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On September 03 2012 05:41 Marathi wrote: Can anyone advise me on some players to watch performing 1/1/1 in TvT, ideally both in aggressive/allin ways and reactive more macro based ways. PuMa springs to mind but iirc he used it mostly in TvP. You can watch ForGG's stream, he currently uses this kind of opening (gas first Cloak Banshee in his case) in TvT.
On September 01 2012 17:40 Sianos wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2012 17:01 Carlotto wrote: What’s the current state of 2 rax (w/ TL and reactor) in TvP? (I’m in low master). Have protosses figured out how to defend it too well or is a well executed 2 rax still potent overall? Yep, i used the build some time ago in diamond and it still did nothing aggainst competive players. yes a well executed 2 rax is always potent. mid masters and it works a lot of the time. all comes down to the micro
What would be an effective all-in (1 or 2 base) TvP nowadays?
I tried to fiddle a bit with the build Supernova used vs Killer in the up and down (CC first into 2 base Marine/Tank/Medivac), but it doesnt seem to work too well if the protoss reacts correctly (chargelot/immortals :<)
Is a standard one base 1/1/1 still effective? and if yes which variation would you recommend?
On September 03 2012 18:16 JonIrenicus wrote:It's a 5 minute game. Question: how do I scout what is going on? http://drop.sc/246743TvZ is a complete bet. Or at least it feels so to me. I wanted to take control of the xel naga towers, and that's what happened. - You did not scout well with your SCV, you did not even see if he had taken gas or not. Mineral walk your scouting SCV in his mineral line so he does not get blocked by Zerglings, check his gas count and if he still mines. - Get your gases before Second Depot, otherwise you will not be able to defend some Baneling Busts since your first Hellions will be too late. Factory should go down around the 4'25 mark, yours began 30 seconds late and far from the Reactor you are supposed to make with the Barracks. - Make a Reactor with your Barracks after three Marines, your Hellions will be so much delayed if you build the Reactor with the Factory. Your two first Hellions should be out around the 6'15 mark, yours would have been only ready at the 7'15 mark. Since Banelings busts hit around the 6'30 mark you have nothing to defend with your build order. - Never, never, never move out with all your Marines if you have no idea what the Zerg is doing.
How do you guys deal with the 4 gate warp prism all in?
On September 03 2012 20:14 shope wrote: How do you guys deal with the 4 gate warp prism all in?
This is one of the all-ins you have to scout te be able to hold. What I do to scout this is to hide my scouting SCV on the map to go into his main after the stalker has left his base.
You need to see the prism enter your base, use suply depots on the edges. Leave 2-3 marines in the bunker up front, and keep the rest of your army in your main. The trick is to focus the warp prism. If he is able to load off his units and then warp in another round it's usualy over.
Anyone got a good Hellion/Viking TvT build?
hi, i'm a low master terran player and i've a question regarding tvz. I'm using the 3OC hellion/banshee build for quite a while now while laddering, which works just fine if my opponent is also macroing, but i really have problems holding roach-bane or sometimes just ling bane all-ins. While i don't necessarily die to the push it usually puts me so far behind that i'll lose the game afterwards.
So i'd be really thankful if someone could provide a replay or link to a progame where those allins get held off and the terran player comes out even or ahead.
I also tried out 3 rax hellion pushes with a third and double upgrades as a follow up, but i'm not quite sure about the specific timings there so if someone could outline the timings briefly that would also be very helpful.
On September 04 2012 04:22 Nyxisto wrote: I also tried out 3 rax hellion pushes with a third and double upgrades as a follow up, but i'm not quite sure about the specific timings there so if someone could outline the timings briefly that would also be very helpful. Basically you get your third + double EB + gases at natural when you move out (if it's a Stim timing, CS timings hit earlier), around 9'30 - 9'45.
Is anyone actually winning vs zergs with bio/tank anymore? Its stupid how hard it is. Worst part is that zergs often just destroy me with mass ling/baneling ultra. If i micro good and everything goes well (!) i will at best trade armies with him. The problem is that the follow up will be 100 lings and a maybe a few more ultras at my base within seconds. Trading armies like that is so silly, often the zergs just masses up banelings and just a-move. Everything pretty much dies and the follow up is to much and to fast to deal with. Ive lost all hope soon. I have no problem taking a loss but when you feel like you are sweating cuz of micro and macro and the zerg just mass baneling/ling a-move and blows you up, it makes you kind of sad :/
On September 04 2012 07:02 Fjodorov wrote: Is anyone actually winning vs zergs with bio/tank anymore? Its stupid how hard it is. Worst part is that zergs often just destroy me with mass ling/baneling ultra. If i micro good and everything goes well (!) i will at best trade armies with him. The problem is that the follow up will be 100 lings and a maybe a few more ultras at my base within seconds. Trading armies like that is so silly, often the zergs just masses up banelings and just a-move. Everything pretty much dies and the follow up is to much and to fast to deal with. Ive lost all hope soon. I have no problem taking a loss but when you feel like you are sweating cuz of micro and macro and the zerg just mass baneling/ling a-move and blows you up, it makes you kind of sad :/
Yes I rarely use it but when I do it's because my hellion/banshee opener has done a lot of damage. If it fails to significantly send him back to the dark ages then I go with mech.
It takes a lot of control and sometimes it just isn't viable these days with the current metagame and maps. In most maps there just isn't enough room to split tanks and marines effectively so that one a-move baneling ball doesn't cripple you. =/
I feel that lately it's just like TvP where even if you survive you've got to deal with the mass of Lings/Zealots coming at you after. I've had games where they'll be in the engagement and they'll just build 100lings straight after.
I can't figure out what I did wrong here. Aside from the fact that my micro sucks, I went up to 3 CC defensively and built 4 bunkers in anticipation of his Sentry forcefield attack. However he completely demolished me like it was absolutely nothing... I've seen pros hold this off with 3 bunkers on Shakuras. My bunkers were placed a decent position I think, and my army was decent too compared to his Stalker, Sentry, Zealot composition. I did lack Stim but I got it later on and it was too late... Was I too greedy? Or just bad micro?
On September 04 2012 07:02 Fjodorov wrote: Is anyone actually winning vs zergs with bio/tank anymore? Its stupid how hard it is. Worst part is that zergs often just destroy me with mass ling/baneling ultra. If i micro good and everything goes well (!) i will at best trade armies with him. The problem is that the follow up will be 100 lings and a maybe a few more ultras at my base within seconds. Trading armies like that is so silly, often the zergs just masses up banelings and just a-move. Everything pretty much dies and the follow up is to much and to fast to deal with. Ive lost all hope soon. I have no problem taking a loss but when you feel like you are sweating cuz of micro and macro and the zerg just mass baneling/ling a-move and blows you up, it makes you kind of sad :/ I do marine tank almost every TvZ. I don't do hellion banshee either. Never been my cup of tea. But I go into bio/hellion or bio/tank every TvZ. Map dependent for tanks, IMHO. Daybreak, cloud, ohana all great tank maps to me.
I 1rax FE, saw that zerg was all in-ing, made good wall and simcity. Zerg busts the wall. I hold it off well. But zerg is too op. He just busts it again. And again. And again. And again. and then I lose. What am I supposed to do.
zergs op big noob all in.sc2replay
I am currently on a losing streak of about 10 games against Protoss and Zerg players. I am in gold league, and have now gone from playing against high gold - platinum players to some silver players.
Here is an example game of mine against protoss - I went one rax expand, he played some weird attempted warp prism drop into expand. I shut down his warp prism play. From this, he then managed to max out on tonnes of sentries, colossus, HT and archons by the 17 minute mark and proceeded to roll through my army with minimal losses.
I'm not really sure what I did wrong in this game. My engagements weren't perfect, but I tried to give myself a concave over him when I could, I focus-fired my vikings on colossus and stutter stepped away from the chargelots (though he planted about a thousand forcefields behind my army making it fairly ineffective.
- I was ahead in upgrades for the whole game. - I was ahead in workers and bases for most of the game (period of 1-2 minutes where he had his third and I didn't. - I didn't have many ghosts out - should have made more for EMPS. - My macro didn't slip up too horrendously badly. What should I have done differently in this game?
On September 04 2012 03:47 Kamwah wrote: Anyone got a good Hellion/Viking TvT build?
Just in case, though you may be familiar with iEchoic (@Day9, where he discusses how it's supposed to work).