Make sure you read the OP before asking a question. Asking a question already addressed in the OP will result in moderation action. Also, please put some effort into your questions. |
Hi TL!
Several questions here :
1. Suppose you want to be fancy and try to play like a pro player with the only simple details you see them do. That detail is to proxy a barrack to a known overlord scout location ( example : cliff that overlooks your natural on Cloud kingdom ) and lift off that barrack to pick off the overlord. Suppose you have the intention to go reactor hellion expand : do you make 2 marines and lift off or do you sacrifice the possibility to make 2 marines and just 1 and lift off just to pick off the overlord to start with a slight advantage?
2. If you are 2 raxing a protoss player w/ add-ons , if you don't want to proxy your second rax so you can constantly upgrade from your techlab so you don't bring your rax back home and lose time on upgrades how do you manage to do the 2 rax pressure if when you proxy that rax the proxied rax is meant to intercept the stalker that was poking your front door and you do not get the advantage of doing so if you do not proxy that barrack. Knowing that keeping the unit count low on the protoss part is a must for the 2 rax is it essential to proxy your barrack?
3. The following questions may look stupid : ( about drops ) - When do you drop? - How do you drop? ( My drops get shutdown easily most of the time ) - How do you handle your main army in front of your opponent's base if he engages it when you're dropping 1-2 medivac in his base at the very beginning when you get your first 2-4 medivacs. Knowing you have only a part of your army at his front. He knows your main army is on his front door and he will just attack it and deal with the drop later. How do you handle that.
4.How do you engage a protoss army and how do you engage a zerg army ? vs protoss : I do not like dieing to storms when I'm trying to EMP my army and if he sees my army he attacks and it screws up my micro so I can't cast EMP in time. If he attacks while I'm trying to place EMPs my storm dodging won't be at my best. My focus fire with vikings will be bad. vs zerg : I do not like getting outpositioned in the middle of the map when I expect to siege near his creep. I also do not like to get fungaled to death and always having the lower hand because my army cannot trade efficiently because of the famous fungaled into baneling destroying your whole army ( very popular in platinum).
5.How do you make every fight in your hands. How do you do to have control over the fight to end up winning. ( Most of my fights are barely in my favor , or I tend to lose the game at a bad engagement. Or my zerg/protoss opponent can just macro up crazy and I cannot do anything about it.I do not want to end up winning a lategame TvP fight with 2 marauder and 4 marine and a medivac left at the end. I want to do like a lot of players who still end up with 10-15 marine 3-5 marauder and 3 to all his medivacs left. I want to trade off efficiently. I want to win my engagements and stop losing in poor engagements. I want to suffer the Zerg/Protoss repop less with having more army to engage an expand after winning a game. I'm sick of having to fall back every single time I engage and not being able to destroy his economy. I feel like the fights are endless and never really in my favor.
6. do you diversify your builds in ladder? or do you keep 1 for each race?
7. Maybe another stupid question : how do you do anything that requires micro, like let's say something simple like a bunker rush with your first 2 marines and 2 scvs vs zerg, while switching buildings for add-ons/making a CC/supply depot. I tend to have a lot of minerals behind every single early fight that requires a lot of my attention
8. I'm having an hard time all the time I see a protoss player who finally got his colossus and I do not have vikings and have to fall back. I feel like I give them so much time to macro and then I have anxiety because I feel like I already lost the game because I couldn't make anything happen to deny that. What do I do =/ .
9. I tend to forget about adding more buildings because of fights/drops/anything that requires my attention ( I would say after adding 2 barrack with my first 3 barrack making a 5-1-1). So my macro slips and I cannot replenish fast enough in late game. How do you get to add on a second factory then a third. Same goes for the barrack. when do you have 8 ? when do you have 12 and 20 barracks. I don't know when to add them because I don't know if I have enough money to supply constant production from every building. So when you don't know these kind of things, you tend to forget about adding barracks and your stucked with your initial 5 barrack and 1 factory when you could have 8 to 12 and 3 factory.
I know this is a big 9 question thread with sub-questions. But this time I am sick to be stuck on platinum. I am eager to improve and be diamond. I feel like I deserve it with all the practice I have put in my play. These are all questions that I feel will make me diamond. I cannot ask questions like : how do I macro and these sorts of thing. These questions are very specific and important.
Please help me TL! Any help appreciate, many help even more appreciate. I want to improve.
What are the best strategies to use verses each race when you're not the one in an advantageous position? Whenever I get behind, I find it extremely difficult to get back on even terms. Losing my army is just devestating and I end up turtling because I know moving out will be the end of me, and by the time I do my opponent is a base or two ahead of me.
On April 30 2012 09:45 SgtJoKeR wrote:
4.How do you engage a protoss army and how do you engage a zerg army ? vs protoss : I do not like dieing to storms when I'm trying to EMP my army and if he sees my army he attacks and it screws up my micro so I can't cast EMP in time. If he attacks while I'm trying to place EMPs my storm dodging won't be at my best. My focus fire with vikings will be bad. vs zerg : I do not like getting outpositioned in the middle of the map when I expect to siege near his creep. I also do not like to get fungaled to death and always having the lower hand because my army cannot trade efficiently because of the famous fungaled into baneling destroying your whole army ( very popular in platinum).
vs. Protoss I go forward with my ghosts first. Just scan his army if you don't know where the Protoss is and go emp his army then come in with your main army. It's also pretty important to scan your own army every once in a while to snipe off observers which are following your army. vs. Zerg my advice for you would be to drop one of the zergs expansions while attacking so the zergs army runs to defend the drop while you can go into position in the middle of the map. Against fungals: Get a lot of medivacs so (around 16 in a maxed army) so the fungal does not actually hurt you without other zerg units. And just spread out your marines if you do that the zerg has to waste a lot of fungals to kill your marines.
On April 30 2012 10:53 halpimcat wrote: What are the best strategies to use verses each race when you're not the one in an advantageous position? Whenever I get behind, I find it extremely difficult to get back on even terms. Losing my army is just devestating and I end up turtling because I know moving out will be the end of me, and by the time I do my opponent is a base or two ahead of me. A good coming back strat is droping. Drop your opponent so its impossible for him/her to move out without taking a lot of damage. But be careful to not lose your drops. While your drop you get the bases you need. Just remember comebacks are really hard and I think to make a comeback happen your opponent has to make a pretty big mistake.
Can anyone take a look at this replay for me? I haven't seen this build with mass sentries before. Why did I lose?
Hi all,
I've been playing Terran since the release, but due to family matters/work ambitions, I haven't played since Season 3 (I've been watching some tournaments, though). I have just recently managed to find time to play again, and I re-qualified as Gold. I've been relatively happy with that since SC2 is really the first RTS I've played, but I'd like to advance further/improve my understanding of the game just to enjoy playing/watching more.
Up to this point, I had been using only one build that I would use in all match-ups (literally one build, not three builds with one per match-up), which was based off an MMA replay from MLG Colombus nearly a year ago (it was a marine/tank build). Obviously, a lot has changed since then.
I would like to have one build each for TvT, TvP, and TvZ. The problem is, I don't really know where to start. I've been doing some searching in this forum and Liquipedia, but I'm not entirely sure what to apply to myself right now and which pro players I should look to for examples.
So, I thought I might make a list of things I want to improve on/like to do, and maybe have people point me to replays to study, which I plan on doing in the way Day[9] suggested in the recent Newbie Tuesdays.
--My APM hovers at average between 30 to 40 (was closer to 50 before my large break, but the way that's counted has changed?); spikes can be up to 200 during battles --I'm horrible using the mini-map; I make attempts, but in the heat of the game, I forget --I try to scout, but I don't do so systematically and have only OK map awareness --Unfamiliar with the current map pool; I've been doing some single player to explore, but still don't have a great sense of them --I never know when to attack; I do make attempts and try to move around the map a bit, but when I do, something else usually slips --Mainly use Marines/Tanks/Medivacs; I enjoy trying to lock down an area with tanks and then send Marines out in squads to hit nearby targets; try to incorporate drops, but I often miscontol --I don't often make Marauders/Ghosts, although I suppose I should; not sure when --I like Starport units, especially the Banshee and Vikings, but I've had trouble knowing the amounts I should make and when it is/isn't appropriate to make Banshees --I win when I simply have more stuff, and sometimes when I'm able to set up a blockade of tanks and marines --I'm never certain when to use/produce higher-tier units; I sometimes try to get Battlecruisers, but I usually die when I do--I assume I get them too early/wrong tech to choose; Ravens are cool, I have no idea how to use them; I haven't built a Thor in ages --Hotkeys: army 1-3, buildings 4-7; bio on 1, tanks 2, vikings/air 3; CC 4, Rax 5, Fact 6, Star 7; I sometimes try to remember to Hotkey upgrade buildings/depot walls
Thanks for any/all help.
On May 01 2012 03:39 KenDM wrote:Can anyone take a look at this replay for me? I haven't seen this build with mass sentries before. Why did I lose? http://drop.sc/169659
Well I think you can be a bit safer with your building placement. You would have found that easier if your bunker was back one space and you had a depot wall.
When he has very few stalkers he is relying on zealots for dps, if you can stop the zealots hitting stuff you will win.
Your bunker doesn't need to be right by the ramp, as long as it can shoot any unit that gains vision that is close enough. By building it slightly further back you can fit 2 depots each side to wall off, only letting 1 zealot attack at once, plus all your marines are safe, and it's slightly easier to SCV repair.
Even without a wall you could have done a lot better, pull your marines back the moment you see them coming. Stutter step back towards your SCV/2nd ramp, unload your bunker just before it dies.
Don't try to hold the ramp, just try to keep all your units alive.
Oh and obviously if you had scouted this it would have been MUCH easier. If your mini-map awareness isn't good don't put your SCV at the tower, it will die. Hiding at the 3rd will work vs most toss, it is a pretty obvious place, but you didn't check your 3rd for the pylon so why would he at the same level?
On April 30 2012 09:45 SgtJoKeR wrote: Hi TL!
Several questions here :
1. Suppose you want to be fancy and try to play like a pro player with the only simple details you see them do. That detail is to proxy a barrack to a known overlord scout location ( example : cliff that overlooks your natural on Cloud kingdom ) and lift off that barrack to pick off the overlord. Suppose you have the intention to go reactor hellion expand : do you make 2 marines and lift off or do you sacrifice the possibility to make 2 marines and just 1 and lift off just to pick off the overlord to start with a slight advantage?
2. If you are 2 raxing a protoss player w/ add-ons , if you don't want to proxy your second rax so you can constantly upgrade from your techlab so you don't bring your rax back home and lose time on upgrades how do you manage to do the 2 rax pressure if when you proxy that rax the proxied rax is meant to intercept the stalker that was poking your front door and you do not get the advantage of doing so if you do not proxy that barrack. Knowing that keeping the unit count low on the protoss part is a must for the 2 rax is it essential to proxy your barrack?
3. The following questions may look stupid : ( about drops ) - When do you drop? - How do you drop? ( My drops get shutdown easily most of the time ) - How do you handle your main army in front of your opponent's base if he engages it when you're dropping 1-2 medivac in his base at the very beginning when you get your first 2-4 medivacs. Knowing you have only a part of your army at his front. He knows your main army is on his front door and he will just attack it and deal with the drop later. How do you handle that.
4.How do you engage a protoss army and how do you engage a zerg army ? vs protoss : I do not like dieing to storms when I'm trying to EMP my army and if he sees my army he attacks and it screws up my micro so I can't cast EMP in time. If he attacks while I'm trying to place EMPs my storm dodging won't be at my best. My focus fire with vikings will be bad. vs zerg : I do not like getting outpositioned in the middle of the map when I expect to siege near his creep. I also do not like to get fungaled to death and always having the lower hand because my army cannot trade efficiently because of the famous fungaled into baneling destroying your whole army ( very popular in platinum).
5.How do you make every fight in your hands. How do you do to have control over the fight to end up winning. ( Most of my fights are barely in my favor , or I tend to lose the game at a bad engagement. Or my zerg/protoss opponent can just macro up crazy and I cannot do anything about it.I do not want to end up winning a lategame TvP fight with 2 marauder and 4 marine and a medivac left at the end. I want to do like a lot of players who still end up with 10-15 marine 3-5 marauder and 3 to all his medivacs left. I want to trade off efficiently. I want to win my engagements and stop losing in poor engagements. I want to suffer the Zerg/Protoss repop less with having more army to engage an expand after winning a game. I'm sick of having to fall back every single time I engage and not being able to destroy his economy. I feel like the fights are endless and never really in my favor.
6. do you diversify your builds in ladder? or do you keep 1 for each race?
7. Maybe another stupid question : how do you do anything that requires micro, like let's say something simple like a bunker rush with your first 2 marines and 2 scvs vs zerg, while switching buildings for add-ons/making a CC/supply depot. I tend to have a lot of minerals behind every single early fight that requires a lot of my attention
8. I'm having an hard time all the time I see a protoss player who finally got his colossus and I do not have vikings and have to fall back. I feel like I give them so much time to macro and then I have anxiety because I feel like I already lost the game because I couldn't make anything happen to deny that. What do I do =/ .
9. I tend to forget about adding more buildings because of fights/drops/anything that requires my attention ( I would say after adding 2 barrack with my first 3 barrack making a 5-1-1). So my macro slips and I cannot replenish fast enough in late game. How do you get to add on a second factory then a third. Same goes for the barrack. when do you have 8 ? when do you have 12 and 20 barracks. I don't know when to add them because I don't know if I have enough money to supply constant production from every building. So when you don't know these kind of things, you tend to forget about adding barracks and your stucked with your initial 5 barrack and 1 factory when you could have 8 to 12 and 3 factory.
I know this is a big 9 question thread with sub-questions. But this time I am sick to be stuck on platinum. I am eager to improve and be diamond. I feel like I deserve it with all the practice I have put in my play. These are all questions that I feel will make me diamond. I cannot ask questions like : how do I macro and these sorts of thing. These questions are very specific and important.
Please help me TL! Any help appreciate, many help even more appreciate. I want to improve.
1. Think you need 2 marines anyway, 1 for each side of the cliff.
2. Proxy is not essential
3. Drop whenever the enemy is spread out. If he attacks your main army just retreat and let your drop do damage for free. Don't attempt to fight both battles at once if your micro is not amazing.
5. You don't have to have everything go your way, just take little advantages when they come, be patient. If it looks like the battle won't go well, don't engage.
6. Unless you are constantly fighting the same players there is very little need to diversify. If you are trying to improve try to concentrate on a small number of things at once.
7. Consider whether your attack is important enough. Do you end up more ahead by attacking and missing out on macro at home or do you end up more ahead by not attacking? Try to do attacks where it takes him more micro to defend than it does for you to attack. Maybe 1 SCV and 1 marine is enough to panic him, but expendable enough so that you can concentrate on your stuff at home. Or maybe hellions are better because you can easily retreat and then concentrate at home.
8. There is nothing wrong with falling back unless you are doing an all-in. I guess you are doing 2 rax? Try to make sure your expo gets up reasonably quickly, then you don't need to feel bad about falling back.
9. Just look at your money, if you ever get a lot of minerals just put down 2-3 more rax. At your level it is fine to have more production than you technically need, don't worry about it.
On May 01 2012 03:45 BreakfastTea wrote: Hi all,
I've been playing Terran since the release, but due to family matters/work ambitions, I haven't played since Season 3 (I've been watching some tournaments, though). I have just recently managed to find time to play again, and I re-qualified as Gold. I've been relatively happy with that since SC2 is really the first RTS I've played, but I'd like to advance further/improve my understanding of the game just to enjoy playing/watching more.
Up to this point, I had been using only one build that I would use in all match-ups (literally one build, not three builds with one per match-up), which was based off an MMA replay from MLG Colombus nearly a year ago (it was a marine/tank build). Obviously, a lot has changed since then.
I would like to have one build each for TvT, TvP, and TvZ. The problem is, I don't really know where to start. I've been doing some searching in this forum and Liquipedia, but I'm not entirely sure what to apply to myself right now and which pro players I should look to for examples.
So, I thought I might make a list of things I want to improve on/like to do, and maybe have people point me to replays to study, which I plan on doing in the way Day[9] suggested in the recent Newbie Tuesdays.
--My APM hovers at average between 30 to 40 (was closer to 50 before my large break, but the way that's counted has changed?); spikes can be up to 200 during battles --I'm horrible using the mini-map; I make attempts, but in the heat of the game, I forget --I try to scout, but I don't do so systematically and have only OK map awareness --Unfamiliar with the current map pool; I've been doing some single player to explore, but still don't have a great sense of them --I never know when to attack; I do make attempts and try to move around the map a bit, but when I do, something else usually slips --Mainly use Marines/Tanks/Medivacs; I enjoy trying to lock down an area with tanks and then send Marines out in squads to hit nearby targets; try to incorporate drops, but I often miscontol --I don't often make Marauders/Ghosts, although I suppose I should; not sure when --I like Starport units, especially the Banshee and Vikings, but I've had trouble knowing the amounts I should make and when it is/isn't appropriate to make Banshees --I win when I simply have more stuff, and sometimes when I'm able to set up a blockade of tanks and marines --I'm never certain when to use/produce higher-tier units; I sometimes try to get Battlecruisers, but I usually die when I do--I assume I get them too early/wrong tech to choose; Ravens are cool, I have no idea how to use them; I haven't built a Thor in ages --Hotkeys: army 1-3, buildings 4-7; bio on 1, tanks 2, vikings/air 3; CC 4, Rax 5, Fact 6, Star 7; I sometimes try to remember to Hotkey upgrade buildings/depot walls
Thanks for any/all help. About high tier unit production and army composition- Battlecruisers are most useful in breaking tank lines in TvT if you have air control. If you ever feel like you and your opponent are at a stalemate, then a good thing to do is get air control and then get battlecruisers. They can easily break through tank lines. Use marauders if you are playing against protoss, if you are facing roaches, or if you are playing bio vs mech in TvT. Use ghosts to neutralize caster units-(infestor, high templar) with EMP. If you are having trouble with your opponent's infestors or HT's, build ghosts and use EMP to drain energy and snipe to quickly kill them. Thors aren't so useful if you are playing marine/tank; only build them if you have some trouble facing mutas. They are an important part of a mech army, however.
Hi TL, why do I never play terrans anymore? I've played 2 terrans in the last 43 games, according to my sc2gears. You guys need to start laddering again, if you exist at all.
On May 01 2012 08:40 Fission wrote: Hi TL, why do I never play terrans anymore? I've played 2 terrans in the last 43 games, according to my sc2gears. You guys need to start laddering again, if you exist at all. Go on KR. 7 games today, 7 TvT's
On May 01 2012 08:40 Fission wrote: Hi TL, why do I never play terrans anymore? I've played 2 terrans in the last 43 games, according to my sc2gears. You guys need to start laddering again, if you exist at all.
Having the same problem.. as Protoss it was my fav match up, even tho id get owned by an avg terran those are still my favourite games. Thought if i switch to terran myself problem would be solved, I could live without TVT :p Be a long thread to read when if i decide to make the switch been too lazy " Watching few terran games today..
just a quick question: Is it common to use empty medivacs to mess around with the opponent? thought it could have different effects during different stages of the game.
On May 01 2012 08:40 Fission wrote: just a quick question: Is it common to use empty medivacs to mess around with the opponent? thought it could have different effects during different stages of the game.
it's not all to common but it should be. I mean its actually really easy not risky and does not require a lot of apm. The best its probably if you act like i.e. drop his main but you actually drop his 3rd with a second medivac.
United States25550 Posts
On May 01 2012 16:00 TAAF wrote:Show nested quote +On May 01 2012 08:40 Fission wrote: just a quick question: Is it common to use empty medivacs to mess around with the opponent? thought it could have different effects during different stages of the game.
it's not all to common but it should be. I mean its actually really easy not risky and does not require a lot of apm. The best its probably if you act like i.e. drop his main but you actually drop his 3rd with a second medivac.
Fake drops were a thing in BW, I don't see why we couldn't use that sort of strategy in Sc2. I'll file it under "unexplored"-- I think people are kind of hesitant to do this in TvP because starport production time is already being strained between medivacs and vikings, but I could see this being very useful in TvZ to pull mutalisks out of position.
On May 01 2012 16:09 Blazinghand wrote:Show nested quote +On May 01 2012 16:00 TAAF wrote:On May 01 2012 08:40 Fission wrote: just a quick question: Is it common to use empty medivacs to mess around with the opponent? thought it could have different effects during different stages of the game.
it's not all to common but it should be. I mean its actually really easy not risky and does not require a lot of apm. The best its probably if you act like i.e. drop his main but you actually drop his 3rd with a second medivac. Fake drops were a thing in BW, I don't see why we couldn't use that sort of strategy in Sc2. I'll file it under "unexplored"-- I think people are kind of hesitant to do this in TvP because starport production time is already being strained between medivacs and vikings, but I could see this being very useful in TvZ to pull mutalisks out of position. Another problem might be that is going to be a lot more useful against high level players since they actually look at the minimap. I am going to try it when I get off work today and I'll tell you guys if it works on my level (Plat-Diamond).
United States25550 Posts
On May 01 2012 19:46 TAAF wrote:Show nested quote +On May 01 2012 16:09 Blazinghand wrote:On May 01 2012 16:00 TAAF wrote:On May 01 2012 08:40 Fission wrote: just a quick question: Is it common to use empty medivacs to mess around with the opponent? thought it could have different effects during different stages of the game.
it's not all to common but it should be. I mean its actually really easy not risky and does not require a lot of apm. The best its probably if you act like i.e. drop his main but you actually drop his 3rd with a second medivac. Fake drops were a thing in BW, I don't see why we couldn't use that sort of strategy in Sc2. I'll file it under "unexplored"-- I think people are kind of hesitant to do this in TvP because starport production time is already being strained between medivacs and vikings, but I could see this being very useful in TvZ to pull mutalisks out of position. Another problem might be that is going to be a lot more useful against high level players since they actually look at the minimap. I am going to try it when I get off work today and I'll tell you guys if it works on my level (Plat-Diamond).
You could also intentionally fly in sight of his xel'naga towers, or in the case of a zerg opponent, over his creep spread or scouting overlords.
Now that I've thought about it, I actually DID face a fake drop one. It was on Metalopolis, and was about half a year ago. I can't even remember enough about the game to find it in my replay database, but it was a TvT. I had a pretty solid lockdown on my side of the map, and my sensor tower saw a massive group of units flying towards my main. I unsieged and sent my vikings over there, and suddenly my tanks were set upon by his forces.
United Kingdom14103 Posts
Alright Terran-ers, I need some advice. (TvT Related)
Ok, picture the scene, you are sat tight outside T's Natural with a line of siege tanks and a decent MMM army, however cannot march in due to his line of siege tanks, you cant drop his main because of Missile towers EVERYWHERE, considering you have complete map control and freedom to expand and upgrade, what would be the ideal thing to do?
I've been in this position several times in the last few days and all ive done is expand, upgrade, max out then wait for him to suicide rush. (Or rush round with drops or mass cloak banshees).
Thanks in advance for any help, Targe.
P.S. If you would like replays to see, just holler.
Battlecruisers or nukes or just wait for him to come out.