On October 24 2011 22:04 chrusher97 wrote: Funny how he answers every post except the ones asking why he claims GM when he isnt, Also I'm GM with 1k games played and never seen you so I doubt you have GM mmr either
Have you even tried looking at sc2ranks. You can clearly see he was GM season 2.
Yeah, the season he paid people to play on his account.
On October 23 2011 14:31 oOOoOphidian wrote: All-inning people who don't expect an all-in is about the summary of this "guide."
Yes, some openers are greedy or metagame an economic zerg, but a proper response and good scouting of your all-in will result in failure every time.
Why do these threads keep getting spammed all over the forum? It is really obnoxious to see huff and puff about absolutely no content.
Everyone seems to think that if Zerg is on the offensive it's an all-in build, and this is the type of misconception about aggressive zerg that I'm trying to argue against. It's not all-in, as long as you have planned followups in the situations where you just do damage but don't end the game. Example: you go for roach ling in ZvT and they get fast tanks and bunker their main. Well, you now can drone behind it and take a 3rd while they take a 2nd, maybe even delay their natural expand with the units you had intended to attack with. It is theoretically true that if you execute an early timing attack and it does no damage, you will be behind in the macro game. But you have to take into account that your attacks will almost always do some measure of damage, and if you can exploit map control and information that aggressive play gives you, you can move into macro games with several advantages.
I think anyone can agree there are pros and cons to aggressive and defensive play styles, and if you choose aggression then that's a viable stylistic choice that shouldn't be labeled so negatively.
Well whether an attack is an allin or not behind how much you get behind if your oppponent responds correctly. I think that regarding baneling busts and early roach pushes, its pretty much an allin as the terran should almost always be able to win the game (given equal mechanics) if he plays intelligently. Whether you have a follow up or not is kidna irrelevant. The follow up might work against most players, but whether it works against most high masters or other GM players is irrelevant, its whether it works again players who play correctly.
I disagree actually, I've had so many games where I've done an attack and expanded behind it. It's standard for other races and equally viable for zerg. Watch Dong Rae Gu against ThorZain or DRG against Strelok:
Watch how early his attacks come, yet how many drones he's able to make and the timing of his 3rd base.
Well yeh, but if the opposing player defends withut taking damage (having early bunker or 2 - thats onyl very little indirect damage), and makes a good counter attack your in a lot of trouble if you droned. LIke watch MVP vs DRG (a gsl game a month back), drg actually did a lot of dmg as MVP bunker was to late, but he could not defend the counter marine/tank attack.
MVP geenralyl though will make these kind of timings that not a lot of terran players will, and it just punishes the droning zerg. So against most terran players, sure you can do these allinish attacks, but your still weak if A) The terran defend efficiently, B) has a build where he can counter you - like no eraly 3rd command center or mech play, and C) Attacks you while your droning.
Most of the time as zerg you cant spot whether the terran is doing something greedy, like double expanding of reactored hellions, or going for 4 hellions, into marine/tank push on 2 bases without any oddson barracks ( like mvp does). Hence you simply cant react efficiently, and this is why its allinish.
However just because its allinish doesn't mean its a bad build. Its sure good to vary op your play with these kind of attacks once a while, and it isn't veyr often you wil have a build order loss with a roache response attack vs reactor hellion, but once in a while you will, and long-term its definitely better to have a solid strategy that doesn't rely on opponents not doing a certain build, but rely on pure mechanics.
On October 24 2011 22:04 chrusher97 wrote: Funny how he answers every post except the ones asking why he claims GM when he isnt, Also I'm GM with 1k games played and never seen you so I doubt you have GM mmr either
Have you even tried looking at sc2ranks. You can clearly see he was GM season 2.
Yeah, the season he paid people to play on his account.
On October 24 2011 22:04 chrusher97 wrote: Funny how he answers every post except the ones asking why he claims GM when he isnt, Also I'm GM with 1k games played and never seen you so I doubt you have GM mmr either
Have you even tried looking at sc2ranks. You can clearly see he was GM season 2.
Yeah, the season he paid people to play on his account.
Would love to see some proof.
So would I. I'm going to start live streaming my games with commentary this season so this type of accusation will be proven false.
On October 24 2011 22:04 chrusher97 wrote: Funny how he answers every post except the ones asking why he claims GM when he isnt, Also I'm GM with 1k games played and never seen you so I doubt you have GM mmr either
Have you even tried looking at sc2ranks. You can clearly see he was GM season 2.
Yeah, the season he paid people to play on his account.
Would love to see some proof.
So would I. I'm going to start live streaming my games with commentary this season so this type of accusation will be proven false.
When you get into GM again, possibly. Sitting at 1450 masters at NA....yeah, I believe your cheese gets you to about that level
On October 24 2011 22:04 chrusher97 wrote: Funny how he answers every post except the ones asking why he claims GM when he isnt, Also I'm GM with 1k games played and never seen you so I doubt you have GM mmr either
Have you even tried looking at sc2ranks. You can clearly see he was GM season 2.
Yeah, the season he paid people to play on his account.
Would love to see some proof.
So would I. I'm going to start live streaming my games with commentary this season so this type of accusation will be proven false.
When you get into GM again, possibly. Sitting at 1450 masters at NA....yeah, I believe your cheese gets you to about that level
I don't understand where you get off making these sort of blatant accusations without any proof.
Nice write up! Im the gold kind of zerg that is passive and feels there is nothing for me to do untill the mutas cone out vs T or the broodlords against toss. I try to macro and react to others. This makes me predictable and often lose games. This is helpfull stuff to mix in next to macro games.
On October 24 2011 12:26 phiinix wrote: Don't forget his try hard funny warnings.
You would think that considering how much time you put into your guide you would have the decency to remove the clip that drops the N-word. Maybe you're not aware of it, but the N word is still quite offense (not to be so technical but -er is much much worse than -a) and made me cringe. Regardless of the depth of the word, it's pretty unprofessional to have any blatantly clear curse word thrown in EIGHT seconds into the video. - -"
Touching on noxn's jab at your content, I have yet to see any real depth into your posts. They consist to me of first and foremost shameless plugging, useless spoilers, and a bunch of build orders, without any real explanation. It seems to me like you've just taken a vod of an aggressive zerg game, copied the build order, and popped it into your thread. Why do they work? When would a bad time to execute the build? You claim
On October 23 2011 01:50 TangSC wrote: There's more to it than that, there are subtle bits of information I use to determine whether to attack or macro, and there's more finesse to the execution than just mashing 1 a-move. That's why I'd like to make a distinction between a Blind Cheese and an Aggressive Response.
But you don't explain how in your "guide" you're blindly making units at food counts anyway, where's the "response" element in that?
I sort of have to agree here with this guy's response.
If you want to know the difference between 'blind cheese' and 'aggressive responses', aggressive responses are just reactional like for instance if you see a protoss player try to cut a corner and off of a 1 gate expand, take their nexus slightly earlier than normal, you can make a round of zerglings (like 16 lings) and by the time speed finishes, punish him for trying to cut that corner.
A blind cheese is just a build that has been practiced to 'blindly counter' another build, usually being the standard build. HOpefully the other player plays a normal macro game, and you blindly make units and pretty much hope that you do enough damage to get ahead such as a roach/ling attack with like idk 22ish drones. Start ling speed, roach warren when ling speed is like 1/3 done and roach warren will be done when ling speed is done and you should have around 7 roaches followed up by rounds of speedlings until you do enough damage to start droning up again. Thats blind because you don't know if its going to work or not.
Actually that roach/ling was a bad example because you can certainly choose to do it as soon as you see a reaper expand or hellion expand. It's not something that is pre-determined before the game. Something like a 14/14 speedling "fake expo", keep drones on gas and get a fast lair and basically nydus worm full of speedlings into the protoss base. Its becoming more popular in the gsl and the most common follow up is hydralisks off of 2 bases. I believe this one zerg in wcg prelims does it, i forget his name but i think he does it a couple times with pretty good success.
On October 24 2011 22:04 chrusher97 wrote: Funny how he answers every post except the ones asking why he claims GM when he isnt, Also I'm GM with 1k games played and never seen you so I doubt you have GM mmr either
Have you even tried looking at sc2ranks. You can clearly see he was GM season 2.
Yeah, the season he paid people to play on his account.
Would love to see some proof.
So would I. I'm going to start live streaming my games with commentary this season so this type of accusation will be proven false.
When you get into GM again, possibly. Sitting at 1450 masters at NA....yeah, I believe your cheese gets you to about that level
Its a good thing you're not dodging the question of showing proof much like how you called Tang out for not answering why he isn't in GM......
Even after inputting the build you have for the "ZvT Tang's Roach/Ling Timing Attack" it lists that you should start your Hatch at 15, not 16. Try it out in YABOT and see what it feels like. I did the build and it felt fantastic. I was slightly off predicted times due to my drone gathering at the beginning being ~2 seconds slow because I can't select the hatch fast enough and get my guys on minerals, and I think it takes into account optimal build. It may be something to visit to see if it's infact the optimal build order for this type of build.
Even after inputting the build you have for the "ZvT Tang's Roach/Ling Timing Attack" it lists that you should start your Hatch at 15, not 16. Try it out in YABOT and see what it feels like. I did the build and it felt fantastic. I was slightly off predicted times due to my drone gathering at the beginning being ~2 seconds slow because I can't select the hatch fast enough and get my guys on minerals, and I think it takes into account optimal build. It may be something to visit to see if it's infact the optimal build order for this type of build.
I agree I've actually been doing 15 hatch, 16gas 15 pool 17 overlord after observing DRG games.