On September 08 2012 04:49 Flonomenalz wrote: hmm.
I don't really think you can play aggressive styles with 40 APM or less. You can play defensive, yes, but... I don't see how as let's say, playing TvZ, in late game, you're dropping two separate bases while continuing to macro, and threatening a third base iwth your main army, you can stay under 40 APM. It just doesn't seem possible.
Well 1. I changed it to winning with ease because I don't want people to focus on the APM, more on the decision making. 2. You may not be able to micro all the drops amazingly, but shift queuing up a couple of medivacs to go drop only takes a couple of actions, and that alone can be enough to throw your opponent off his game.
It's much better if you don't lose the scv early on in scouting and can actually watch him chronoboost the cybernetics core a couple times, but regardless it's still possible to hold without having that initial scout alive.
This is a great series, MrLlama. I switched to zerg a few months back from protoss and it's nice to get clarification on exactly how to deal with 6 pools + spines, 4 gates, etc. Keep up the good work.
Also, what is with all these people that have to post negative remarks regarding the 40 APM and Winning With Ease? I believe all that he is implying is that a lot of situations that people struggle with are not as difficult once you know proper ways to deal with them. Maybe you should watch the videos before you criticize them.
As a suggestion for your next series, how about trying to show how to execute these all-ins? Knowing how to attack is, if anything, even more important than knowing how to defend. Apologies if you already did that.
On September 09 2012 11:58 Acritter wrote: As a suggestion for your next series, how about trying to show how to execute these all-ins? Knowing how to attack is, if anything, even more important than knowing how to defend. Apologies if you already did that.
I actually kinda like that idea
definitely still have a lot of work for this series though first
Can you also make a video for the 2-gas 4 gate variant that cropped up after the nerf? I think it's a much stronger build if you can deny scouting -- even two blind bunkers won't defend it without good SCV repair micro. It's a push mostly comprised of sentry/stalker after (IIRC) two warp-ins.
On September 09 2012 15:43 CapnAmerica wrote: Can you also make a video for the 2-gas 4 gate variant that cropped up after the nerf? I think it's a much stronger build if you can deny scouting -- even two blind bunkers won't defend it without good SCV repair micro. It's a push mostly comprised of sentry/stalker after (IIRC) two warp-ins.
Sure I'll take a look at it. The thing is though, if he does a 2 gas 4 gate it will be delayed because he generally will be warping in units back at his base and have to walk all the way across the map. This generally gives you a little more time to prepare for it but I'll check it out and possibly make a video.
are you doing any videos on how to handle late game stuff? Like how to micro a terran army against a protoss late game army? or late game terran mech against late game zerg with broodlord infestor corruptor?
are you doing any videos on how to handle late game stuff? Like how to micro a terran army against a protoss late game army? or late game terran mech against late game zerg with broodlord infestor corruptor?
I don´t think, it is that easy, cause lategame is allways situational. It´s important what happened in the earlygame, how many bases each player has, what their upgrades are and so on. But if he could manage this, it would be really great. If you want faster input, you should just watch pro streams or vods, especially from ForGG, since he plays and streams a lot and he is verry good.
@ MrLlama: Are you still working on my request? Marine,Tank,Banshee allin in TvT? How about you add the video/s you are currently working on in the topic?
are you doing any videos on how to handle late game stuff? Like how to micro a terran army against a protoss late game army? or late game terran mech against late game zerg with broodlord infestor corruptor?
I don´t think, it is that easy, cause lategame is allways situational. It´s important what happened in the earlygame, how many bases each player has, what their upgrades are and so on. But if he could manage this, it would be really great. If you want faster input, you should just watch pro streams or vods, especially from ForGG, since he plays and streams a lot and he is verry good.
@ MrLlama: Are you still working on my request? Marine,Tank,Banshee allin in TvT? How about you add the video/s you are currently working on in the topic?
yeah lategame stuff is very situational so I think that may be a future series that I will have to figure out how to deal with that stuff
@Sianos, yes I am sorry. I'll go ahead and add a current list of videos I'm working on, good idea.
Hey if you run out of ideas I know of an all in that you havn't talked about yet. (i do it sometimes when pissed off in TvP) I dont have replays on me coz im out of teh house, but here is a breif description.
i go 14CC, rax bunker rax, stop marine production , can slo stop SCVs production. save up, put down five more rax, (for 7 rax) restart marine production and SCV production as it can be aforded, as soon as the first round of marines pop out of the new rax, pull about half my SCVs and go, while rallying from the 7 rax. add gass as i leave so if i kill the opens nat but they have FFs at ramp i can pull the SCVs back and continue the game. i belive the push hits at around 8 mins,
As for defending, if P is gready which often they are coz its a CC first, they just. If they take an exspation they seem to need really really good FFs. 1 bases imortal sentry dies, as I tend to scout it and then easy defend then its 2 base vs 1... the things that really seems to do well is 1 base fast colosis. 1 base blink can go ok 2 base blink its often to late.
robo after exspo the obvs get to my base to late to scout, stalk zelot poke doesn see shit (i hid any abnormal amount of mainres)
On September 10 2012 14:51 Pigzyf5 wrote: Hey if you run out of ideas I know of an all in that you havn't talked about yet. (i do it sometimes when pissed off in TvP) I dont have replays on me coz im out of teh house, but here is a breif description.
i go 14CC, rax bunker rax, stop marine production , can slo stop SCVs production. save up, put down five more rax, (for 7 rax) restart marine production and SCV production as it can be aforded, as soon as the first round of marines pop out of the new rax, pull about half my SCVs and go, while rallying from the 7 rax. add gass as i leave so if i kill the opens nat but they have FFs at ramp i can pull the SCVs back and continue the game. i belive the push hits at around 8 mins,
As for defending, if P is gready which often they are coz its a CC first, they just. If they take an exspation they seem to need really really good FFs. 1 bases imortal sentry dies, as I tend to scout it and then easy defend then its 2 base vs 1... the things that really seems to do well is 1 base fast colosis. 1 base blink can go ok 2 base blink its often to late.
robo after exspo the obvs get to my base to late to scout, stalk zelot poke doesn see shit (i hid any abnormal amount of mainres)
Hmmm could definitely be tough for a toss to defend, but I'd imagine really good forcefields would be key.
do yo have a replay to see it more? maybe a win and loss?