The Protoss Help Me Thread - Page 317
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Italy12246 Posts
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Denmark434 Posts
On August 29 2012 17:13 FortMonty wrote: Ok, so I've been having trouble playing Protoss recently, actually scratch that, I always had trouble playing it. I'm just wondering if anyone can give me a viable build that can work in all 3 match ups, not optimal, just something that I can do every match up and still have a good chance at winning as long as I play my cards right. A thread would be helpful, video, or even if someone could jot down a build order to help would be nice. I play Random so my exposure to protoss is limited and my exposure to specific match ups is even more limited, so I want to learn a very basic, standard build that I can do in every match-up so it's easier to learn. Also if someone already posted this, sorry, I just can't be bothered looking through 316 pages.=P Hi. What level of play are we talking about? Also Protoss is a build specific race, you cannot have the same build for all MU, while playing protoss. And yea, you should do what Teoita suggested. | ||
United States63 Posts
I'll also go back, but I didn't see anything that wasn't match specific. I'll look again.:3 | ||
Italy12246 Posts
PvT: some kind of fast expand into 3gate robo can transition into either fast colossus, double forge, 2base templar, fast blink, immortal bust. PvZ: ffe->4gates can transition into either a zealot timing, or just a fast robo/twilight council build, which in turn can be a 2 base timing attack with immortal or blink stalkers, a fast third build, or even a dt build. ffe->stargate again can have a fast robo followup, which can turn into a fast third with immortals, a 2base colossus timing or even a fast sentry drop, or a mass gateway followup, which can turn into a timing attack, a fast third build with more gateway units and less robo units, or even a blink timing. Long story short, yeah there's lots of build that look similar to each other up to a certain point. Of course, the further into the game you go, the more builds end up diverging. | ||
United States63 Posts
I guess what I'm looking for is an opening that I can learn and use to practice, I'm only plat so it's really hard to remember specific openings when I only play the race on the off chance that I get it from the dice roll. I do appareciate the help though and if it's really impossible to play any other way then build specific, I'll just have to nut up and learn what I can.=p | ||
Italy12246 Posts
On August 29 2012 18:10 FortMonty wrote: Mmm, I think would I'm mainly after is something that is generic, like an opening that can be done in all match-ups such as like a 1 rax Fe, or a 14 pool, 15 hatch. Something generic, For toss is seems like the opening is more specified to the race, like for instance, FFE vs Zerg, 1 Gate expo vs Terran, and 3 gate Robo vs Toss. I was wondering if there was a middle ground, the closest I've had so far was a 3 gate expo, since it's something that follows the exact same process every game for starters and changes later on dependant on match up. I guess what I'm looking for is an opening that I can learn and use to practice, I'm only plat so it's really hard to remember specific openings when I only play the race on the off chance that I get it from the dice roll. I do appareciate the help though and if it's really impossible to play any other way then build specific, I'll just have to nut up and learn what I can.=p There isn't one, the only Protoss build that can sort of work in all matchups is 4gate. Even a 3gate expand is widely different in all 3 matchups, as in PvZ it's really passive and relies on mass sentries, in PvT it used to be very aggressive as you would have a nice timing around 7 ish minutes to force older expansion builds to turtle on the higher ground, and in PvP it's both quite unsafe against a variety of builds and usually used as a followup to aggression with a fast warpgate. | ||
United States63 Posts
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United States568 Posts
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United States583 Posts
On August 30 2012 14:30 Animostas wrote: As a Protoss, is there any difference between attacking a Terran when I'm 3/3/0 and they're 2/2, and when I'm 2/2/0 and they're 1/1/? I feel like there's no difference but I'm not quite sure. Thank you! Colossi get +2 damage per shot per upgrade vs armored. Immortals get +5 damage per shot per upgrade against armored. Marauders get +2 damage per shot per upgrade against armored. Archons get +3 damage per shot per upgrade and an additional bonus +1 per upgrade to Bio per shot per upgrade. So these 4 untis, in particular, get more efficient in fights even though armor upgrades are also scaling upwards, since they scale higher than armor upgrades. In addition, the Terran air units are going to be at +1 or +2 weapons and +0 armor most of the time, so you're looking at your ground-to-air units (even sentries) doing more DPS to the air units when you focus down Medivacs and Vikings. And you should consider this: how upgraded are the vikings? Or are you going to hit +3 attack when you're sitting on +1 shields because you went one forge and then a delayed second forge? So there are some complications to think about. | ||
Poland11 Posts
* Should I totally ditch 3 gate robo vZ and switch to FFE all the time? * Is it better vZ as a default strategy? * Should I scout at 9 or later with FFE to know whether to expand or not? | ||
Italy12246 Posts
On August 30 2012 22:28 TheKleszcz wrote: Hi, I'm a bronze player and currently playing 3 gate robo vs all races. I've tested FFE vZ before and I find I tend to naturally switch to something FFE-ish as soon as I find the other player expanding. * Should I totally ditch 3 gate robo vZ and switch to FFE all the time? * Is it better vZ as a default strategy? * Should I scout at 9 or later with FFE to know whether to expand or not? 1) Yes, but if you are afraid of cheese and allins (like a roach rush) something like a 3gate sentry expand is perfectly fine too. 2) Yes, 3gate robo is outright bad in PvZ 3) Always scout at 9 in PvZ to make sure you aren't getting 6pooled. If you are and you are going FFE, make a pylon and cannon in your mineral line, pulling your probes away from his lings if they try to attack before the cannon is complete. Then get a gateway/gas in your main and do some oldschool gateway expand or stargate expand. | ||
19 Posts I am wondering what I should have done when I saw him moving out with the marines at 8 minutes. I could have built two gates at 8 minutes and force fielded the natural to buy some time. But would that have been the optimal play? What units should I warp in against a marine push such as this? | ||
United States7684 Posts
Also, last time I played the common PvT builds were 1 rax expo and 1 gate expo. Is that still the case? Have terrans abandoned pressure and just go greedy? Does the Protoss build wait for cybercore or is it even greedier? | ||
Italy12246 Posts
Yeah 1rax fe and some 1gate fe are still pretty common. If you can scout a fast cc you can play greedier (i like to cut units and get a 20ish nexus), otherwise you have to play defensive to account for the possiblity of 3rax marine before cc or even a gas opening. | ||
Denmark12 Posts
I would suggest you go look up dApollo on youtube. He put up a video series featuring protoss play. It may not give you one build order against all races but it will give you a basic safe opening against most of what the ladder will throw at you. Here is a link to the first video on the series (4 parts exist): + Show Spoiler + | ||
Italy12246 Posts
I feel like even if i pull probes they just get owned by siege tank fire, while the scv's add so much tanking to the Terran's army... | ||
United States2266 Posts
On August 31 2012 23:31 Teoita wrote: Somewhat silly question, but what do you do if Terran brings scv's with a 111 allin? Do you pull the probes from your nat and fight with those too, or do you try to fight head on with just your army? I feel like even if i pull probes they just get owned by siege tank fire, while the scv's add so much tanking to the Terran's army... Judgment call, also depends on how many scvs are pulled. Obviously if all his scvs are pulled it can't hurt to use your probes. If you do use your probes though make sure you don't stack them, and try to attack from a different angle than your zealots. Also try to move into the terran army and get a surround rather than just attack moving with them. | ||
United States123 Posts
I do creatorprime style in PvT and open up with 3 colo and move out with a nice zealotsentrystalkercolo army with my first 2 immortals and 1-1 upgrades. | ||
134 Posts
On September 01 2012 04:00 XERtirips wrote: When do you take a third in PvT? I do creatorprime style in PvT and open up with 3 colo and move out with a nice zealotsentrystalkercolo army with my first 2 immortals and 1-1 upgrades. He should either pressure you or take a third himself. In the first case, take a 3rd when you held off the pressure, in the second case, expand when he does. | ||
United States37 Posts
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