013 07:56 EZR-Aeron wrote: Currently trying to get the supply numbers down for flash's tvz build. So far I have:
10 depot 14 cc 15 rax - 2 marines then reactor 16 gas 19 OC x2 21 fact - switch for reactor on rax, tech lab on rax > stim 23 depot 27 3rd cc OR 2-3 more rax 29 hellion/mines x2 + 2nd gas
from here its kinda on the fly: add more rax + eng bays (7:30) + starport, add 3rd and 4th gases once additional rax are completed, add more facts/ports once 3rd is up and running. Aim to contain the zerg with hellions or defend with mine/banshee/bunkers if roaches. hit stim timing with marine/hellion/banshee while dropping in main with followed up medivacs.
Is this looking good? Build order is CC rax gas fact reactor CC lab gas stim EB EB rax rax gas gas rax rax port, building everything behind 6 Hellions and 2 Mines (assuming no agression), with the Factory making Reactors once Factory units are done. Bunker as necessary depending if Zerg banks larvae for a 6+ Zerglings poke or not. Supply numbers are mostly irrelevant, you should focus on the order of the things rather than numbers, because you can play similar things out of Reaper expands, and a simple Drone harass or earlier Bunker needed may disrupt supply counts anyway.
Sweet, I found a vid on youtube which has flash's fpvod of the replay of him vs life at the hots launch party. was noting timings and supply counts of things. Are their any timings for the eng bays/extra barracks/3rd and 4th gases? Like do you want to have the eng bays and first 3 rax up by X time and then the next 2 rax and port by X time?
One thing though, TvP, Im finding alot of MSC/stalker aggression whenever I use the 1/1/1 marine/mine drop expand opener commonly seen at MLG and have since gone back to bombers opening cuz even with 2 bunkers Ive had my front wall smashed aside. You say to ditch it since its weak to oracle openings (true) BUT could you not go for a 5:30 eng bay and put 2 turrets into your mineral line to counter this? or delay the first 2 medivacs to get out 2 mines to protect your mineral lines? Yes your push will be slightly later but could this build not be adapted to stargate openers?
On March 21 2013 10:50 EZR-Aeron wrote:Show nested quote +On March 21 2013 09:31 TheDwf wrote:On March 20 2013 06:28 Maxie wrote: I like to open gasless 1 rax FE in TvP. Is there any timing I should go for for attacking, etc? I'm plat. Bin gasless 1 rax FE (too vulnerable to Oracle play) and play either the LG-IM build order (gas 15 Marine Marine reactor CC fact port with a rax rax lab lab EB transition) or some kind of Reaper expand, for instance gas 14 Marine Reaper CC lab stim rax rax EB with the usual 3 rax Medivacs follow-up. On March 20 2013 14:57 PinheadXXXXXX wrote: Can I defend almost all Protoss 1 base play with Bomber's 1 rax expo? If not, what are the allins and pressures that could easily kill me with this build? No, bin that, too vulnerable to Oracle play. Besides, the delayed second gas already made you weak against Blink Stalkers all-ins in WoL, and this is only worse in HotS because of the MSC and Time Warps. In WoL I did not delay the second gas if I scouted dual gas from the Protoss, but now that most of Protoss expands should feature dual gas anyway, you would not have any way to know if delaying the second gas is safe or not. On March 20 2013 18:49 Kvassten wrote: I know that most players open widow mines in TvZ, is the Hellion/Banshee opening outdated or is it still viable? Still viable, but since you can now be safe even when skipping the Starport thanks to Mines + Reapers being able to scout whatever Zerg is doing, players forgo the Starport (at least when going bio). The trend at the end of WoL was already to skip the early Starport in favor of earlier thirds; at this time it was a risk against 10+ Roaches pressure, but now it's OK, especially with Reapers being able to see the back of Zerg bases. May change if Zergs develop burrowed Roaches rushes though. On March 21 2013 07:56 EZR-Aeron wrote: Currently trying to get the supply numbers down for flash's tvz build. So far I have:
10 depot 14 cc 15 rax - 2 marines then reactor 16 gas 19 OC x2 21 fact - switch for reactor on rax, tech lab on rax > stim 23 depot 27 3rd cc OR 2-3 more rax 29 hellion/mines x2 + 2nd gas
from here its kinda on the fly: add more rax + eng bays (7:30) + starport, add 3rd and 4th gases once additional rax are completed, add more facts/ports once 3rd is up and running. Aim to contain the zerg with hellions or defend with mine/banshee/bunkers if roaches. hit stim timing with marine/hellion/banshee while dropping in main with followed up medivacs.
Is this looking good? Build order is CC rax gas fact reactor CC lab gas stim EB EB rax rax gas gas rax rax port, building everything behind 6 Hellions and 2 Mines (assuming no agression), with the Factory making Reactors once Factory units are done. Bunker as necessary depending if Zerg banks larvae for a 6+ Zerglings poke or not. Supply numbers are mostly irrelevant, you should focus on the order of the things rather than numbers, because you can play similar things out of Reaper expands, and a simple Drone harass or earlier Bunker needed may disrupt supply counts anyway. Sweet, I found a vid on youtube which has flash's fpvod of the replay of him vs life at the hots launch party. was noting timings and supply counts of things. Are their any timings for the eng bays/extra barracks/3rd and 4th gases? Like do you want to have the eng bays and first 3 rax up by X time and then the next 2 rax and port by X time? One thing though, TvP, Im finding alot of MSC/stalker aggression whenever I use the 1/1/1 marine/mine drop expand opener commonly seen at MLG and have since gone back to bombers opening cuz even with 2 bunkers Ive had my front wall smashed aside. You say to ditch it since its weak to oracle openings (true) BUT could you not go for a 5:30 eng bay and put 2 turrets into your mineral line to counter this? or delay the first 2 medivacs to get out 2 mines to protect your mineral lines? Yes your push will be slightly later but could this build not be adapted to stargate openers?
It's just safer to have the option of Mines and/or Tanks. If you really want to go as close to 1-rax FE gasless as possible, you go Reaper first, then get a quick stim and the additional Rax off of 1 gas while expanding. The ability of Protoss to go for Oracles or Phoenixes or Blinkstalker or various MSC all-ins means that having the option of Mines and Tanks is so critical to holding dedicated pressure play that you WILL need a Factory at some point, or failing that, a good scout of what's going on. Hence, Reapers or Mines.
Bomber's WoL build was great in a metagame where you can easily hold anything that comes pre-6:00 and then only have to worry about delayed Robo all-ins, mass Gateway attacks, and normal play, but in a world where fast and mobile Stargate units have the power to wreck you early, you need some sort of zoning capability, which is just MUCH easier with Factory tech.
*Note: I haven't 100% committed to NOT Bomber's build, but I find that the more I play with Mine and other gas openers, the more I feel like my options are open while not sacrificing my economy (in fact, I'm taking some VERY quick thirds due to the gas staggering in the LGIM opener). Speaking as someone who A) wrote the Bomber guide, and B) played it exclusively in TvP for at least 8 months, I encourage you to mostly drop it for now and force yourself to play as much as possible with the new HotS structures, it just helps you get better at this game (which frankly is pretty much a whole new game in spite of the same units being present).
It's just safer to have the option of Mines and/or Tanks. If you really want to go as close to 1-rax FE gasless as possible, you go Reaper first, then get a quick stim and the additional Rax off of 1 gas while expanding. The ability of Protoss to go for Oracles or Phoenixes or Blinkstalker or various MSC all-ins means that having the option of Mines and Tanks is so critical to holding dedicated pressure play that you WILL need a Factory at some point, or failing that, a good scout of what's going on. Hence, Reapers or Mines.
Bomber's WoL build was great in a metagame where you can easily hold anything that comes pre-6:00 and then only have to worry about delayed Robo all-ins, mass Gateway attacks, and normal play, but in a world where fast and mobile Stargate units have the power to wreck you early, you need some sort of zoning capability, which is just MUCH easier with Factory tech.
*Note: I haven't 100% committed to NOT Bomber's build, but I find that the more I play with Mine and other gas openers, the more I feel like my options are open while not sacrificing my economy (in fact, I'm taking some VERY quick thirds due to the gas staggering in the LGIM opener). Speaking as someone who A) wrote the Bomber guide, and B) played it exclusively in TvP for at least 8 months, I encourage you to mostly drop it for now and force yourself to play as much as possible with the new HotS structures, it just helps you get better at this game (which frankly is pretty much a whole new game in spite of the same units being present).
You wrote bomber's guide? Very well then I'll trust you lol and go back to trying out the 1/1/1 expand opening. I just feel that you fall behind the protoss in supply slightly if going this. With mines, should they be placed near to the bunker to your natural until you get your first medivac? Or does it depend if you scout stargate (put them in mineral line) or MSC pressure (near bunker) ?? Once I get my 2nd and 3rd barracks things are fine its just the initial pressure that Ive lost to several times.
Also won't protoss's soon figure out how to properly adapt to fast mine drops so that'll be less common in the future? Guess that goes for any new openings. Are my steps correct:
10 depo 12 rax 13 gas 16 marine > 1 > reactor on rax) 17 OC 17 depot 19/@400 minerals > cc 21/22/@100gas > fact > 2x widow mines 23/24 depot
> bunker at ramp to natural @100% fact > starport + eng bay @100% port > medivac + 2nd gas + 2nd eng bay > 2 mine/4 marine drop > 2x barracks + tech labs on fact & port > reactors on fact/port after switch with rax + 3rd gas > 3rd cc + 4th gas
ALSO: with flash's cc first tvz build, are their any maps which it should not be used on? I usually reaper expand on 2 player maps but the I now prefer the 14cc opener. Should I just try master that build for now?
I am a Terran and I won the majority on my games vs zerg and almost 2/3 of my games vs Terran, but I have not won 1 game vs Protoss. I think the main thing that messes me up is early harass with Oracles among other things. My main opener is 1 Barracks in Early expand, meaning the oracle comes in my base by the time my factory is on the way (I'm going for early medivac with stimmed infantry). Examplary replay below. Should I try to scan to detect it or do a push before medivacs ?
hello everyone i was wondering something As terran ive noticed that Raven's defence drone are really usefull againts swarm host and tempest. my question is why dont wehave any pro player using them againts those ?
are WoL posts still allowed? if not, i guess this post still fits in HoTS since it's about early rush defense.
in TvT i'm having issues with stuff like early reaper rush, proxied factories/starporrts, anything looking to bypass attacking the natural expand and going straight to kill your mineral line in the main. i know it's important to scout, but once i see it coming i'm not sure what to do. at first i was thinking bunker in the main but i'm not quite sure. usually i will try and go highground to build my CC if i feel like a rush is coming, but i don't know. i'm not sure how to hold.
On March 21 2013 13:50 suicideyear wrote: are WoL posts still allowed? if not, i guess this post still fits in HoTS since it's about early rush defense.
in TvT i'm having issues with stuff like early reaper rush, proxied factories/starporrts, anything looking to bypass attacking the natural expand and going straight to kill your mineral line in the main. i know it's important to scout, but once i see it coming i'm not sure what to do. at first i was thinking bunker in the main but i'm not quite sure. usually i will try and go highground to build my CC if i feel like a rush is coming, but i don't know. i'm not sure how to hold.
what do you open with? because its not the same really in hots
On March 21 2013 14:09 RELAPSE1449 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 21 2013 13:50 suicideyear wrote: are WoL posts still allowed? if not, i guess this post still fits in HoTS since it's about early rush defense.
in TvT i'm having issues with stuff like early reaper rush, proxied factories/starporrts, anything looking to bypass attacking the natural expand and going straight to kill your mineral line in the main. i know it's important to scout, but once i see it coming i'm not sure what to do. at first i was thinking bunker in the main but i'm not quite sure. usually i will try and go highground to build my CC if i feel like a rush is coming, but i don't know. i'm not sure how to hold. what do you open with? because its not the same really in hots
i usually like to go 1rax FE into gas for some harass from banshee/hellion/reaper depending on the matchup. in TvT on say ladder I generally go for fast expand unless i scouted a proxied facility. then i kind of just play it by ear... i don't have a good replay example. i stick to macro builds in general though because i'm bronze and multitasking is ass.
what is the meta for tvz, tvp, and tvt in hots?
I really don't know what I'm doing in TvZ anymore
I don't have the multitasking anymore to do aggression + drops everywhere and somehow've been preferring to mech, which probably is also bad, as such when I did mech in TvZ WoL, I would hellion banshee, and then go back and get thors+tanks+hellions, take my 3rd, and then turtle up till 2/2 when the zergs become really aggressive. Hold off their aggression 2-3 times, get air, and then roll them, but it somehow isn't working too well (I guess because I'm not getting an easy 3rd in HotS?)
well both in biomech/mech I keep running into the wall vZ that they keep becoming very aggressive and attacking me around when I'm taking my 3rd
granted I'm taking my 3rd a bit slower than I see I "can" (because I'm too cautious I guess) and randomly overcommitting resources sometimes when I have mutas randomly attacking
but most of the zergs I play (plat-dia) at that time... make a bunch of roaches/swarmhosts/whateverunitcompositiontheywant, and continously keep techswitching and eventually I die (both when I mech and biomech or 4m).
I seriously don't know what the heck I'm doing I guess (7 lose streak, last 5 are vs zergs, and the 2 before that were vs terrans because of medivac drops mainly)
and if somehow I can't adapt myself to doing 4m (which I don't even know the full b.o. of, and when to move out/etc), then I'm... probably gonna look into doing another race or halting playing sc2 (Which is saddening) TT
Should I be focusing on a specific build order, or just solid macro and aiming for a unit composition?
Been trying to do the reaper fast expand but I always end up losing track of macro in between reaper micro -_- I'm so bad lol.
Is there some statistic somewhere that would tell me what does upgrades do for me? Say I'm going mech TvP, what adventages do I have going for both weapons and armor upgrades over just weapons? I mean, sure, I know it is better in some way, but what is happening actually in game? Do I 2-shot Zealot with what and when? Is there a reason to get +3 armor? Why? Just because my Thor will take aditional 2 shots from Stalkelr?
Just really curious about this, I'm actually willing to do some research on my own, but I'd like to save some time if there is something like that.
I was a big fan of Thorzain's TvT style in WoL. I like macro builds that are safe vs almost all openings and have a big timing push that can win you the game before you get into 50 minute tank wars. If the push failed the lategame was usually a bit harder but that's ok. Are there similar builds in HotS?
Hello. I´m Currently mid Silver terran but I dont know how to play atm... I´ve seen some recommendation builds here in this thread. But what I´m searching is a solid build for all 3 match ups that will improve me as a player.
As I said, I´m mid Silver so we don´t need any fancy builds, just like 1-2 builds that will improve me as a player (macro,unit comp, when to exp) and so on.
You should just concentrate on making units in Silver. Filter's Bronze to Masters series is imo a decent starting point even if it doesn't go into the finer details, that's still easily taking anyone into Masters with some time.