Basic: With this build you go for a fast siege tank to secure your natural to be soon third, with this quick tank you are able to shut down quick zerg pressure hitting after the 8 min mark.
Before you read Build orders the numbers next to the buildings or units is how many you should have not how many you are making!
B.O for Mech transition:
+ Show Spoiler +
10 depo(1)
12 rack(1)
15 OC(1)
(Scout with scv that finishes making Barrack)
16 cc(2)
17 depo(2)
19 double refinery(2)
23 OC(2)
23 Factory(1)
24 reactor on rack(1)
24 bunker at natural
29 cc(3)
31 depo(3)
33 tank(1) and siege mode
38 depo(4)
48 depo(5)
Around 40 supply if you don't transfer workers at the start you should reach maximum saturation so rally to natural.
51 Double Armory(2)
51 OC(3)
52 Double gas at natural(4)
53 depo(6)
After second tank switch factory with barracks and start reactor hellions
54 factory(2)
60 depo(7)
62 Plus one attack and armor for vehicles
When factory number 2 finishes make a thor(around 71 supplies)
78 factory(3)
80 factory(4)
81 supply(10 min markish) take third
82 engineering bay(incase of muta)
82 double supply depo(9)
87 depo(10)
89 double refinery at third(6)
96 factory(5)
(should be adding tech-labs on all factory's when they finish so you end up with 4 on tech 1 on reactor)
102 double depo(12)
105 depo(13)
116 Plus two attack and armor for vehicles
When I play mech i normally go up to 4-6 thors max if they are roach(more if muta) then i start tank production. If you follow this build perfectly you should max out at the 15 min mark with 77 scvs, 19 hellions, 5 thors, 15 tanks, and 10 rines and 3-3 just now starting.
12 rack(1)
15 OC(1)
(Scout with scv that finishes making Barrack)
16 cc(2)
17 depo(2)
19 double refinery(2)
23 OC(2)
23 Factory(1)
24 reactor on rack(1)
24 bunker at natural
29 cc(3)
31 depo(3)
33 tank(1) and siege mode
38 depo(4)
48 depo(5)
Around 40 supply if you don't transfer workers at the start you should reach maximum saturation so rally to natural.
51 Double Armory(2)
51 OC(3)
52 Double gas at natural(4)
53 depo(6)
After second tank switch factory with barracks and start reactor hellions
54 factory(2)
60 depo(7)
62 Plus one attack and armor for vehicles
When factory number 2 finishes make a thor(around 71 supplies)
78 factory(3)
80 factory(4)
81 supply(10 min markish) take third
82 engineering bay(incase of muta)
82 double supply depo(9)
87 depo(10)
89 double refinery at third(6)
96 factory(5)
(should be adding tech-labs on all factory's when they finish so you end up with 4 on tech 1 on reactor)
102 double depo(12)
105 depo(13)
116 Plus two attack and armor for vehicles
When I play mech i normally go up to 4-6 thors max if they are roach(more if muta) then i start tank production. If you follow this build perfectly you should max out at the 15 min mark with 77 scvs, 19 hellions, 5 thors, 15 tanks, and 10 rines and 3-3 just now starting.
B.O for Marine Tank Transition:
+ Show Spoiler +
10 depo(1)
12 rack(1)
15 OC(1)
(Scout with scv that finishes making Barrack)
16 cc(2)
17 depo(2)
19 double refinery(2)
23 OC(2)
23 Factory(1)
24 reactor on rack(1)
24 bunker at natural
29 cc(3)
31 depo(3)
33 tank(1) and siege mode
38 depo(4)
48 depo(5)
Around 40 supply if you don't transfer workers at the start you should reach maximum saturation so rally to natural.
51 OC(3)
52 double engineering bay(2)
52 swap rack and factory and begin stim
60 refinery(3)
60 plus one damage and armor for bio
60 depo(6)
63 depo(7)
71 starport(1)
74 depo(8)
74 add 2 racks(3)
80 add another rack(4)
81 another rack(5)
81 depo(9)
84 armory(1)
85 starport on reactor
88 resume tank production(make a techlab on factory)
Add reactors to all barracks when they finish
95 triple depo(12)
96 combat shield
96 start plus 2 attack and armor
101 double supply depo(14)
110 plus one vehicle attack
(Add depos as necessary)
151 add on 3 more racks(8) and one factory(2)(after you have your first 5 barracks with reactors start adding on techlabs)
15 min mark maxed out with 78 scvs, 4 hellions, 8 medivacs, 7 tanks, 68 marines 8 racks 2 factorys 1 starport 3-3 attacks coming and plus 2 vehicles with a 4th under construction
12 rack(1)
15 OC(1)
(Scout with scv that finishes making Barrack)
16 cc(2)
17 depo(2)
19 double refinery(2)
23 OC(2)
23 Factory(1)
24 reactor on rack(1)
24 bunker at natural
29 cc(3)
31 depo(3)
33 tank(1) and siege mode
38 depo(4)
48 depo(5)
Around 40 supply if you don't transfer workers at the start you should reach maximum saturation so rally to natural.
51 OC(3)
52 double engineering bay(2)
52 swap rack and factory and begin stim
60 refinery(3)
60 plus one damage and armor for bio
60 depo(6)
63 depo(7)
71 starport(1)
74 depo(8)
74 add 2 racks(3)
80 add another rack(4)
81 another rack(5)
81 depo(9)
84 armory(1)
85 starport on reactor
88 resume tank production(make a techlab on factory)
Add reactors to all barracks when they finish
95 triple depo(12)
96 combat shield
96 start plus 2 attack and armor
101 double supply depo(14)
110 plus one vehicle attack
(Add depos as necessary)
151 add on 3 more racks(8) and one factory(2)(after you have your first 5 barracks with reactors start adding on techlabs)
15 min mark maxed out with 78 scvs, 4 hellions, 8 medivacs, 7 tanks, 68 marines 8 racks 2 factorys 1 starport 3-3 attacks coming and plus 2 vehicles with a 4th under construction
Scouting and defending the roach/bane bust
When i play vrs zerg i normally scout with my scv that has completed my initial barracks. With this scout your first trying to find his base and second scout his gas. Whether you see if he has gas or not this build will still be performed the same except you should have a sense of urgency to get up the proper defence(making a bunker and creating a wall with depos). Also another important factor is tank placement. Ideally you want to have them on the high ground so zergs can't just run up and kill them.
Lately I have been making a wall by my ramp as displayed below:
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Why do i do my initial wall like this?
A: Less Depos required to wall in my bunker
B: If the zerg tries to run up my ramp he will have to sit there and get killed by my bunker.
C: Its much easier to get my scvs into position to repair it
Why use this build?
For me personally(High masters 1200-1300 points) in 90 percent of my TvZ the zerg will try to bust me so by using this build I can easily clean up their busts and even if i lose some Scvs with the 3 mules and 3 scvs at a time i can easily get my economy back on track
The 2-2 Timing:
This for awhile has been the big thing you always see players trying to hit and by following this build you will hit it spot on and as an added bonus have even more tanks! This timing is very crucial because it allows you to go back onto the map clean up some creep and poke at his fourth while you get a fourth of your own. Why does the 1-0 on the vehicles matter? Well without plus one attack if the zerg got armor upgrades your tanks will no longer be able to one shot zerglings.
Good Maps for this build:
Cloud Kingdom
Good maps for mech transition:
Cloud Kingdom
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Q: Why make hellions after your first two tanks?
A: When you get busted what is their natural follow up? Either another bane bust or a flood of lings and quite frankly hellions are good against both of these. These hellions if they don't bust you also allow you to snipe a few drones if they are playing greedy or just gain back some map control.
A: When you get busted what is their natural follow up? Either another bane bust or a flood of lings and quite frankly hellions are good against both of these. These hellions if they don't bust you also allow you to snipe a few drones if they are playing greedy or just gain back some map control.
If you have any questions you can pm me! More replays to come
No Bust:
Fast Bane busts:
Games Against people who are good:
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Lost internet but it shows that if you do go for the macro game you aren't really behind if he takes a fast third