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On September 01 2012 11:23 Nordmo wrote: In PvP How many colossus should I get?
Just played a game where I had 4 bases and the other guy had 2 and we were both maxed but he had 11 colussus and I had 7. Suppose I stop making them to early.
But at what point should you stop making them? 14?
never stop making them. If you have to kill ur zealots to get more collosus. At around 180 supply i start teching to mothership. get around 4-5 phoenix and 3-4 obs
United States8476 Posts
You guys can check out the Creator vs Sting recap I wrote which has a lot of strategical analysis of the PvT match-up. Make sure you watch TSL too!
Italy12246 Posts
You sir, are made of essence of awesomeness.
Speaking of today's games,+ Show Spoiler + why would Creator move out on Ohana with his initial stalkers after fending off the initial banshee, since if Terran goes cloak they usually get at least two banshees?
Great write up, Monk. Thank you.
I've been having a lot of trouble in the PvT matchup. I have decided to stop using my outdated 2 base colossus push, and am thinking of what style I want to adopt. I'd just like to know if it's still viable to use templar-first strategies, and maybe if you could direct me to any good replays or build-orders that still work. Thank you very much in advance!
Italy12246 Posts
Where is this write up? I can't find it in your post history Monk :/
Italy12246 Posts
United States4883 Posts
Question: I'm having a TON of trouble beating proxy 2-gates and 1-gate/cannon rushes in PvP. Can anyone give me some solid advice or point me to a good guide?
On September 03 2012 05:02 SC2John wrote: Question: I'm having a TON of trouble beating proxy 2-gates and 1-gate/cannon rushes in PvP. Can anyone give me some solid advice or point me to a good guide?
Learn the places on different maps people like to proxy on. If you gate scout, check the perimeter of your base and all of these spots before you enter theirs.
When you do scout it, drop a forge or a second gate. Entirely preference. From that point build a cannon in your mineral line/micro zealots with 1-2 probes pulled for the initial zealot. If you choose to cannon yourself, don't stop producing zealots. Keep tabs on their gateways or their main base with your scout and check when they drop the core/cut zealots. There isn't much to it.
So I'm just starting to ladder again after nearly a year off. What are 3 solid macro builds (one for each matchup?)
On August 24 2012 10:52 supers wrote: Can someone recommend me a PvP build that can counter the Colossus race that seems to happen in every PvP game I play? It's always who can get the most colossus. Blink obs! Pretty dang good and well documented style of play.
On September 04 2012 04:39 See.Blue wrote: So I'm just starting to ladder again after nearly a year off. What are 3 solid macro builds (one for each matchup?)
pvz ffe
pvp no "macro" build as you know it, 3 gate robo is best
pvt 1 gate fe
So I'm thinking of switching to Protoss, I have been playing Terran for a while and have been playing Toss recently, still deciding on making a switch. I've been thinking of switching races a lot as I'm still in platinum league, and I want to main just one race and try to make it to masters, so I just want to find the most fun race for me and play it 99% of the time, unless I decide to have fun and maybe play another race when I feel like it, when I'm not playing serious, and I want to try Protoss. (either maining Protoss or Terran, I can play Zerg well but it's not fun for me, I can play all of these at the same level.) Going back on topic, there are a lot of things I want to do as Protoss, and have a bunch of questions already on a lot of the matchups.
1. This is probably the question I want answered most: what is the best FE builds on each matchup? I know FFE vs Zerg is the best for me, but I don't really know the best for PvT, and especially PvP (a lot of 1 base bulids, and all ins) that are more safe than risky, and can get a good transition into the mid game.
2. Kinda has to do with part 1, but what are good transitions from FE builds, I've seen some of these on Liquipedia, but they don't tell me timings and food counts, which would be good to know so I can keep track where I'm supposed to be. I know of a few transitions from things like FFE, like stargate and get void ray and phoenix, but I don't really know what I'm supposed to do next and what I should transition into, I also see people do a 6 gate timing, but I don't know if it's all in or not and if there's a transiton or not and what I should transition into, which is confusing me very much.
3. What are some good 1 base rushes or 2 base all ins that I can learn? I don't really want to do them that much, but if there's a matchup I don't like, or a map I don't like, or I'm really angry and just want to win, I kind of want to know some builds that I should try and maybe if my opponent is doing this what to look out for and come up with a counter against it. I'd like as many as possible for each matchup, but if there isn't a lot or there is I want the best ones for each matchup that are maybe harder to read and have a better chance of winning than the other.
4. I've seen a lot of PvP Blink Stalker builds, but I don't know if they're the same or they are all different, but they look very interesting and I want to try some of them out, was wondering if they are still viable since the 1.5.0 patch, because I don't really see them used anymore, there are big transitions go on that I don't know about, was wondering if there was a guide to any build of this type. Sorry for being pretty long, just want to know Protoss better, and hope these can be answered. Thanks!
On September 04 2012 05:47 Absurd Bunny wrote: So I'm thinking of switching to Protoss, I have been playing Terran for a while and have been playing Toss recently, still deciding on making a switch. I've been thinking of switching races a lot as I'm still in platinum league, and I want to main just one race and try to make it to masters, so I just want to find the most fun race for me and play it 99% of the time, unless I decide to have fun and maybe play another race when I feel like it, when I'm not playing serious, and I want to try Protoss. (either maining Protoss or Terran, I can play Zerg well but it's not fun for me, I can play all of these at the same level.) Going back on topic, there are a lot of things I want to do as Protoss, and have a bunch of questions already on a lot of the matchups.
1. This is probably the question I want answered most: what is the best FE builds on each matchup? I know FFE vs Zerg is the best for me, but I don't really know the best for PvT, and especially PvP (a lot of 1 base bulids, and all ins) that are more safe than risky, and can get a good transition into the mid game.
2. Kinda has to do with part 1, but what are good transitions from FE builds, I've seen some of these on Liquipedia, but they don't tell me timings and food counts, which would be good to know so I can keep track where I'm supposed to be. I know of a few transitions from things like FFE, like stargate and get void ray and phoenix, but I don't really know what I'm supposed to do next and what I should transition into, I also see people do a 6 gate timing, but I don't know if it's all in or not and if there's a transiton or not and what I should transition into, which is confusing me very much.
3. What are some good 1 base rushes or 2 base all ins that I can learn? I don't really want to do them that much, but if there's a matchup I don't like, or a map I don't like, or I'm really angry and just want to win, I kind of want to know some builds that I should try and maybe if my opponent is doing this what to look out for and come up with a counter against it. I'd like as many as possible for each matchup, but if there isn't a lot or there is I want the best ones for each matchup that are maybe harder to read and have a better chance of winning than the other.
4. I've seen a lot of PvP Blink Stalker builds, but I don't know if they're the same or they are all different, but they look very interesting and I want to try some of them out, was wondering if they are still viable since the 1.5.0 patch, because I don't really see them used anymore, there are big transitions go on that I don't know about, was wondering if there was a guide to any build of this type. Sorry for being pretty long, just want to know Protoss better, and hope these can be answered. Thanks!
Your questions aren't that simple, especially since you're asking for a lot of subjective suggestions (i.e. "best" or "good" builds). I'll give you a few quick opinions though.
1. For PvT you will want to do a 1 gate FE. The most common ones involve 1 gas, zealot -> stalker -> nexus at around 24 or 26 supply. Then add 2 additional gates and a robo. I know you're probably looking for an exact build order, but I'm a firm believer that blindly following build orders is bad and that you need to know why you do certain build orders and how to adjust them. For example, if I scout a gasless expand from the terran I'm going to allocate chronos to nexus, and delay the additional gateways. If I see a tech lab, I'm going to use all my chronos on warpgate tech and delay the robo. If I see a wall/bunker, I'm going to get a robo asap, before the 2 additional gateways.
For PvP, don't try to learn fast expand builds. They are much harder to pull off and aren't necessary to use even at the highest level of play.
2. This is an extremely open ended question. You're basically asking, "how should I play starcraft?" Watch some replays, see what you like for yourself. You do not need to worry about specific timings at this point. If you want to keep it simple, you can transition to colossus in all matchups. In PvZ and PvT, you'll probably end up doing some sort of build that involves an expansion, then a robo. You should start your colossus bay soon after the robo finishes - if you don't feel safe, make some immortals/sentries/stalkers first, otherwise immediately put down the bay and make sure your robo is continually making colossus for the rest of the game. In PvP, the same applies except cut out the expansion part.
3. You can 4 gate your way to masters in every matchup. DT rushing can also get you a few cheap wins.
4. Yes, blink is still extremely common in PvP. On maps where it's easy to blink into your opponent's map (ex. cloud kingdom, ohana, shakuras, etc.), try searching up a blink obs build. On maps where it's not as easy (ex. daybreak, entombed valley), just go straight for blink and skip the robo. Again, don't worry too much about "transitions" at this point. If you can't kill your opponent because he's massed immortals, just go back to your base, expand, and start teching to colossus. If your opponent tries to attack you before you're ready with colossus, then go for the base trade (keep an observer to see when he's moving out).
What is a general build order for 1g FE against zerg?
you know when's the most frustrating moments in pvp?
You have a major collosus batttle near your base and you basically destroy the opponent's army and then you think it's an EASY win and go into their base without knowing that I don't have an observer with me and then I see my units dying so gayly quickly and I'm like 'oh shit dts....' and I come back to my base, trying to chrono obs but that's when basically all my army is dead and he comes in with archon zealots....
I mean I try to keep this situation in mind and day [9]'s rhyme 'when behind, dark shrine' but this happens once in a while and it's really frustrating haha
anyways, one question... What's a good counter to archon O.o..... immortals?