The Terran Help Me Thread - Page 352
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Italy602 Posts
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United States78 Posts
1) Protoss KNOW that a medivac drop IS going to happen. To prepare for it, we will often get several observers and place them out where a medivac drop is likely to come from. DO NOT be discouraged if your first drop attempt is repulsed. SO MANY TIMES, if a terran goes for a drop once and sees me ready with some stalkers to shoot down the medivacs, they will never attempt a drop again for the rest of the game. This is a HUGE mistake on their part. Try coming back from a different direction to a different base or at a later time while were busy doing something else, multi pronged drops are exremely annoying and makes us paranoid enough to possibly leave a few more units than necessary to defend our mineral lines. Most of the time, if I lose a PvT, it is usually because the terran was able to significantly hinder my income, whether its losing probes or losing mining time. If your trying to drop at the main and attack the expo at the same time, and your worried your APM isnt good enough to save the drop if the enemy has units to kill the medivac, try scanning a little bit away from where the drop is going to go to see if we have an observer there. 2) Another major complaint is High Templar. While storms are incredibly useful, another (imo) more useful ability is the feedback ability. Many times a terran will be slightly careless or just a LITTLE bit too eager to snipe the collosus, and they will leave their medivacs a little bit too close to the toss army. Early on, a protoss learns that medivacs are our mortal enemies, and we WILL take every opportunity to feedback those buggers down. Try to keep the medivacs farther towards the back of your MMM ball as often as possible and we will think twice about exposing our HT to ghost EMPs. This may sound silly, but Ive seen it work occasionally where the terran player will do an unneccessary stim when there isnt a battle to keep their medivac energy low enough to stop a feedback from killing it with one go, just like in PvZ an overseer will make unneccessary changelings in the late game to make sure their overseer can survive a feedback and still be able to detect when we have a mothership on the field. 3) The second High Templar complaint is storms. It takes a LOT of practice, but if you can bait the storms and micro out of it, it helps a TON. The perfect example is LiquidTaeja vs SKMC. I know the series Im linking is casted by Husky, but I feel that these are GREAT examples of how to beat storm with just micro, so if you dont like Husky, then sorry, but these will be extremely helpful in your TvP game. Just be careful that if the protoss has sentries, dont let him Force Field you into a ball and then storm you to death. 4) A very common build now for protoss is double forge. Try to stay even on upgrades with the protoss, as chargelots with shield upgrades are extremely resilient and keep our main dps units alive much longer. If you can, try to snipe some major tech buildings with a medivac drop. Templar Archives and robotics support bay are a great target, but if unavailable, taking down the forges will set the protoss back for the rest of the game upgrade wise, and as long as you dont lose too many units doing so, will always be worth it as a viable target other than the mineral line. 5) Most of TvP will take a lot of practice to master, but there is a window of time when the Terran player has a clear advantage. Usually around 10-12.5 minute mark, the protoss will be very vulnerable to large MMM pushes. Try to take advantage of this timing window as often as possible, what damage you do then will greatly set the tone for the rest of the game. Most protoss know this, and will often stay in our base until we have 2 or 3 collosi and range upgrades before we are willing to move out. Grab an expansion or find the attack timing window that you like, and do work. Im not too familiar with terran build orders but I know that certain gas timings mean certain builds have a greater possibility of being used. Try to look for our observers scouting your base, and kill it as quickly as possible. Keeping a protoss in the dark is the best way to win, always. Im not saying you should build a thousand missile turrets near your tech buildings but it might not hurt to drop one or two to deny observer scouting. Good luck, I hope this has helped ![]() | ||
United States1089 Posts
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Norway251 Posts
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3454 Posts
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United Kingdom2 Posts
so basically im finding terran alot of fun to play and having a great time playing this game which im fairly new too. however there is one match up that im really having trouble with and thats mirror. im using a 1 rax expand build that my mate taught me and finding it extremely effective however every now and then a wild turtle terran appears! so basically im asking for your help on a new build or how i can prevent him from turtling! thanks guys! | ||
France19747 Posts
On September 08 2012 09:01 siii wrote: What's the best way to hold off a 111 push off 1 base in TvT when you're going 1rax cc into 3 rax? The banshees just keep me in my base with my marines, and all of a sudden he has a contain at my natural with marine tanks banshees/vikings. I've never really managed to break theese, and only if I can catch him in the middle of the map I seem to be fine. But I find that very hard with the ongoing banshee harass. Any tips would be most appriciated! General idea is: stall for Medivacs/Stim (if you went CS first), then drop 16 Marines to flank (spread them) while using SCVs + your other Marines to attack at the front. You should be able to break the contain if you didn't take too much damage from the initial harassment (Banshees or Marines/Hellions elevators). If you post some replays we'll be able to get down to the specifics. | ||
Sweden145 Posts
On September 08 2012 18:18 krillex wrote: T VS T. hey guys what your about to read is a bronze league players cry for help. so basically im finding terran alot of fun to play and having a great time playing this game which im fairly new too. however there is one match up that im really having trouble with and thats mirror. im using a 1 rax expand build that my mate taught me and finding it extremely effective however every now and then a wild turtle terran appears! so basically im asking for your help on a new build or how i can prevent him from turtling! thanks guys! Try to stay 1 base ahead of him(scout expos so he doesn't have a hidden one), and siege in a strong position. When he wants to take another base he'll have to break your tank-line first, which means he will lose more more than you, and you'll be ahead. You can build sensor towers to see when he moves out. Don't forget to have 10+ barracks and 3+ factories(once you have 3 bases) so you can rebuild your army fast if it dies. Make turrets in your base so he can't drop you. | ||
United States523 Posts
On September 08 2012 04:29 Tempora wrote: Im a diamond/low masters toss, and I often hear terran opponents complain about TvP being highly imbalanced in favor of protoss. Im going to give some of you who are having difficulties a few helpful (hopefully) suggestions that will help you out against a good protoss player. 1) Protoss KNOW that a medivac drop IS going to happen. To prepare for it, we will often get several observers and place them out where a medivac drop is likely to come from. DO NOT be discouraged if your first drop attempt is repulsed. SO MANY TIMES, if a terran goes for a drop once and sees me ready with some stalkers to shoot down the medivacs, they will never attempt a drop again for the rest of the game. This is a HUGE mistake on their part. Try coming back from a different direction to a different base or at a later time while were busy doing something else, multi pronged drops are exremely annoying and makes us paranoid enough to possibly leave a few more units than necessary to defend our mineral lines. Most of the time, if I lose a PvT, it is usually because the terran was able to significantly hinder my income, whether its losing probes or losing mining time. If your trying to drop at the main and attack the expo at the same time, and your worried your APM isnt good enough to save the drop if the enemy has units to kill the medivac, try scanning a little bit away from where the drop is going to go to see if we have an observer there. 2) Another major complaint is High Templar. While storms are incredibly useful, another (imo) more useful ability is the feedback ability. Many times a terran will be slightly careless or just a LITTLE bit too eager to snipe the collosus, and they will leave their medivacs a little bit too close to the toss army. Early on, a protoss learns that medivacs are our mortal enemies, and we WILL take every opportunity to feedback those buggers down. Try to keep the medivacs farther towards the back of your MMM ball as often as possible and we will think twice about exposing our HT to ghost EMPs. This may sound silly, but Ive seen it work occasionally where the terran player will do an unneccessary stim when there isnt a battle to keep their medivac energy low enough to stop a feedback from killing it with one go, just like in PvZ an overseer will make unneccessary changelings in the late game to make sure their overseer can survive a feedback and still be able to detect when we have a mothership on the field. 3) The second High Templar complaint is storms. It takes a LOT of practice, but if you can bait the storms and micro out of it, it helps a TON. The perfect example is LiquidTaeja vs SKMC. I know the series Im linking is casted by Husky, but I feel that these are GREAT examples of how to beat storm with just micro, so if you dont like Husky, then sorry, but these will be extremely helpful in your TvP game. Just be careful that if the protoss has sentries, dont let him Force Field you into a ball and then storm you to death. 4) A very common build now for protoss is double forge. Try to stay even on upgrades with the protoss, as chargelots with shield upgrades are extremely resilient and keep our main dps units alive much longer. If you can, try to snipe some major tech buildings with a medivac drop. Templar Archives and robotics support bay are a great target, but if unavailable, taking down the forges will set the protoss back for the rest of the game upgrade wise, and as long as you dont lose too many units doing so, will always be worth it as a viable target other than the mineral line. 5) Most of TvP will take a lot of practice to master, but there is a window of time when the Terran player has a clear advantage. Usually around 10-12.5 minute mark, the protoss will be very vulnerable to large MMM pushes. Try to take advantage of this timing window as often as possible, what damage you do then will greatly set the tone for the rest of the game. Most protoss know this, and will often stay in our base until we have 2 or 3 collosi and range upgrades before we are willing to move out. Grab an expansion or find the attack timing window that you like, and do work. Im not too familiar with terran build orders but I know that certain gas timings mean certain builds have a greater possibility of being used. Try to look for our observers scouting your base, and kill it as quickly as possible. Keeping a protoss in the dark is the best way to win, always. Im not saying you should build a thousand missile turrets near your tech buildings but it might not hurt to drop one or two to deny observer scouting. Good luck, I hope this has helped ![]() I personally found this post incredibly helpful, but I think one of the largest complaints I've seen or wanted to express as T against P is that terran does have to bait the storms and dodge the storms and snipe the templar and try to be clever with drops and toss doesn't have to do as much (very little micro in battles and if they lose their army in a battle lategame they just warp in a new one. Terran on the other hand from my experience will lose every fight without proper micro. (Side note this is why it pisses me off that toss complains about warhounds, god forbid they have to micro against something instead of just a-moving lol) | ||
Netherlands942 Posts
I have the feeling I keep overmaking them in mid to late game. | ||
United States4883 Posts
On September 09 2012 06:55 Stuv wrote: Sorry if it has been answered before but with T for how many SCVs should you aim at max? I have the feeling I keep overmaking them in mid to late game. You should have about 65-70 total on 3 bases. In the lategame, you generally drop to like 20 SCVs for just gas and building a few things, using primarily MULEs for your mineral income. | ||
Italy695 Posts
I use the 1rax FE build in every game in every match up. Now i'm getting a little bit tired of this build. Are there any others strong build? Thx P.s Since i'm learning english, did i do any mistakes? | ||
Denmark50 Posts
On September 08 2012 04:29 Tempora wrote: Im a diamond/low masters toss, and I often hear terran opponents complain about TvP being highly imbalanced in favor of protoss. Im going to give some of you who are having difficulties a few helpful (hopefully) suggestions that will help you out against a good protoss player. 1) Protoss KNOW that a medivac drop IS going to happen. To prepare for it, we will often get several observers and place them out where a medivac drop is likely to come from. DO NOT be discouraged if your first drop attempt is repulsed. SO MANY TIMES, if a terran goes for a drop once and sees me ready with some stalkers to shoot down the medivacs, they will never attempt a drop again for the rest of the game. This is a HUGE mistake on their part. Try coming back from a different direction to a different base or at a later time while were busy doing something else, multi pronged drops are exremely annoying and makes us paranoid enough to possibly leave a few more units than necessary to defend our mineral lines. Most of the time, if I lose a PvT, it is usually because the terran was able to significantly hinder my income, whether its losing probes or losing mining time. If your trying to drop at the main and attack the expo at the same time, and your worried your APM isnt good enough to save the drop if the enemy has units to kill the medivac, try scanning a little bit away from where the drop is going to go to see if we have an observer there. 2) Another major complaint is High Templar. While storms are incredibly useful, another (imo) more useful ability is the feedback ability. Many times a terran will be slightly careless or just a LITTLE bit too eager to snipe the collosus, and they will leave their medivacs a little bit too close to the toss army. Early on, a protoss learns that medivacs are our mortal enemies, and we WILL take every opportunity to feedback those buggers down. Try to keep the medivacs farther towards the back of your MMM ball as often as possible and we will think twice about exposing our HT to ghost EMPs. This may sound silly, but Ive seen it work occasionally where the terran player will do an unneccessary stim when there isnt a battle to keep their medivac energy low enough to stop a feedback from killing it with one go, just like in PvZ an overseer will make unneccessary changelings in the late game to make sure their overseer can survive a feedback and still be able to detect when we have a mothership on the field. 3) The second High Templar complaint is storms. It takes a LOT of practice, but if you can bait the storms and micro out of it, it helps a TON. The perfect example is LiquidTaeja vs SKMC. I know the series Im linking is casted by Husky, but I feel that these are GREAT examples of how to beat storm with just micro, so if you dont like Husky, then sorry, but these will be extremely helpful in your TvP game. Just be careful that if the protoss has sentries, dont let him Force Field you into a ball and then storm you to death. 4) A very common build now for protoss is double forge. Try to stay even on upgrades with the protoss, as chargelots with shield upgrades are extremely resilient and keep our main dps units alive much longer. If you can, try to snipe some major tech buildings with a medivac drop. Templar Archives and robotics support bay are a great target, but if unavailable, taking down the forges will set the protoss back for the rest of the game upgrade wise, and as long as you dont lose too many units doing so, will always be worth it as a viable target other than the mineral line. 5) Most of TvP will take a lot of practice to master, but there is a window of time when the Terran player has a clear advantage. Usually around 10-12.5 minute mark, the protoss will be very vulnerable to large MMM pushes. Try to take advantage of this timing window as often as possible, what damage you do then will greatly set the tone for the rest of the game. Most protoss know this, and will often stay in our base until we have 2 or 3 collosi and range upgrades before we are willing to move out. Grab an expansion or find the attack timing window that you like, and do work. Im not too familiar with terran build orders but I know that certain gas timings mean certain builds have a greater possibility of being used. Try to look for our observers scouting your base, and kill it as quickly as possible. Keeping a protoss in the dark is the best way to win, always. Im not saying you should build a thousand missile turrets near your tech buildings but it might not hurt to drop one or two to deny observer scouting. Good luck, I hope this has helped ![]() Hi Tempora. Thanks for your general advice. I'm only gold and sometimes being able to choose whom your opponent's race should be on ladder would be nice just so one could work on things like dodging storms etc ![]() | ||
Sweden57 Posts
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580 Posts
Hello! I'm a master's Terran. How important is upgrading your tank's damage in TvT when going Bio-Mech? Does it depend on what the other terran goes (mech, bio-mech or pure bio)? And is it ever worth it to upgrade armor for the tanks? How does 0-0 tanks fair against 3-3 marines vs 3-0 tanks? The + Attack for tanks can make a huge difference. This means, that his tanks will deal more damage to your tanks and so will kill yours faster. This is important in position battles. The player with weaker tank upgrades often has to retreat, since he can´t hold the position and as you may know positioning is everything in TvT. As for the armor upgrade, you should get it later when you have the gas since going for marine,tank,medivac + double ebay upgrades requires a hell lot of gas to produce and you want your 2nd factory more than the armor upgrade. But you should get it once you have the gas. | ||
Belgium11 Posts
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Canada923 Posts
I'm considering switching from Zerg to Terran, but I hear a lot of people complaining about how underpowered Terran is, and how hard it is to win (especially TvZ, but TvP too). I noticed Tempora's post, pretty cool. I've played a lot of practice games and team games as Terran, typically doing 1rax FE into bio (vs Protoss/Zerg) or into biomech (TvT). I have no trouble with executing builds and macroing well until the 4th+ bases (and transitioning into skyterran? I don't even know about lategame lol). Anyways, I find Terran fun to play and pretty powerful, but so many Terrans (lol avilo) complain about how it's impossible to win as Terran. Is this something I should actually be concerned about? In my experience (top diamond), I only lose to Terrans if I fuck up really hard (ie not scouting a 7rax, not scouting double fact BFH, not scouting drops, not scouting mech, notice a lot of scouting problems? I also occasionally lose if I mess up and lose a ton of infestors to a misclick, or the occasional actually getting outmacro'd. Should I switch to Terran? My biggest concern is TvT. It seems long and, to be frank, gay and boring. I think that the best matchup in the entire game is ZvZ, and will miss not playing it. I know exactly how to scout, react, defend, and know all the common strategies and their strengths, weaknesses, how to defend them and how to take advantage of them. I know the intricacies of the openings and how to play out the entire game -- I've beaten mid+ masters Zergs in ZvZ (1k+ points, 2.6k MMR) before, and really don't want to give that up. I understand ZvT (and therefore TvZ), I know how to play out TvP, how to scout + react, but I'm totally lost in TvT. If I scout rax-> gas what does that mean? Reapers? Marauders? Stim? Reactor hellions? Banshees? Cloakshees? I have no idea lol. TL;DR is switching to Terran worth it? I love drops, marines, marauders, tanks, and medivacs, but am afraid of imbalance in TvP/TvZ and am afraid of struggling to understand the TvT matchup, and am a bit worried about having to learn new matchups. Also, are there any "Comprehensive Guides to TvX" like Belial's ZvX guides? Thanks everyone! | ||
United Kingdom774 Posts
Yeah in TvT early gas can mean lots of things, but surely you are used to that from ZvT? the solution is the same, you do a follow up scout, but instead of using an ovie you use a scan. | ||
Bulgaria536 Posts
Thanks in advance : )) | ||
Sweden57 Posts
On September 10 2012 04:45 Chef0 wrote: Hello everybody, since I've been on a 3 month brake I don't have any Idea what the current metagame is. So, could you be so kind to tell me what the standard builds for each match-up look like? Thanks in advance : )) TvT: 1-rax expand into bio-mech. TvZ: 1-rax expand into bio-mech. TvP: 1-rax expand into bio. Seems easy enough, yes? ![]() | ||
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