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Ultralisks are -more mobile, can do flanks to maximize cost effectiveness -mobility for multi prong attacks to kill off PF's -really good at tanking marine shots (5 armor :D ), decent at tanking tank shots (better than losing 6 banelings or 10 lings per shot) -don't require air upgrades to maximize usefulness -don't require as much micro in straightup engagements where you are ahead (ultralisk+baneling rollin squad hehe) -forces unnatural reaction of marauders, most terran are used to fighting broods lategame
Broodlords are -better for straightup fights -force your opponent to micro more -require air upgrades for good benefit -dont require much larva (ultras require many lings/bling)
Both can be -healed by queens! so useful if you're defending near creep to use your queens
Thats prettymuch my thought process on it, I prefer ultralisks on some maps and broodlords on others mostly based on how open the center is. If I can get a 2 or 3 prong attack its ultralisk, if its 1 choke im gunna regretfully go broodlord.
My playstyle is lots of injects, constant aggro multi prong attacks in lategame ZvT. My broodlord infestor micro is not the best so I do ultras instead. Works good at ~1300 master for me
Hello TL Zergs.
I, like I'm sure is true of many Zergs (particularly lower-level ones) find myself having trouble in ZvZ. If the game happens to go past ling/baneling, I usually do fine and would say I have a winrate well above 50%. However, what I have a real problem with is getting speedling all-in'd or ling/baneling all-in'd. I typically open 15p/16h/17g and get ling speed and a baneling nest as soon as I can. I'm wondering if I just need to practice my control or what I need to work on, but I even see pros struggle against the aforementioned strategies. It has been so frustrating to play against and to see myself and pros lose time and time again to these builds that I have even considered switching to Terran to have a more 'stable' mirror.
I guess what I'm looking for is advice, but more than that, reassurance. If I get good enough, will I be able to hold these all-ins if I don't play too greedy? Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.
On July 30 2012 13:13 TFS wrote: Hello TL Zergs.
I, like I'm sure is true of many Zergs (particularly lower-level ones) find myself having trouble in ZvZ. If the game happens to go past ling/baneling, I usually do fine and would say I have a winrate well above 50%. However, what I have a real problem with is getting speedling all-in'd or ling/baneling all-in'd. I typically open 15p/16h/17g and get ling speed and a baneling nest as soon as I can. I'm wondering if I just need to practice my control or what I need to work on, but I even see pros struggle against the aforementioned strategies. It has been so frustrating to play against and to see myself and pros lose time and time again to these builds that I have even considered switching to Terran to have a more 'stable' mirror.
I guess what I'm looking for is advice, but more than that, reassurance. If I get good enough, will I be able to hold these all-ins if I don't play too greedy? Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I used to have issues with early all-ins, but once I actually learned to go 15 hatch, 16p, 17g, 2 queens immediately to ramp block, spine at natural (near hatch and able to cover ramp/queens), then 4 banes (nest before speed if you get suspicious of all-in, and pool energy on queens too), early all-ins became quick wins. All you do is evacuate the drones from the natural (mineral walk through queen block), and dance your banes around behind the spine. The spine and queens help deny their attempts to snipe your banes, and two pairs of banes stops huge numbers of lings/banes should he commit.
Assuming you know all that (and I did not even at high diamond, shame on me), then your best bet may be to find a practice partner who will do a mass speedling or ling/bane all-in over and over, until you figure out how you're losing. But it should be an easy win with your build. Maybe you can provide a replay?
On July 30 2012 12:30 Belial88 wrote:Show nested quote +2) Using this Ultra style dictates the composition Terran "must" use -- marauder heavy. Enter the power of the BL tech switch. I know this advice is pretty 2010 but it bears repeating at times. Ultra into BL is brutal and Ts at my mid-masters level often can't hang. I don't know... tech switches don't seem to work too well for me, and I don't see pros use them that often (sometimes I do though, and this is just my perception, I could be wrong here, I hear terrans qq about tech switches but who knows what level they are playing at). When I go ultras, terran seems to just get more tanks, and I dont know about others, but tanks imo just rapes BL/infestor, in that mass tank, plus mass viking, and bam, I'm screwed - 10+ tanks making sure my infestors can't do shit, and then 10+ vikings (especially if split so terran can then just take the whole map and then be cost inefficient and outmine me, god damn i hate ohana, every game i play on that map comes to mining out the whole map for me and trying to deny terran's 5th, id literally say at least 30% of my zvt is like that on that map) just rape my broodlord army, and I can't go ultras because he has too many tanks. Maybe it's just I've reached a point in the game where I've lost anyways, but that's how I feel like I lose the most with BL/infestor, when they have mass tanks and I don't see ultras as the answer in those situations. I'd love to see a replay of you using ultras, especially a scenario where ultras would be better than mass broodlord.
Woah. Tanks are screwing your BL-infestor army? They are staying sieged when your BL-infestor ball is around? There's sounds seriously wrong, if that's the case. Just fire a few times with the BLs and force an unsiege. If you can't manage to fire half a volley to force the unsiege without losing BLs, I think you've already lost macro-wise.
I mean, if there's no target because the tanks are sieged and the vikings are right above, shoot a queen (or IT) once with one BL, then use all your BLs to shoot the spawned broodlings. A-move them at the tanks, and as they run, move infestors forward. Tanks auto-target the broodlings, infestors push the vikings back (or fungal), tanks unsiege as BLs march forward. Or if they don't unsiege, just move the infestors back after a fungal so that they don't get manually targeted down.
In my opinion, however, it sounds like another case of making it to hive at a big disadvantage. I can't recall the last game I watched, pro or otherwise, where BLs didn't force tanks back. Also, mass tank mass viking sounds like a ripe target for a wave of lings.
^ When Terran has a ton of tanks, well spread, and then a ton of vikings, yea, it really screws my broodlord/infestor army. I can't get in range to FG the vikings, and I can't really get in range with my broodlords to screw up the tanks.
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=352388 Here's a thread I asked for help in, I never really got the help I was looking for, for the second game: http://drop.sc/227010
Not the best example because he had ravens, it doesn't happen to often, but when terran has maybe 15+ vikings, and then like 10-15 tanks, my infestors just get shredded by the tank fire and I can't fight cost efficiently against that many tanks, and the broodlords can't really engage because he has so many vikings.
I mean I lose a bunch of infestors every time I try to move in to FG. I'll try that about shooting down some broodlings though. And the problem is a tank count so high that lings, or anything ground, doesn't seem to work too well. Maybe huge huge ultra army, but I can't exactly just give up my pure bl/infestor army and then remax on ultras instantly.
Sometimes, terran unsieges, sometimes he doesn't, but from my experience, it seems terran is better off staying sieged so he can kill off the infestors. Really depends on the tank and viking count, the tanks have to be somewhat spread and there has to be a lot of vikings, like a ton.
BL's in zvt are very difficult to take bases behind on certain maps. They're immobile, and the terran response should be spread you out until they think they can fight the army, which makes it really difficult to gain additional bases once you're using BL's. On straight-push maps, it's not that big of a deal, but on the more open ones, it can be troubling. The use of the ultras is to be able to take a push head on while securing and being able to defend more bases. Once you have 5-6 bases, double spire, BL.
You can't really use them after muta, the window where they're effective isn't very large, and using all the gas for mutas, and such a late hive basically eats up all that time. Terran's army will be too upgraded and developed by the time ultras are out.
Are there any general guides to play Zerg with builds and info that is somewhat current? Or at least matchup guides? I haven't played in over a year and have no idea where to start back up again with what builds/playstyles are popular and all that. any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are a couple of things that you really have to understand about Ultralisks that are different from their Broodlord counterparts. For one, the map really is a large part of the choice of going Ultra. If the map is terrible for Broodlords because of the spread out bases, it is probably great for Ultralisks. Daybreak is a good example of a map that is great for Ultralisks. Another part is economy. While broodlords require you upwards of four bases, Ultras can operate from three bases given that a fourth will be taken soon after.
Now the engagement part is the largest part of using Ultralisks correctly. On their own or with just Infestor support, they are pretty terrible because they don't take out large MMM balls that spread out efficiently. They need Baneling support much more than Infestor support due to the nature of fungal being terrible once there are enough medivacs out on the field. Lead with the Ultralisks to let them tank the tank hits, and let the strongest quick-trade unit, Banelings, get up close to the army. This quick advancement forces the terran to move back to his tank lines to cover their MMM up. A healthy extra 12 Banelings is worth much more than an extra Ultralisk once the numbers get above 10. Once the Banelings hit the army and trade with it decently, you have a choice: Either retreat immediately because the standing army is too strong for the Ultras to clean up, or mop up the tanks and advance onward towards the next base to cleave up. It is a shock and awe army. Attack and retreat quickly, force the terran to reposition and punish them each step of the way with counter attacks or a huge attack from the side.
If you misengage with Ultralisks, thats a huge chunk of money you just spent. It is much better to retreat the army and rely on a Queens transfuse ability to refill while your Banelings are morphing again than to just sack all of them in the fight to not have any means of slowing a terran down. An Ultralisk army shines in low econ situations because they can be so easily transfused back to health, effectively trading energy for units ( much like sitting on a large infestor group and trading infested terrans for bases is ). After each trade you can decide whether to stay on Ultra-bane or techswitch into Broodlords. It's not like the ultimate broodlord-corruptor-infestor army which is used to end games then and there, but rather something that trades and gives you the time to think what army to remax with.
I will get a couple of replays up for you with lategame Ultralisks. You can see how I engage with them and how I treat them.
I'm reluctant to post this topic as a singular one because the two times I posted something on the front page I got bashed.
I just watched the http://www.gosugamers.net/starcraft2/news/20373-video-zerg-tutorials-with-tlo-and-husky and TLO said something which is insanely obvious and important
for a terran, there is NOTHING worse than him getting supply blocked. it's very similar for a protoss, but only so much if a terran gets supply blocked, he can't build more stuff, his money stacks, he has to pull workers (!) to build more supply depots (which he needs more APM and attention than zerg hitting 4svvv), and he will NEVER be able to get his money spent, because to do so, he would have to build excess structures which cost again money and apm and which HE CAN'T SUPPORT off of the bases he has once his money is back low.
in conclusion, zerg should much more focus on getting T (and P) supply blocked (mutas, banes, drops come to mind) it's about delaying P and T. forget about killing workers, bases, trading units. Kill pylons and supply depots. what do you think?
now seeing something like a supply depot wall should make me a happy zerg...
On July 30 2012 23:17 Mahtasooma wrote:I'm reluctant to post this topic as a singular one because the two times I posted something on the front page I got bashed. I just watched the http://www.gosugamers.net/starcraft2/news/20373-video-zerg-tutorials-with-tlo-and-huskyand TLO said something which is insanely obvious and important for a terran, there is NOTHING worse than him getting supply blocked. it's very similar for a protoss, but only so much if a terran gets supply blocked, he can't build more stuff, his money stacks, he has to pull workers (!) to build more supply depots (which he needs more APM and attention than zerg hitting 4svvv), and he will NEVER be able to get his money spent, because to do so, he would have to build excess structures which cost again money and apm and which HE CAN'T SUPPORT off of the bases he has once his money is back low. in conclusion, zerg should much more focus on getting T (and P) supply blocked (mutas, banes, drops come to mind) it's about delaying P and T. forget about killing workers, bases, trading units. Kill pylons and supply depots. what do you think? now seeing something like a supply depot wall should make me a happy zerg...
What you are saying is true, especially for T that you need 1 SCV per supply building as toss you can just b-e-shift click click click click... but you always have to consider your investment into destroying the supplys of your opponent. it takes 5-6 banes to destroy a supply depot pylon. 6 banes = 50X3 + 6X25 = 300 min and 6X25 = 150 gaz, to destroy something that's worth 100 mins. yes it will put them back but if you jus tkeep throwing units like this at those things, they will end up with a bigger army and you will find yourself having trouble to defend a big push.
Also, on the P side, if he really needs to spend his money he can just throw his chrono on gates / robo / SG and spend faster that way...
Also, about the killing worker thingy... i kinda disagree. Normally in a high caliber game, players don't bank a lot (except @ 200/200) so if you can wipe most of their workers, they will have to recreate them, and your taking income away from them. and putting yourself in a great position to trade armies and deal damage with the same mutas and off the resupply... which you can do really fast since your zerg...
Just curious to hear from anyone who has tried odd/cute measures in defending 6-pools in ZvZ such as:
1. surrounding your morphing spawning pool with 2-4 evo chambers to limit surface area and buy yourself time 2. building 2 spawning pools at the same time (either right next to each other to limit surface area, or at different ends of your base to ensure that he can only kill one
Hey guys. I offrace as zerg sometimes and have a question about ZvP.
Here's the replay (but I think I know what went wrong): http://drop.sc/231653
The main mistake (besides forgetting to rebuild the drones that I lost and forgetting to sac ovies, lol!) was the failed attempt to bust his natural. I usually bust the ramp with roach/ling when toss isn't going for a two base timing or a third, and untill now it has always worked. He just sat on 2 bases got some collosus and took his third. I know I need higher tech units, infestors or corruptors but I just didn't have the money. Because I forgot to rebuild the drones I lost and because I took my 4th and 5th way too late. Macro wasn't that great either.
So my question is:
When should I stop making roach/ling to deny their 3rd, and tech up to infestor/corruptors/hive? When should I take my 4th and 5th?
Are there any general guides to play Zerg with builds and info that is somewhat current? Or at least matchup guides? I haven't played in over a year and have no idea where to start back up again with what builds/playstyles are popular and all that. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check my profile, I wrote comprehensive guides on ZvP and ZvT that have been highlighted in TL's Pony Tales.
They are current, and updated every week.
You can't really use them after muta, the window where they're effective isn't very large, and using all the gas for mutas, and such a late hive basically eats up all that time. Terran's army will be too upgraded and developed by the time ultras are out.
yea I know, but I'm assuming you can still go ultras if you only make less than 15 mutas. Standard zvt these days seems to be double evo, less than 15 mutas, quick hive into ultras, then broodlords.
I look forward to the games chaos, thanks.
Just curious to hear from anyone who has tried odd/cute measures in defending 6-pools in ZvZ such as:
1. surrounding your morphing spawning pool with 2-4 evo chambers to limit surface area and buy yourself time 2. building 2 spawning pools at the same time (either right next to each other to limit surface area, or at different ends of your base to ensure that he can only kill one
Sometimes I'll morph 3 spines in my mineral line, usually against certain early pools and I know for sure I can't deny the spine. Buliding 2 spawning pools is not a good idea - it doesn't really hurt to lose your spawning pool, as long as you can get the stuff out that you need to, which you only need the pool at 1hp for a split second to do (plant down spines, make lings with pooled larva, whatever). As for pool placement, that can win and lose games, so if you are not 100% sure your opponent didn't do an early pool, I always advise you place your pool in a location where it has the least surface area, ie behind the mineral line, against an edge. Having it block off your mineral line, like to prevent banes or lings from running into it, is the worst pool placement you can have in dealing with early pools and can literally result in a loss in a situation you could have won. But, having it block off your mineral line can be a good way to deal with runbys later on in the game.
On July 30 2012 15:08 Belial88 wrote:^ When Terran has a ton of tanks, well spread, and then a ton of vikings, yea, it really screws my broodlord/infestor army. I can't get in range to FG the vikings, and I can't really get in range with my broodlords to screw up the tanks. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=352388Here's a thread I asked for help in, I never really got the help I was looking for, for the second game: http://drop.sc/227010Not the best example because he had ravens, it doesn't happen to often, but when terran has maybe 15+ vikings, and then like 10-15 tanks, my infestors just get shredded by the tank fire and I can't fight cost efficiently against that many tanks, and the broodlords can't really engage because he has so many vikings. I mean I lose a bunch of infestors every time I try to move in to FG. I'll try that about shooting down some broodlings though. And the problem is a tank count so high that lings, or anything ground, doesn't seem to work too well. Maybe huge huge ultra army, but I can't exactly just give up my pure bl/infestor army and then remax on ultras instantly. Sometimes, terran unsieges, sometimes he doesn't, but from my experience, it seems terran is better off staying sieged so he can kill off the infestors. Really depends on the tank and viking count, the tanks have to be somewhat spread and there has to be a lot of vikings, like a ton.
EDIT: so I watched this at 4am last night, some things are a little fuzzy on the overall flow before he moves out with the tanks, I was mostly focused on finding the tank-viking part you mentioned.
Ok, watched the whole thing. First I just want to say that your split map strategy is odd, you're way too light on mineral income. It's clear that you want the gas for a drawn out lategame, but you also need to hit BL before he gets a deathball with PF backup (which clear broodlings as fast as colossi) so that you have a chance at rolling through and taking the win on the BL "timing". I mention all this because you sit at 160 food for awhile, not doing roach trades/drops and remaxing, nor jetting straight to BL. I think that's how you get stuck dealing with a super lategame deathball.
So the 6 ultra attack had very little other than ultras, I don't know what the reasoning was behind this attack. I feel like this attack was no different than the mass ultra terribleness that have sunk zergs in pro games even when they were ahead. So uh, don't do this. You need some kind of damage unit behind them, lings or banes or both. Watch stephano's antiga zvt games, every time he attacks successfully with ultras, theres a damage unit to support (on top of infestors). Then watch for the occasional attack where he thinks he can clean up 8 marines with two or three ultras, gets kited, and eventually has to back out.
29:20ish he moves out entirely unsieged... and you run from him instead of taking that chance to fungal everything. You then let him siege up and so he takes out two bases. From there it's almost impossible to dislodge him, and worse, you keep runnin out of minerals and can't remax as you lose random units to his pokes. At that point, I would mass spores and send them crawling forward, along with a crapton of overlords and spitting as many ITs as possible (you have a lot of excess infestor energy that can't all go into fungal), all to soak up fire, because all you need is to overwhelm his one rather immobile force, mech can't rebuild tanks fast enough, and you seem fine at playing viking tag. Scratch that, I would never get to that point, even if he had double the number of vikings and all ravens at full energy, I would've engaged here. Maybe we need a third opinion here, but I think that was your chance to devastate his precious slow-building tank count, and you shied from it. Not much different from ling-bane attacking before tanks are sieged, it's the difference between a win and a loss. It's comparable to charging a trench line.
Then at 34:30 you eat a massive set of seeker missiles, and if you weren't screwed by being down a base with tanks everywhere and ghosts nuking from safety, you were screwed when you lost nearly a dozen corruptors and had no resources to replace them, while he was banking 4k/2k.
So I guess I feel like your late BLs let him get PFs up and a strong standing mech army, ultra attack just did not work (just running past to production would have been better, honestly), and then you missed the chance to take it all back when he moves out.
Let me know what you think. This one isn't as clean a thing as that one where your infestors got vortexed.
On July 31 2012 02:02 jdsowa wrote: Just curious to hear from anyone who has tried odd/cute measures in defending 6-pools in ZvZ such as:
1. surrounding your morphing spawning pool with 2-4 evo chambers to limit surface area and buy yourself time 2. building 2 spawning pools at the same time (either right next to each other to limit surface area, or at different ends of your base to ensure that he can only kill one
These don't work, You're starved for minerals against a 6 pool. You litterally cannot afford building that many evo's because you will die. Just place the pool behind your mineral line if you are facing a 6 pool. Simple stuff.
What went wrong here he got his 3rd up but drone counts still weren't over 2 base sat. Dont really see the big red wtf light going off this game. I attacked him when he had +1 but that shouldn't be the single reason i lost. Was it the constant streaming roaches to defend my thrird. I dunno i need to work on ovy spread and creep spread, but thats not it if i had more creep i could have walled in my 3rd and nat. Really lost on this.
On July 31 2012 05:15 6xFPCs wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2012 15:08 Belial88 wrote:^ When Terran has a ton of tanks, well spread, and then a ton of vikings, yea, it really screws my broodlord/infestor army. I can't get in range to FG the vikings, and I can't really get in range with my broodlords to screw up the tanks. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=352388Here's a thread I asked for help in, I never really got the help I was looking for, for the second game: http://drop.sc/227010Not the best example because he had ravens, it doesn't happen to often, but when terran has maybe 15+ vikings, and then like 10-15 tanks, my infestors just get shredded by the tank fire and I can't fight cost efficiently against that many tanks, and the broodlords can't really engage because he has so many vikings. I mean I lose a bunch of infestors every time I try to move in to FG. I'll try that about shooting down some broodlings though. And the problem is a tank count so high that lings, or anything ground, doesn't seem to work too well. Maybe huge huge ultra army, but I can't exactly just give up my pure bl/infestor army and then remax on ultras instantly. Sometimes, terran unsieges, sometimes he doesn't, but from my experience, it seems terran is better off staying sieged so he can kill off the infestors. Really depends on the tank and viking count, the tanks have to be somewhat spread and there has to be a lot of vikings, like a ton. EDIT: so I watched this at 4am last night, some things are a little fuzzy on the overall flow before he moves out with the tanks, I was mostly focused on finding the tank-viking part you mentioned. Ok, watched the whole thing. First I just want to say that your split map strategy is odd, you're way too light on mineral income. It's clear that you want the gas for a drawn out lategame, but you also need to hit BL before he gets a deathball with PF backup (which clear broodlings as fast as colossi) so that you have a chance at rolling through and taking the win on the BL "timing". I mention all this because you sit at 160 food for awhile, not doing roach trades/drops and remaxing, nor jetting straight to BL. I think that's how you get stuck dealing with a super lategame deathball. So the 6 ultra attack had very little other than ultras, I don't know what the reasoning was behind this attack. I feel like this attack was no different than the mass ultra terribleness that have sunk zergs in pro games even when they were ahead. So uh, don't do this. You need some kind of damage unit behind them, lings or banes or both. Watch stephano's antiga zvt games, every time he attacks successfully with ultras, theres a damage unit to support (on top of infestors). Then watch for the occasional attack where he thinks he can clean up 8 marines with two or three ultras, gets kited, and eventually has to back out. 29:20ish he moves out entirely unsieged... and you run from him instead of taking that chance to fungal everything. You then let him siege up and so he takes out two bases. From there it's almost impossible to dislodge him, and worse, you keep runnin out of minerals and can't remax as you lose random units to his pokes. At that point, I would mass spores and send them crawling forward, along with a crapton of overlords and spitting as many ITs as possible (you have a lot of excess infestor energy that can't all go into fungal), all to soak up fire, because all you need is to overwhelm his one rather immobile force, mech can't rebuild tanks fast enough, and you seem fine at playing viking tag. Scratch that, I would never get to that point, even if he had double the number of vikings and all ravens at full energy, I would've engaged here. Maybe we need a third opinion here, but I think that was your chance to devastate his precious slow-building tank count, and you shied from it. Not much different from ling-bane attacking before tanks are sieged, it's the difference between a win and a loss. It's comparable to charging a trench line. Then at 34:30 you eat a massive set of seeker missiles, and if you weren't screwed by being down a base with tanks everywhere and ghosts nuking from safety, you were screwed when you lost nearly a dozen corruptors and had no resources to replace them, while he was banking 4k/2k. So I guess I feel like your late BLs let him get PFs up and a strong standing mech army, ultra attack just did not work (just running past to production would have been better, honestly), and then you missed the chance to take it all back when he moves out. Let me know what you think. This one isn't as clean a thing as that one where your infestors got vortexed.
hm.. thanks for your input. Now on against this sort of mech play, I'll rush broodlords much faster, instead of econ and all the tech, and then when it gets to a crazy air army like with ravens, ill go ultras. That's happened in that first mech deathball game I lost, I was too late with my broodlords.
I think I treat my broodlords too much as a "Be all end all" when instead i should be using them as a timing.
On July 31 2012 10:11 sniklfritz wrote:http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=268449What went wrong here he got his 3rd up but drone counts still weren't over 2 base sat. Dont really see the big red wtf light going off this game. I attacked him when he had +1 but that shouldn't be the single reason i lost. Was it the constant streaming roaches to defend my thrird. I dunno i need to work on ovy spread and creep spread, but thats not it if i had more creep i could have walled in my 3rd and nat. Really lost on this.
What went wrong: I feel that you had lost the game by 8 minutes. He already has a TEN drone lead! It doesn't matter about "2 base sat" if he has 10 more drones. If you had micro'd better in the first attack (why did you focusfire a morphing spine while you're being attacked by lings and a queen?), you would've forced him to make defences instead of drones. At 8:00 he is ahead in every possible way: tech, eco, and soon-to-be army.
You made a spire, but never build a single air unit...seems like a big investment to get nothing out of if you ask me.
Your injects weren't really good. More larvae could have saved your drone count. According to sc2gears, you had a 73% spawning ratio, aka 10 seconds average between injects. Granted, your opponent had bad injects too, but you could've made more drones with more larvae.
+1 actually makes a HUGE difference for roaches. It renders lings useless, and gives an extra +2 damage to each attack. Combined with your bad engagements (engaging up a ramp into a concave at your third? roaches walking to a rally point that's BEHIND their army?), his army could've been significantly smaller than yours and he would've still won.
For much of the later stages of the game, he still had a ~10 drone lead. You need to focus on relying on spines/queens for defence so that you can put all that larvae into drones! Early lair = less drones.
As another note, when your baneling tech finishes, morph 4 banelings and take a third! You're safe from speedling all-ins, and you can use ling/spine to hold vs roaches. I feel that banelings are underrated vs roaches. While not cost-effective, they do a TON of splash instantaneously.
Seriously man, just build more drones! As a general rule, you can always be 5 drones ahead of your opponent. Aka if he makes 20 drones then units, if you make 25 drones then units you'll defend fine.
If you build a spire, BUILD MUTAS. It gives you map control, which enables you to take a third.
+ Show Spoiler + Veto antiga shityard! You had close positions that game, and clearly saw how terrible it was
On July 30 2012 09:53 Belial88 wrote: I have a question:
How do you use Ultras in ZvT?
I don't really understand them. I feel like why make ultras, when I can just make more ling/bane. I don't really see how ultras are better, and especially if the opponent makes marauders in their army, I feel like more ling/bane would be better than those ultras. Given the map distances, and just playing the game, I feel that going straight to broodlords would be a better choice, since it's only a 20 second difference between the 2.
I've tried making ultras recently in ZvT, I've been playing the whole less than 15 mutas, double evo, fast hive style, but when I make ultras they don't seem particularly useful, and when I go straight into broods, it seems much better (granted, my opponents are stupid im sure has a part to do with it). I just dont see why go ultras when you can get broodlords out 20 seconds later, which i think is enough time for you to delay terran to make it work, and ling/bane seems to work better, especially if you focus on flanks.
Only time I find ultras useful is if terran maybe goes air maybe? but i dont think ive yet made ultras work against mech/air play, i just lose with my broodlord army and cant get enough money to remax on ultras. Even against mech, some people say ultra/np is good, but most of the time if terran doesn't make tanks and gets air too early, roach aggression works really well, and sometimes I face mass air with lots of tanks that doesnt make ultras too good.
Because ultralisks are actually terrible alone. If you don't have infestors for back up, they will just get kited for days. Most players will compliment ultralisks with ling/bane, but with good splitting Terran can trade efficiently with Zerg. This is why when you go ultralisks you need to have an infestor bank or a large gas bank to make infestors.
I think most players choose ultralisks rather than broodlords because of two reasons: mobility and the fact that ultralisks can spawn much faster than broods, especially if you don't build a spire during lair tech or forget to tech to broods altogether. Ultralisks and broodlords both counter tanks and PFs better than anything else in the Zerg army, and ultralisks build much faster and are cheaper per unit (compared to broods) (correct me if I'm wrong). Also, ultras are not as easily countered by a Terran fast switch to vikings or marauders. Lots of vikings = dead broodlords, lots of mauarders =/= dead ultralisks. You can counter MMM pretty well with ultra/infestor/ling.
And yeah, don't make ultras against mech. Mech units spread out way too much and Ultralisk splash is the only reason they are worth building.
So LiquidSheth on his stream seems to go roach/infestor in ZvZ before ever getting hydralisks. And this is vs a standard 3 base roach player. His opponent also does the same thing (infestor before hydralisk).
Belial you said teching infestors before hydralisks would lead to just losing from a timing push, but that doesn't seem to be happening? Sheth is planting his infestor tech down before he sees the other guy's infestation pit with an overseer.